The Bahrain Rail Congress 2019 will be held under the theme
“Designing & Developing a Well Connected, World Class, National Rail
Network in the Kingdom of Bahrain” which is going to take place on 2nd &
3rd October 2019 instead of 7th and 8th August 2019 in Hotel Sofitel, Zallaq-
Bahrain. This event aims to gather government representatives, ministries,
industry experts, technology leaders, and global rail innovators - to build a
well-connected world class national rail network in the Kingdom of Bahrain. As
cities face major urbanisation and congestion challenges, digitalisation,
automation, and shared mobility are rapidly changing the urban mobility
At this congress we will explore how to create successful
collaborations between public and private sectors; the ways to fully leverage
the modernization opportunities that will help boost Infrastructure, transport,
increase investment opportunities and to develop smart sustainable rail
network. This platform will include a series of local and international keynote
presentations, panel discussions, local and international case studies, interviews,
demos, innovations and round table discussions; you will discover the latest
trends, disruptors and innovators that are responsible for revolutionizing the
industry as we know it.
The Bahrain Rail Congress 2019 would be featuring a host of
very interesting case study presentations from global experts such as Mehmet
Ali Dagli - Project Director at Metro Istanbul, Mohamed Yousef – President at
Control System Cyber Security Association International, Nick Brooks –
Secretary General at Alliance of Passenger Rail, Loay Ghazaleh - Undersecretary
adviser on Infrastructure PPP at Ministry of works, municipal affairs and urban
planning Bahrain, Sanjay Kumar – Chief Engineer Signaling at Kolkata Metro Rail
Corporation, Stathis Natsis Executive Director Overseas Business at Terna S A,
amongst many others.
This forum will be attended by over Top 250 Participants,
Key Stakeholders and rail enthusiast from across the Globe.
The leading solution providers, construction &
investment firms will be participating at the Bahrain Rail Congress 2019 as
Sponsors and Exhibitors who would be showcasing their host of Rail Solutions
including few of the top solution providers such as Charilaos Apostolides
Bahrain WLL (CHAPO) – Silver Sponsor, Terna S A – Strategic Sponsor, Keller
Holding GmbH - Bronze sponsor.
Registration for the Bahrain Rail Congress 2019 is now open.
Companies interested in sponsorship, speaking opportunities, exhibiting or
advertising packages are requested to contact Eng Prasanna, Event Producer at
TraiCon Events Email: | Mobile:
To Register yourself :