The consortium led by VINCI Construction (Dodin Campenon
Bernard, lead company; VINCI Construction France; VINCI Construction Grands
Projets and Botte Fondations) together with Spie batignolles (Spie batignolles
Genie Civil and Spie batignolles Fondations) has been awarded the EUR400
million contract, excluding VAT, to execute works package GC02 of the future
Line 14 South of Grand Paris Express, between Olympiades (in the 13th
arrondissement of Paris) and Orly Airport.
The contract requires the use of a TBM EPB to excavate a 4.6
km tunnel between Maison Blanche Paris XIII future station and the TBM starting
shaft at Jean Prouve. It also includes construction of the new Kremlin Bicetre
Hopital station and five ventilation and emergency shafts. The contract is
scheduled to last 72 months. Visit