2.7 km-long second phase of Muni Metro under design from Caltrain terminal at Third and King St with four stations at Moscone Center, Market St, Union Square and Chinatown for San Francisco Municipal Railway. Visit www.muni.sfgov.org 34/01.The Municipal Transportation Agency of San Francisco awarded a contract to the joint venture of Parsons Brinckerhoff and PGH Wong Engineering Inc. to design an extension of the Muni Metro Third Street light rail transit (LRT) line. The project includes 2.7 km of tunnel through downtown San Francisco, four underground stations and one surface station. Services include conceptual and preliminary engineering, cost estimating, analysis of the existing EIR/EIS public outreach and contracting strategy. Conceptual and preliminary design is scheduled for completion in 2005, with construction starting shortly thereafter. Visit www.muni.sfgov.org and www.pbworld.com 16/03.