Invitations to tender due for design of $35 million TBM-driven 5.8 km-long x 3.8 m-diameter emergency evacuation route for Grand St Bernard tunnel to be constructed over two years from 2002, including 18-22 m-long drill/blast cross passages at 240 m intervals. Feasibility underway by Sina, with SDI and Lami. Visit 36/01.Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.02.2009, for construction of safety and security tube and connections at Grand St Bernard tunnel from north and south portals, value EUR36 million. Work sites at Community of Bourg-Saint-Pierre, Canton of Vallese in Switzerland and Community of Saint-Rhemy-en-Bosses, Val d'Aosta in Italy. Duration of contract 1,250 days. Specs, docs and info from Sitrasb, tel +39 1 6536 3641, e-mail, 47/08.
Award of contract, value EUR33,400,814 excluding VAT, to Condotte/Cossi for construction of safety tunnel and connections from north and south portals at Grand St Bernard tunnel. More from Condotte d'Acqua, tel +39 0688334-1, fax -590, e-mail 34/09.