Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/06/2021, for the geotechnical Investigations and Preparation of Geotechnical Design (Mission G21 including Mission G1), Mediterranean Corridor CVc, Konjic (Ovcari) (0+000) - Entrance to Tunnel Prenj (11+950) is Total Length 11,95 km, including the following major structures : Tunnel 1 (2200/2150m), Tunnel 2: 437/325m; Bridge 1 (250/217m), Bridge 2 (484/480m), Bridge 3 (557/657m), Bridge 4 (55/55m), Bridge 5 ( 130/186 m), Bridge 6 (367/410 m), Bridge 7 (55/55m). For procurement documents, click here. Value of the contract is EUR330,000, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 8 months. For additional information contact COWI IPF, att Gordana Opalic, Belgrade, email, where tenders must be sent. For further on TED tender, please click here. Ref.n. 1201/2021/GO. 18/21.