On July 3, 2019 the MIT (Ministero delle Infrastrutture e
dei Trasporti) completed the evaluations for the new Brescia – Padova High
Speed/High Capacity railway section and have now produced and published the cost-benefit review.
The Cepav Due group, has been selected as the contractor. The
group is composed of Saipem (59%), Pizzarotti (27,27%) and Icm, ex Maltauro
(13,64%), and they will now start the construction of the Brescia – Verona
section (Lot 1) including the Lonato del Garda tunnel (7950 m). The tunnel will
be built by a TBM (diameter 10.03 m, length 155 m, weight 1800 t) which was completed
at the CREG - China Railway Engineering Equipment Groups, Zhengzhou plant on
June 22nd 2019.
Click it/264 for tunnelbuilder archive and also visit https://www.saipem.com, https://www.pizzarotti.it and http://www.gruppoicm.com.