Royal HaskoningDHV awarded EUR5 million contract for engineering and project management of 500 m-long immersed tube tunnel to link Santos and Guaruja, cutting 50 km off round trip for freight vehicles. More from 16/13.
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07.02.2025 France
07.02.2025 Italy
07.02.2025 Poland
07.02.2025 Spain
10.02.2025 Switzerland
17.02.2025 Romania
20.02.2025 Germany
27.02.2025 Romania
06.03.2025 Germany
06.03.2025 Norway
11.03.2025 Italy
13.03.2025 Switzerland
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland is an online news source for tunnelling projects and tunnelling news worldwide. It provides information on tenders and awards as well as providing information of what’s happening in the tunnelling industry.
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