DSI Acquires Alwag and ACIDSI (DYWIDAG Systems International) consolidates its existing tunnelling activities with the newly acquired companies Alwag Tunnelausbau Ges.m.b.H. (Alwag) of Austria and American Commercial Incorporated (ACI) of the US. Both aforementioned acquisitions sustainably enhance the business activities of the DSI Group on the tunnelling market. DSI's key focus is on developing, manufacturing and supplying qualitatively high-grade products and systems for the tunnelling market. DSI successfully concluded two strategically important acquisitions in September and October 2006 to further strengthen this trade segment.As a single-source provider, Alwag Tunnelausbau Ges.m.b.H. located in Pasching near Linz, Austria has held a strong position on the European market with its patented products and systems for a long time. Alwag's most important systems and products include AT casing systems, lattice girders and anchorage drilling systems that are continuously being developed by intense R&D activities.Almost at the same time, DSI acquired American Commercial Incorporated (ACI) located in Bristol, Virginia, USA. ACI is one of the leading providers of tunnelling products and systems in the north and central American markets. One of ACI's competitive advantages is its customer-specific system solutions for tunnelling and its manufacturing capability to produce steel arches, liner plates as well as a large range of other market leading products and equipment. As a result of the integration of the market leading companies Alwag and ACI, DSI combines its global tunnelling activities, including its tunnelling activities in Australia that serves the Asia Pacific region, into a new specialist tunnelling division with its headquarters located at the offices of Alwag in Austria. All tunnelling activities of the DSI Group in the American, European and Asia Pacific markets are controlled from there. All R&D activities of DSI Tunnelling will now be coordinated by the new tunnelling division. This will result in more effective service for customers who will undoubtedly benefit from the transfer of technology between DSI companies that have developed an expertise in all aspects of strata control technology.DSI is headquarters in Munich, Germany and has over 1,800 employees worldwide, with operations across Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas. As a result of consolidation of its tunnelling activities into a new business division, DSI is in a position to provide to global markets a full range of strata control products backed with technical support and innovation. Visit
www.alwag.com and
www.americancommercial.com 01-02/07.