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Awarded contracts for a framework agreement for Civils and Tunnelling works delivery and capabilities for London Underground Ltd: Taylor Woodrow BAM Nuttall JV (lot1- Civils Works), Morgan Sindall BeMo Tunnelling JV (Lot 2 - Tunnelling Works), Hochtief (UK) Construction, Morgan Sindall BeMo Tunnelling JV and  Taylor Woodrow BAM Nuttall JV  (Lot 3 - Civils and Tunnelling Works). Contact London Underground Ltd, att.n Reeaz Korimbocus, London, tel +44 2079184169, email civilsandtunnellingscp@tfl.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=081647-2017. Ref.n. SCP152. 10/17.
