The 188 m-long Grana tunnel on the 5 km-long new Aurelia road section from Albisola to Savona in Italy has been completed using conventional methods. Meantime, TBM excavation of the 530 m-long Basci tunnel has reached 400 m and will end later this month. The machine will then be used for the other two tunnels: Cappuccini (1,125 m) from Letimbro area to Miramare junction; and San Paolo (2,052.3 m) from Miramare junction to the river Basci. Click here and it/88 for tunnelbuilder archive. 03/15.
10.03.2025 France
10.03.2025 Romania
10.03.2025 Spain
11.03.2025 Italy
12.03.2025 Finland
13.03.2025 Switzerland
14.03.2025 Slovakia
17.03.2025 France
17.03.2025 Norway
19.03.2025 Norway
19.03.2025 Germany
21.03.2025 Spain
24.03.2025 Romania
24.03.2025 Greece
24.03.2025 Austria
24.03.2025 Croatia
26.03.2025 Finland
27.03.2025 Spain
31.03.2025 Sweden
01.04.2025 Poland
01.04.2025 Germany
04.04.2025 Austria
07.04.2025 France
07.04.2025 Spain
08.04.2025 Netherlands
14.04.2025 Switzerland
16.05.2025 Switzerland