S.I.E.I. Società Impianti Elettrici Industriali Srl from Vicenza have secured the EUR 7.5 million contract, excluding VAT. for the supply of technological equipment on the Castelbello e Colsano ring road, SS38 section from km 176,50 to km 179,40 (Lot 2), including a 2494 m tunnel. Contact Agenzia per i contratti pubblici, attn Stazione Unica Appaltante lavori (SUAL), Bolzano, tel +39 0471414030, email acp.lav@provincia.bz.it. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/334009-2024. Ref.n. AOV/SUA L 13/2020. 25/24.