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Switzerland, Canton of Lucerne - ch/81


Nay Engineering AG Nidwalden from Stansstad secured the EUR481,656 (CHF525,946) contract, excluding VAT, for planning and local management during the upgrading of operation and safety equipment in the Schlund (960 m, 950 m) and Spier (1580 m, 1580 m) tunnels on the N02 motorway, near Lucerne. The duration of the contract is 52 months. For further information www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=1087515

(German) and/or www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=1087517

(French). Contact Ofrou, Zofingen, tel  +41 58 482 75 11,  fax  +41 58 482

75 90,  email beschaffung.zofingen@astra.admin.ch.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=360884-2019.

