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Italy, Rome - it/14


Closing Date: 30.09.2009 (Tender Closed)

Notice of concession contract, deadline 30.09.2009, for the identification of subjects to be placed in competition with the Promoter within the following negotiated procedure for the design, construction and operation of Line D of the Rome metro. Contract value EUR3,179 million, excluding VAT, of which EUR2,128 million for the priority section from Fermi to Salario stations, and the remainder for the subsequent optional sections of eastern branch to Ojetti station, and south extension to Agricoltura station. For full background and history of this project, visit tunnelbuilder archive it/14. Contact Roma Metropolitane, Ing.Claudio Pasquali, Rome, tel +39 (0)6 454640-100, fax -321. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220877-2009. 35/09.
