Press Release - Draka’s Firetuf cable series has grown! The new
Firetuf OFC-LT-SWA fire resistant loose tube cable with steel wire armour, is
designed for harsh environments and to ensure fail-safe management of
operational systems in tunnels, underground railways and fire alarm systems.

The portfolio of loose tube cables also includes
non-metallic Firetuf OFC-LT-NM and steel tape armoured Firetuf OFC-LT-CST. With
a maximum number of 144 fibres, all three cable types are unique in the market.
They offer up to 90 minutes of fire resistance. For further information and to
read the Draka press release in full please click here.
Also for further information you can either visit Drakas website http://www.prysmiangroup.com
or contact Draka Comteq Germany GmbH & Co KG., Tayfun Eren,
Piccoloministraße 2, 51063 Köln, Tel. +49 (0)221 6770, kontakt@prysmiangroup.com .47/18.