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Spain, Basque Region - es/157


Closing Date: 10.03.2025 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/03/2025, for a tunnel safety manager with direct management of the General Directorate of Road Infrastructures with the functions that include an  inspection body for provincial road network tunnels longer than 500 m. The contract is composed of two lots. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Contract value EUR1.71 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 3 years. Contact Diputacion Foral of Gipuzkoa, Departamento de Infraestructuras Viarias, Donostia/San Sebastian, tel +34 943112366, email bidekontratazioa@gipuzkoa.eus. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/80843-2025.Ref.n. 5-SR-58/2024. 06/25.
