The assembly of the first TBM EPB (S-972) for the Lima and Callao Metro Line 2 has begun at the future station of San Juan de Dios (n.19) in San Luis district. The machine which is 120 m long and 10.27 m in diameter will be launched on July 2021 to excavate the San Juan de Dios Station - Plaza Bolognesi (Phase 1A) and (Parque Murillo - Puerto del Callao (Phase 2) tunnel sections. The TBM will drive about 13 m / day and it will be extracted at the Insurgentes Station in Callao. A second TBM is being disassembled in Patio Taller in the Santa Anita district and will soon be taken to the Insurgentes station in Carmen de la Legua (Callao). The two TBMs were manufactured in Germany by Herrenknecht AG.

In August, the first 5 km, was built using the NATM method, and the first 5 stations - Mercado Santa Anita, Hermilio Valdizan, Colectora Industrial, Ovalo Santa Anita and Evitamiento - of Line 2 will now be inaugurated. Five trains - with 1,200 people each - will go into operation and people will be able to cross the District of Santa Anita in just 9 minutes.
Back in April 2014 the consortium Nuevo Metro de Lima signed the contract - supported by PROINVERSION - Agencia de Promocion de la Inversion Privada for the concession, construction and management of the metro network extension in Lima, Peru.
The project involves in total 35 km of underground tunnels: 27 km for Line 2 and 8 km for part of Line 4, with 35 stations, 2 of which are interchange stations between the lines and two storage areas.
Line 2 has 27 stations, crossing 13 districts in Sant’Anita and Callao. The Avenida Elmer Faucett -Avenida Nestor Gambetta section of Line 4 will have 8 stations and it will serve as a quick link to the Jorge Chavez International Airport.
The construction development of Phase 1 of the project – between Ate and Callao – is at 40.2%. The metro Line 2 will be completed in 2024 and it will be fully automated. Click here for a video and pe/16 for the tunnelbuilder archive information. Also visit, and 18/21.