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France, Paris - fr/127

Grand Paris Express

Closing Date: 16.09.2021 (Tender Closed)

Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2021, for surface and underground topographical control during works on the De Golf National Saint-Quentin - Versailles Chantiers section of the Grand Paris Express, Line 18, Phase 2. For tender documents please click here, where offers must be sent. Contract value is EUR 450,000, excluding VAT. Contract duration will be 48 months. Contact Societe du Grand Paris, attn Rachel Lefebre Saenz, Saint-Denis, tel +33 182462000, fax +33 182462031. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=440813-2021. Ref. n. 2021PN012_Candidature. 35/21.



France-Saint-Denis: Technical control services

2021 / S 168-440813

Contract notice - utilities


Legal Basis:

Directive 2014/25 / EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses

Official name: société du Grand Paris
National registration number: 52504601700048
Postal address: Moods building, 2-4 mail from petite Spain
Town: Saint-Denis
NUTS code: FR10 Ile-de-France
Postal code: 93200
Country: France
Contact person: Rachel LEFEVRE SAENZ
E-mail: Marches-sgp@societedugrandparis.fr
Telephone: +33 182462000
Fax: +33 182462031
Internet address (es):
Main address: http://www.societedugrandparis.fr
Address of the buyer profile: https: //www.marches-publics.gouv.fr


The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr

Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr/?page= entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=798551&orgAcronyme=s2d

I.6)Main activity

Urban railway, tramway, trolleybus or bus services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement


External topographic control contract for line 18 Phase 2 of the Grand Paris Express from De Golf National Saint-Quentin to Versailles Site included

Reference number: 2021PN012_Candidature

II.1.2)Main CPV code

71356100 Technical control services

II.1.3)Type of contract


II.1.4)Short description:

the topography services covered by this contract are as follows on the Golf National Saint Quentin - Versailles Chantiers section: - surface topographic controls - underground topographic controls The functional objective of this Cext-Topographic contract is therefore to achieve on time and the budget allocated all the topographic checks necessary to verify the conformity of the structures built by the structural work contracts, the very high precision polygonal implanted and the monitoring of neighbors before, during and after the structural work

II.1.5)Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: 450,000.00 EUR

II.1.6)Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no


II.2.2)Additional CPV code (s)

71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services

71621000 Technical analysis or consultancy services

71630000 Technical inspection and testing services

71631000 Technical inspection services

II.2.3)Place of performance

NUTS code: FR10 Ile-de-France

Main site or place of performance:

ile-De-France, in the municipalities of Gonesse, Villepinte, Tremblay in France

II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

the services covered by this consultation are as follows: Topographic surface inspections which consist of: - interventions by teams to check the layout of the structures; - interventions for the control of the primary and secondary polygons; - interventions by topo teams to check the geometry of the structures; - interventions by topo teams for contradictory measures to control neighbors during the works; - interventions by topo teams for contradictory measures to control networks during the works. Topographic checks underground which consist of: - interventions by topo teams to control the construction of the tunnel (guidance, canvas, profiles, axis, installation of rings, etc.) - interventions by topo teams for checking the siting of buried structures, - interventions by topo teams for checking traditional structures, Volume of checks: The exterior topographic check will be carried out on a monthly basis. The service provider will intervene on the instruction of the project manager and / or the client as part of its mission of external topographic control of the companies responsible for carrying out the work.

II.2.5)Award criteria

Criteria below

Quality criterion - Name: Technical value / Weighting: 30

Cost criterion - Name: Price / Weighting: 70

II.2.6)Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: 450,000.00 EUR

II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 48

This contract is subject to renewal: yes

Description of renewals:

this framework agreement is concluded for an initial period of 48 months from the date of its notification. The remainder of Ii.2.7) duration of the contract, of the Framework Agreement or of the DYNAMIC Acquisition system is described in the appendix to this notice, which can be downloaded via the procedure described in section Ii) of this notice.

II.2.9)Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged number of candidates: 999

II.2.10)Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: no

II.2.11)Information about options

Options: yes

Description of options:

the SGP reserves the right to award one or more contract (s) without advertising or competition in accordance with article R2122-7 of the public procurement code relating to the performance of services similar to those entrusted to the holder. The Framework Agreement is subject to renewal

II.2.13)Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and / or program financed by European Union funds: no

II.2.14)Additional information

framework agreement with order forms without commitment of minimum amount and with a maximum amount of 540,000 euros (excluding VAT). The minimum amount and the maximum amount are calculated over the total duration of the contract, renewals included

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions for participation

III.1.1)Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrollment on professional or trade registers

List and brief description of conditions:

the candidate (whether alone or in a group) provides the "letter of application Dc1" form, latest DAJ version, duly completed and available at the following address: https://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/ candidate-declaration-forms . Each candidate or, in the case of a candidate group, each member of the group, must provide a document certifying the capacity of the signatory person to commit the entity concerned (example: K-BIS, delegation, etc.). The candidate must also complete the "checklist" tab of the response frame concerning the authorization to exercise the professional activity after downloading the file (Excel file - 2021pn012 - response frame) at the following address: www. marchespublics.gouv.fr : "Consultation in progress" - "Quick search" 2021pn012 "The file entered must be inserted in the application file in electronic format

