Postponed from 15/05/2020 to 22/05/2020 the deadline of the restricted invitation to tender for a Framework Agreement to procure engineering consultancy services (the Framework Agreement) for Transport for London (TfL), The Greater London Authority (GLA), and all 32 London borough councils and the City of London. Interested suppliers must express their interest via the portal The contract is divided into lots: A1 to A2, B1 to B18, C1 to C5, D1 to D14, E1 to E25.The duration of the Framework Agreement will be 3 years. TfL reserve the right to extend the framework by a further 12 months. Contact Transport for London, attn Shaheen Lodhi, London, tel +44 12345, email SHAHEENLODHI.CPT@TFL.GOV.UK. For tender information please click here.
Ref.n. DN418146. 20/20.