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13th Australian Tunnelling Conference Underway in Melbourne

13th Australian Tunnelling Conference Underway in MelbourneThe elite of the world's tunnelling industry is meeting in Melbourne, Australia this week from 4th to 7th May to discuss engineering in a changing environment. With the current high level of tunnelling activity in the country, including the 4.7 km-long Brisbane North South Bypass with two large TBMs, and the Melbourne Water/Yarra Valley Water Northern Sewerage Project with three TBMs, the conference should prove interesting. The 4.5 km-long Stage 2 of the latter project is due to start tunnelling in August using a 3 m Robbins double shield TBM. This will be the third TBM launch, two Herrenknecht EPBs having already been put to work on the 8 km-long Stage 1 tunnels. Spoil from the Stage 1 machines is being elevated up a shaft using a Marti Technik vertical conveyor. Korea Mould has supplied the segment moulding equipment for all of the tunnels. With the three-lane twin 1.5 km EastLink tunnels about to open in Melbourne, and exciting projects in the offing such as the 14 km Marrickville tunnel from Port Botany to the extended M4 motorway, which will be the longest road tunnel in the southern hemisphere, there is also plenty to look forward to. Highlight of the conference will be the dinner on Tuesday in the Members Dining Room at Melbourne Cricket Ground. For more visit www.ats.org.au and www.atstunnellingconference2008.com 19/08.