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Netherlands, National - nl/38


Closing Date: 16.09.2024

Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2024, for the maintenance services and additional deliveries for the Monitoring, Operation and Control installations for railway tunnels. The bid/tender is composed of three lots:

Lot 1- systems PLC Rockwell, value EUR 7,280,000, excluding VAT;

Lot 2 - systems PLC Siemens, value EUR 6,880,000, excluding VAT;

Lot 3 - systems PLC ABB, value EUR 800,000, excluding VAT.

Click here for bid/tender  documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration contract: 8 years. Contact ProRail BV, attn Daan Versteeg, Utrecht, tel +31 882311746, email aanbestedingen@prorail.nl. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/464838-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/409716-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/336022-2024.  31/24.
