Leading Experts to Gather in Boulder, Colorado, Feb.
5-7th 2019
The agenda topics for the annual Microtunneling Short
Course at the University of Colorado Boulder February 5-7, 2019, has been
announced. This year’s emphasis will be noticeably different than the past 25
years’ agenda, as more content will focus on construction projects/histories,
technologies, offshore contractors, high profile projects and the how-to’s of
what’s being done in the microtunneling industry today. A one-day Pilot
Tube/GBM Seminar will be held Feb. 4 at the Boulder Marriott, the host-hotel
for the Microtunneling Short Course.
Classroom-style presentations covering technical
topics and case histories will be presented by contractors, engineers and
manufacturers/suppliers and will provide attendees with a better and more
realistic view of the technology, owners will realize the benefits of the technologies
and contractors will takeaway new insights.
The entire four-day seminar will be presented by
experts in the industry who will cover everything from projects, legal issues,
design and construction and include:
- Michels’
470-ft S curve under the Tualatin River in Oregon
- Eurohinca
case study on their construction of a 7,368-ft outfall
- The Direct
Pipe system by IPC and Laney using Herrenknecht equipment
- Ward and
Burke Microtunneling case histories on recent projects in New York,
British Columbia, and the United Kingdom
- New
technology for settlement control, jacking force reduction, navigation and
To view the full agenda, visit www.microtunnelingshortcourse.com/agenda.
In addition to learning in a classroom setting, a
variety of networking opportunities will be available inside the Boulder
Marriott Montrachet Ballroom. On February 6 from 6-9 p.m., Akkerman, the Main
Event Sponsor, will host the complimentary 6th Annual Networking
reception. On February 7 at 7:00 p.m. we will host our annual ticketed
Reception and Banquet Dinner where the Achievement Awards will be presented
followed by our Military Veteran Scholarship Presentation.
Attendees can register for the Microtunneling Short
Course which kicks off on Feb. 4 with a one-day Pilot Tube/GBM Seminar,
followed by the three-day Short Course Feb. 5-7, by visiting www.microtunnelingshortcourse.com.
The Microtunneling Short Course is presented by course
directors Timothy Coss, Microtunneling, Inc., and Dr. Levent Ozdemir, Ozdemir
Engineering, as well as Jim Rush, Editor of Trenchless Technology.