Systra signed two contracts worth EUR36 million with the Hanoi Metropolitan Rail Transport Project Board (HRB) for Hanoi's first metro line, estimated at EUR500 million. Lead consultant, Systra will be responsible for the design studies, preparation of the tender documents, bid assessment, supervision of construction and rolling stock production and assistance to the commissioning and operation. Systra already carried out the feasibility and planning studies. Tenders for construction are expected to be invited in 2008 for opening in October 2010 for the city's millenium. Line 1, for which Systra already undertook the feasibility and planning studies, stretches for 12.5 km going from Nhon (depot and workshop) to the railway station. There is a 2.9 km underground section in the city centre, planned to be built using the cut-and-cover method (5 to 8 m high), with four underground stations. Read E-News Weekly 7/2007. Visit 49/07.