Information meeting (RFI) about the procurement and construction of Svanemøllen Cloudburst tunnel to be held at HOFOR A/S in Copenhagen or via Teams on Monday 22 April 2024 at 14:00 - 15:00. For further information and registration to attend the meeting, please contact by e-mail the project coordinator: Anne Mette Krøyer, email Dead-line for registration is Monday 8 April 2024. For bid/tender documents click here.
Referring to previous notices, Novafos Spildevand Gladsaxe A/S, Novafos Spildevand Gentofte A/S, Frederiksberg Spildevand A/S and HOFOR Spildevand København A/S shall establish a drainage system consisting of approximately 10 km of tunnel with dimensions Ø1800-4900 mm to transport cloudburst water from large areas in Gentofte, Gladsaxe and Copenhagen Municipality, and a further approx. 3 km of connecting pipes, the so-called connection projects. In the event of heavy rain or cloudbursts, the water is discharged from the tunnel through an outlet structure in Øresund north of Svanemøllebugten. Before tendering out this work the Client initiates this information meeting about the procurement and construction of Svanemøllen Cloudburst Tunnel.
Contact HOFOR Spildevand A/S, attn Marianne Bredesgaard, Copenhagen, tel +45 27953810, email Visit 2525-01-05-004-03-01-01-SST04 an. 13/24.