Open call for bids, deadline 6th February, 2004 for construction plans, tender documents, work drawings, etc. for the new E16 from Wí¸yen to Bjí¸rum in Bí¦rum municipality, Akershus county. Length is 5.1 km, whereof 2.5 km in tunnel. Visit, OJ S 242, or contact Statens vegvesen Region east, Oslo, fax +47 23054001. E-mail 02/04.Preinformation notice for construction of the E16 motorway Woyen-Bjorum (3,740 m), section Woyen-Isi, including two 2-lane tunnels. The 2 x 1,100 m Brenne tunnel includes 940 m of rock tunnel and 160 m of false tunnel. The 2 x 1,440 m Berghoff tunnel includes 1,310 m of rock tunnel and 130 m of false tunnel. Visit, OJ S 124, or contact Statens vegvesen Region east, Lillehammer, fax +47 97135193. E-mail 27/05.Open call for bids, deadline 21st October, 2005 for construction of the new E16 from Woyen to Bjorum, section Woyen-Isi in Bí¦rum municipality. It is a 3.9 km 4-lane road including two tunnels of 2.5 km altogether. Visit, OJ S 172, or contact Statens vegvesen, Oslo, fax +47 24058101. E-mail 37/05.The lowest bidder for section Wí¸yen-Isi of the E16 from Wí¸yen to Bjí¸rum in Bí¦rum municipality is Veidekke with NOK450,666,168. The other bidders are Mesta (NOK466,264,311), Skanska (NOK498,337,649), NCC Construction (NOK505,274,553) and Leonard Nilsen & Sí¸nner (NOK511,746,240). This 3.9 km 4-lane road stretch includes two twin bored tunnels: Brenne (2 x 1,100 m, whereof 940 m in rock and 160 m in cut-and-cover) and Berghoff (2 x 1,440 m, whereof 1,310 m in rock and 130 in cut-and-cover). Visit 46/05.Veidekke announced on 23rd November that it had received a NOK450.7 million road contract from the Norwegian road administration to build the new Woyen-Bjorum section of the E16 trunk road outside Oslo. In addition to the construction of a 3.9 km four-lane road the contract also includes two tunnels, slip roads and local roads. Click no/63. Visit 49/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 12th February, 2007 for control engineering for the Wí¸yen-Bjí¸rum section of the E16. The contract comprises construction of a 5 km four-lane road in Bí¦rum municipality. Half of the section is in tunnel. The main assignment for the consultant is to follow up contractors for road and tunnel works. Visit, OJ S 241, or contact Statens vegvesen, Lillehammer, fax +47 24058001. E-mail or 01-02/07.Hifab concluded a NOK1.2 million deal for control engineering for the Wí¸yen-Bjí¸rum section of the E16. The contract comprises construction of a 5 km four-lane road in Bí¦rum municipality. Half of the section is in tunnel. The main assignment for the consultant is to follow-up contractors for road and tunnel works. Visit 42/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 1st August, 2008 for delivery and assembly of ITV/AID in the Brenne and Skui tunnels. The contract comprises of approx. 85 cameras, approx. 48 fibre modems and approx. 22,000 m of cables of varied types. Visit, OJ S 119, or contact Statens vegvesen Region east, Lillehammer, tel. +47 24058726 or 91831574. E-mail 26/08.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.10.2011, for construction plan and follow-up for 3.5 km-long section of E 16 Sandvika-Woyen including 2 km-long complex twin tunnel of which 0.6 km will be built using concrete. Contract duration 01.12.2011 to 01.08.2019. Register interest and obtain additional information at Further information, specs and docs from Tom Heldal Larsen at Statens vegvesen Region ost in Lillehammer, tel +47 97522474, e-mail, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 36/11.
Dr.Ing. A.Aas-Jakobsen As (Oslo) secured the EUR10.5 million contract, VAT not included, for construction plan and follow-up for 3.5 km-long section of E16 Sandvika-Woyen including 2 km-long complex twin tunnel of which 0.6 km will be built using concrete. Contact Tom Heldal Larsen at Statens vegvesen Region ost in Lillehammer, tel +47 97522474, e-mail Visit and 33/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.08.2014, for building inspection and vibration measurement in connection with blasting works during construction of 2.3 km-long Bjornegard rock tunnel, twin tube with two lanes each way on E16 Sandvika-Woyen. Contract duration 24.09.2014 to 01.02.2018. Further information, specs and docs from Jorgen Stenerud at Statens vegvesen Region oest in Lillehammer, tel +47 47623571, e-mail, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit
Ref.n. 2014/058182. 25/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.12.2015, for the supply of lighting for the twin tube, double laned 2.3 km-long Bjornegard rock tunnel on the E16 Sandvika-Woyen. Contract duration 03.12.2015 to 14.04.2017. Contact Statens vegvesen Region East, att.n Odd Kleiven, Lillehammer, tel +47 90899345, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 2015122182. 42/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.02.2016, for the procurement of directional fans for the 2.3 km-long Bjornegard tunnel on the E16 Sandvika-Woyen. Contract duration is from 01.02.2016 to 07.08.2017. Contact Statens vegvesen Region East, att.n Odd Kleiven, Lillehammer, tel +47 90899345, e-mail For electronic access to information Visit Ref.n. 15/235715. 49/15.
Open invitation to tender,
deadline 07.07.2016, for the delivery and execution of SRO installations for
twin tube Bjornegard tunnel, including the portal areas and for the E16 that
are in the open air. This is for the stretch from Kjorbokkrysset in the south
to Voyenenga in the north, a total of 3.6 km. The contract duration is from the
10.10.2016 to 13.12.2019. For electronic access to information Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration,
Eastern Region, att.n Odd Kleiven, Lillehammer, tel +47 91502030, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 16/25894. 20/16.