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Costa Rica

Costa Rica, Cartago Province - cr/14


The Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE) granted the new Torito hydroelectric project to Spanish corporation Unií³n Fenosa, which will generate 50 MW of power. The contract signed consists of the construction, operation for 20 years and transfer of the whole project under the BOT model, three years of which will be dedicated to construction. The Torito power project is located in the northeast of the country and will use the water of the Reventazon river after it has passed through the turbines of the Angostura power plant, belonging to ICE. This water will be channelled to the new Torito plant to be then discharged into the same river downstream the catchment. The plant will have two groups of 25 MW each. The new plant will require the construction of a 2.6 km 6.5 m-diameter tunnel. Visit www.grupoice.com and www.ufinternacional.com 39/08.
