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Switzerland, Canton of Neuchâtel - ch/60


Invitation to tender, deadline 5th May, 2008 for construction of the Serrières tunnel on highway N5, consisting of a 830 m pilot tunnel for the north tube, a 728 m pilot tunnel for the south tube, the 830 m main north tunnel and the 773 m main south tunnel. The pilot tunnels will be built by a 3.60 m-diameter TBM. Each of the main tunnels will be constructed simultaneously by a roadheader in three phases (top heading, benches and invert) from west to east. Two other drives will also be started from the east, previously installing umbrella vaults. Each tunnel will accommodate two lanes. The theoretical bored radius is 5.9 m and the inner radius is 5.4 m. The geology is limestone. A technical gallery will also be constructed under the roadway, made of a concrete box within the invert of each tunnel after full concreting of the tunnel ring. Read E-News Weekly 30/2007 & 44/2005. Contact Etat de Neuchâtel, Service des ponts et chaussées, Office de construction de la route nationale 5, Mr Adrien Pizzera, Rue Pourtalès 13, 2001 Neuchâtel. Tel. +41 328896713, fax +41 328898751, e-mail office.constructionN5@ne.ch 15/08. A CHF54.1 million contract has been awarded to a consortium of Infra Tunnel and Spie Batignolles to build the Serrières tunnel. Construction will start this winter and conclude in end-2012. Click ch/60. Visit www.infratunnel.ch, www.spiebatignolles.fr and www.ne.ch/neat/documents/transport/Routes_1830/ConstructionA5_files/A5_Tunnel_de_Serrieres.pdf 41/08.
