Postponed from 18/06/2021 to 02/08/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for construction of 5 underground stations at the Boat Club, Nandanam, Panagal Park, Kodambakkam, Kodambakkam flyover including underground cross over at Panagal Park Station and associated 4.8km twin tunnel, cut&cover, U section and ramp project start from km 5+150 to end km 10+027 for the Chennai metro (Down line). Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, Chennai , tel 044-2379 2000, Extn: 22347, fax044-2379 2200, email For further on the tender, please click here. Ref.n. CMRL/CON/PHASE-II/C4-UG-02/2021. 29/21.