III.1.2)Economic and financial standing

List and brief description of selection criteria:

each candidate or, in the case of a candidate group, each member of the group, must provide all of the following information: last three exercises available or equivalent. These turnover will be expressed in Euro (HT). - A copy of the valid insurance certificates for professional risks related to the subject of the framework agreement. In the event of a candidate grouping, the agent must justify being insured in his capacity as agent for the presentation of these elements,www.marchespublics.gouv.fr : "Consultation in progress" - "Quick search" 2021pn012 "The specified file must be inserted in the application file in electronic format

Minimum level (s) of standards possibly required:

the candidate or group will have to justify an average total turnover over the last 3 years minimum of: 90 000,00 euro (s) (HT).

III.1.3)Technical and professional ability

List and brief description of selection criteria:

each candidate or, in the case of a candidate group, each member of the group, must provide all of the following information: - presentation of a list of a maximum of 4 references relating to services similar to the subject of the contract, including 2 concerning topographical checks of underground infrastructure works in a railway environment and 2 concerning topographical checks of superstructure works. They must be carried out during the last three years and indicate the amount, date, duration and place of execution, the number of sites concerned as well as a brief description of the missions carried out. The services are proven by certificates from the recipient, or, failing this, by a declaration from the candidate. - a statement indicating the candidate's average annual workforce, the number of management staff, as well as the share of staff assigned to services of the same nature as that of the framework agreement, during the last three years. - the educational and professional qualifications of the candidate or the executives of the company, and in particular those responsible for providing services of the same nature as that of the framework agreement - a description of the tools, equipment and the technical equipment available to the candidate for the performance of services of the same nature as that of the framework agreement. for the presentation of these elements,www.marchespublics.gouv.fr : "Consultation in progress" - "Quick search" 2021pn012 "The specified file must be inserted in the application file in electronic format

III.1.6)Deposits and guarantees required:

holdback that can be replaced by a first demand guarantee

III.1.7)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and / or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:

financing from own funds, then by loans and / or grants. Payment within 30 days from the date of receipt of the payment request (invoice) in "Chorus Pro" as soon as the date of validation of the situation (corresponding to the date of observation of the conformity of the service made) in the The computer tool for verifying the conformity of the services is prior to the filing date in "Chorus Pro". The time limit for establishing the service provided is set at fifteen (15) days

III.1.8)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:

no form is required. In the event of a joint grouping, the agent must be joint and several. It is specified that candidates cannot submit their candidacy, acting both: - as individual candidates and members of one or more groups, and - as members of several groups

Section IV: Procedure


IV.1.1)Type of procedure

Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition

IV.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system

The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement

Framework agreement with a single operator

IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

IV.2)Administrative information

IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

Date: 09/16/2021

Local time: 12:00

IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates

IV.2.4)Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:


IV.2.6)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender

Duration in months: 6 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: no

VI.2)Information about electronic workflows

Electronic ordering will be used

Electronic invoicing will be accepted

Electronic payment will be used

VI.3)Additional information:

procedure followed: (supplement to section Iv.1.1) This consultation is carried out according to a procedure with negotiation, in accordance with Articles L. 2124-3, R.2124-4 and R.2161-21 to R.2161-23 of public order code. The SGP reserves the right to award the public contract on the basis of the initial offers without negotiation. The negotiation conditions are set in the consultation regulations (rc). Procedures for withdrawing documents: The documents available are: - this notice - the annex to the notice - the response framework - the Dc1 version of the participation conditions: At the application stage, candidates must not submit an offer, they only provide the elements requested in Iii.1.1.), Iii.1.2) and Iii.1.3) of the aapc. No technical brief and no financial offerwww.marches-publics.gouv.fr , fill in the number 2021pn012 in "Consultation in progress" - "Quick search". The exchanges of correspondence between the SGP and the candidates are carried out from the PLACE platform, via the following email address: " nepasrepondre@marches-publics.gouv.fr". Candidates are therefore recommended to ensure that messages from this email address are not treated as spam by their server / email client / third-party anti-spam software. Redaction of documents in another language: (supplement in section IV.2.4) All documents are drawn up in French, failing which, documents written in another language must be accompanied by a translation into French by a professional translator.

VI.4)Procedures for review

VI.4.1)Body review

Official name: administrative tribunal of Montreuil
Postal address: 7 rue Catherine Puig
Town: Montreuil
Postal code: 93558
Country: France
E-mail: Greffe.ta-montreuil@juradm.fr
Telephone: +33 149202000
Fax: +33 149202099
Internet address: http://montreuil.tribunal-administratif.fr/

VI.4.4)Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained

Official name: administrative tribunal of Montreuil
Postal address: 7 rue Catherine Puig
Town: Montreuil
Postal code: 93558
Country: France
E-mail: Greffe.ta-montreuil@juradm.fr
Telephone: +33 149202000
Fax: +33 149202099
Internet address: http://montreuil.tribunal-administratif.fr/

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:

