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Norway, Oppland - no/90


Open call for tenders, deadline 24th August, 2007 for construction plans for a 9 km section of the E6 between Granrudmoen and Tretten, including an approx. 4 km tunnel with all installations. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148467-2007, OJ S 121, or contact Statens vegvesen Region east, Lillehammer, tel. +47 95906588. E-mail oyvind.vaadal@vegvesen.no 27-28/07.SWECO Grí¸ner will prepare a construction plan for a 14 km section of motorway E6 through Gudbrandsdalen valley, including a 4 km tunnel. The assignment will be carried out on behalf of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and is worth approximately NOK10 million. It is scheduled for completion in the summer of 2008. Visit www.sweco.no 41/07.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.10.2009, for construction of 13.5 km-long section of E6 Oyer-Tretten including 3.85 km-long Oyer tunnel. Contract starts 01.12.2009 for completion 01.12.2012. Specs and docs from Oyvind Vaadal at Statens vegvesen Region ost in Lillehammer, tel +47 9590 6588, e-mail oyvind.vaadal@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=235373-2009. 35/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.09.2011, for electrical engineering installation work for new 3.85 km-long Oyer tunnel. Contract commences 10.04.2012 for completion 30.11.2012. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=235050. Further information, specs and docs from Anders Bergseth at Statens vegvesen Region ost in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail anders.bergseth@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 15.09.2011. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=216458-2011. 28/11.


Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 06/12/2019, for development of 9.6 km completed E6, of which 8.1 kms of four-lane motorway is classified H3 based on the zoning plan adopted in early 2020. Northern 1.5 km will be regulated and built by the contractors with H5 standard.

The stretch contains two-lane T10.5 tunnels of approx. 2.6 km, a junction as well as a number of minor structures and other measures. Contract value EUR148.70 million (NOK1.5 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the  contract is from 23/09/2020 to  01/10/2024. For tender documents please click here and here where tenders have to be sent. Contact  Nye Veier, attn Are Sangvik Grandal, Kristiansand, tel +47 47235666, email Are.Grandal@nyeveier.no.

Ref.n. 224625. 45/19.


AF Gruppen Norge AS from  Oslo secured the EUR431.56 million (NOK4.7 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for the project development and the development of the E6 Roterud - Storhove, an approx. 23 km complete four-lane motorway, including a 4.4km tunnel, a 0.7 km bridge and three crossings and numerous smaller structures. The contract also includes the preparation of zoning plan for a decision, based on the approved municipal zoning plan. Contact  Nye Veier, attn Ruben Ramsland, Kristiansand, email anskaffelser@nyeveier.no. for tender information please click here 27/20.


The competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 06/12/2019, for development of the E6 Storhove - Oyer section, 9.6km long with 2.6 km in tunnel, has been annulled and the contract  has been not awarded. Contact  Nye Veier, attn Are Sangvik Grandal, Kristiansand, tel +47 47235666, email Are.Grandal@nyeveier.no. For further information on the tender click here. Ref.n. 224625. 48/20. 



Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 18/12/2020, for the construction of the 9.6 km Storhove - Oyer section of the E6 motorway, including a 2.7 km tunnel. The E6 will mainly be constructed as a new road from the start of the lot towards Ensby, whilst from the Ensby area it will be constructed close to the existing E6 with an expansion from two to four lanes.  Contract value EUR151.42 million (NOK1.6 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the  contract is from 01/03/2021 to  01/03/2025. For tender documents please click here and here where tenders have to be sent. Contact  Nye Veier, attn Are Sangvik Grandal, Kristiansand, tel +47 47235666, email Are.Grandal@nyeveier.no. Ref.n. 253983. 48/20.  




Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 20/05/2022, for the 9.6 km Storhove - Oyer section of the E6 motorway. The contract includes the construction of 4.4 km new four-lane motorway with the 2.7km Fåberg tunnel, the pavement widening and upgrading of 2.7 km section and the upgrading of a 2.5 km section.  For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent.  Contract value is EUR177.52 million (NOK1.7 bn), excluding VAT. End of the contract 01/07/2026. Contact  Nye Veier, attn Are Sangvik Grandal, Kristiansand, tel +47 47235666, mail Are.Grandal@nyeveier.no . Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193760-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=159076-2022.  Ref.n. 383890. 16/22.   


Norway-Kristiansand: Construction work

2022/S 072-193760


Notice for changes or additional information


(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2022/S 060-159076)

Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Nye Veier AS
National registration number: 915 488 099
Postal address: Kjøita 6
Town: Kristiansand
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 4630
Country: Norway
Contact person: Are Sangvik Grandal
E-mail: Are.Grandal@nyeveier.no
Telephone: +47 47235666
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.nyeveier.no
Address of the buyer profile: https://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Company/CompanyInformation/Index/279098

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

E6 Storhove - Øyer 2022

II.1.2)Main CPV code
45000000 Construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

The contract work consists of a turnkey contract for engineering design services for, the construction of, and guarantee liabilities for a new motorway on E6 between Storhove and Øyer.

The project's stretch is a total of 9.6 km, and includes the construction of an approx. 4.4 km new four-lane motorway (with a road width of 20 m) including the Fåberg tunnel with a length of approx. 2.7 km.

The project also includes pavement widening and upgrading of the section with approx. 2.7 km, and upgrading of a section of approx. 2.5 km.

The lot E6 Storhove – Øyer goes through 2 municipalities; Lillehammer and Øyer.

A completed zoning plan for E6 through both Lillehammer and Øyer municipalities is available.

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
VI.6)Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 060-159076

Section VII: Changes

VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2
Instead of:
Date: 25/04/2022
Local time: 12:00
Date: 20/05/2022
Local time: 12:00
VII.2)Other additional information:


Nye Veier has chosen AF Gruppen and Norconsult for the development of a new road on the E6 section Storhove - Oyer in Innlandet. The 9.6km stretch includes, among other things, a 2.7 km long two-lane Fåberg tunnel and approximately 5 km of expansion and reuse of the existing road.  Contract value is EUR158.71 million (NOK1.8 bn), excluding VAT. The works are scheduled to commence in late summer 2023 and will be completed in December 2026. Contact Nye Veier, attn Are Sangvik Grandal, Kristiansand, tel +47 47235666, email Are.Grandal@nyeveier.no. Visit https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no, https://afgruppen.com/, https://www.norconsult.no and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=789611-2023.  Ref.n. 383890. 13/23.    
