Contract for review of concepts for proposed 1.8 km-long Stad ship tunnel awarded to Det Norske Veritas of Havik, value EUR370,630 including 25% VAT. Required tunnel dimensions 23 m-wide, 33 m-high above sea level with 12 m depth of water. More from Oystein Linnestad at Kystverket in Arendal, tel +47 07847, e-mail Visit 28/10.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.05.2015, for consultancy services to preliminary project for construction of the Stad marine tunnel at Haugesund. Duration of contract from 09.06.2015 to 30.09.2016. Further information, specs and docs contact Terje Andreassen at Kystverket, tel +47 07847, e-mail, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Electronic access to information at Visit 17/15.
The awarding procedure for consultancy services to preliminary project for construction of the Stad marine tunnel at Haugesund has been discontinued. For further information, specs and docs contact Terje Andreassen at Kystverket, tel +47 07847, e-mail Visit 18/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.02.2016, for technical preliminary project of 1.7km Stad shipping tunnel at Haugesund. Duration contract from 22.02.2016 to 16.12.2016. Contact Kystverket (the Norwegian Coastal Administration), Terje Andreassen, Haugesund, tel +47 07847, e-mail Electronic access to information at Visit Ref.n. 2011/1560. 53/15.
Norconsult AS at Sandvika secured the EUR683,283 contract, excluding VAT, for the technical preliminary project of the 1.7km Stad shipping tunnel at Haugesund. Duration of the contract is from 22.02.2016 to 16.12.2016. Contact Kystverket (the Norwegian Coastal Administration), Terje Andreassen, Haugesund, tel +47 07847, e-mail Electronic access to information at Visit Ref.n. 2011/1560. 19/16.
Prior information notice for invitation to a market dialogue for the 1.7km Stad shipping tunnel at Haugesund. The purpose of the dialogue is to prepare the market for the upcoming competition, while at the same time hoping to facilitate dialogue on selected topics related to the contract strategy and job descriptions.
Progress plan market dialogue
10.01.23: Deadline for registration to a market dialogue and one-on-one meetings.
13.01.23: The hearing version of the preliminary function description will be available on Mercell.
31.01.23 - 2.2.23: Execution of market dialogue and one-on-one meetings.
15.02.23: Deadline for written input to the project.
To participate in the market dialogue at Gardemoen on 31 January 2023 and in the subsequent one-on-one meeting, registration thereof is required no later than 10 January 2023. The registration link can be found in the invitation: click here. Contact Kystverket (Amministrazione costiera norvegese), Christina Rorick, Alesund, tel +47 92044115, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 2022/5432. 47/22.
Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 01/11/2023, for a consultant for technical disciplines until the 1.7km Stad ship tunnel construction is completed at Haugesund. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR13.06 million (NOK150 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 60 months. Contact Kystverket (the Norwegian Coastal Administration), attn Fredrik Karlsen, Alesund, email Visit Ref.n. 2022/2132. 41/23.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 31/01/2024, for external review of the tender documentation draft for the turnkey contract for the engineering design services for and the construction of the Stad ship tunnel. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of contract is from 01/03/2024 to 21/04/2024. Contact Kystverket, attn Orjan Flisnes, Alesund, tel +47 07847, email Visit Ref.n. 2023/5636. 01/24.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 31/01/2025, for the main contract for the 1.7km Stad ship tunnel between Kjode and Moldefjorde. Registration and more information about the tender conference can be found here: Registration for a tender conference at Gardermoen - 17 December 2024.
Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract will be EUR 299.37 million (NOK3.5 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract is 60 months. Contact Kystverket, attn Orjan Flisnes, Alesund, tel +47 07847, email Visit Ref.n. 2024/4972. 50/24.