Preinformation notice for the upgrading of the 7 km Maurice Lemaire tunnel in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. A parallel tunnel, to be used both for rescue and ventilation, will be bored north of the existing tunnel from both portals. This tunnel will be connected to the existing tunnel by escape cross passages, smoke removal ducts and boreholes for utilities. The existing tunnel needs heavy renovation for ventilation, electricity and lighting, safety, centralised technical management, signalling, video and automatic detection, emergency calls, anti-fire device, etc. Work cost around €120 million. Time frame fall 2002-2007. Visit, OJ S 4, document 2828-2002 or contact Société des Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône, fax +33 1 47533820. Also visit 03/02.
Restricted tendering for the construction of a 7 km tunnel as part of the upgrading of the Maurice Lemaire tunnel in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. Deadline 19th February, 2002. The first 500 metres, cross section 40 sq m, will be driven using traditional means in gneiss and mylonite. The rest will be TBM-driven, 6 m-diameter in gneiss and hard abrasive granite. Drill/blast of cross passages between the new and the existing tunnels. Also raise-drilling. Complete renovation of the tunnel. Visit, OJ S 11, document 8099-2002 or contact the Scetauroute/Bonnard et Gardel jv for technical details, Lausanne, fax +41 6181122. Also visit 04/02.A JV between Bouygues and Eiffage will renovate the 6,872 m-long Maurice Lemaire tunnel on trunk road RN159 in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines for EUR180 million (July 2000 value). A new rescue and service tunnel will be TBM-driven parallel to the existing main tunnel which will also undergo heavy refurbishment. The JV has ordered a 6 m-diameter Herrenknecht hard rock gripper TBM. The machine will be delivered in mid-October 2004 for tunnelling start at end 2004. Support will consist of shotcrete, steel arches, wiremesh, and rockbolts. One concrete segment will be installed at the invert. The first 500 m will be bored using conventional means, a hydraulic hammer or excavator and drill/blast. Geology consists of gneiss and granite. The service tunnel will be divided in two levels by a concrete slab. The lower level will be for escape and rescue and the upper level for exhaust smoke removal and ventilation. The excavated rock will be removed out of the TBM by means of a conveyor belt. The main tunnel, closed to trucks since March 2000 for safety reasons, needs substantial improvements. These will consist in removing, dusting off and recycling the exhaust smoke duct (7 km), rebuilding the culverts, building safety niches, rock chambers for turning points and cross passages to the new tunnel every 400 m. All tunnel equipment (exhaust smoke removal, electric power, lighting, signalling, etc.) is not part of the contract. Work to start in April 2004 for completion in winter 2007. Financing by the concessionaire SAPRR (80%), the government (10%) and the Alsace and Lorraine regions (5% each). Visit and 04/04.Marti Technics has won the muck removal contract for the Maurice Lemaire tunnel renovation from the Bouygues / Eiffage JV. A new safety and rescue tunnel, which route follows a 250 m radius, will be built parallel to the existing 6,872 m tunnel. Marti Technics will design, build, install and manage a 6,755 m belt conveyor, equipped with a fully automatic 500 m belt reserve advancing in perfect synchronicity as the TBM progresses. The tunnel links the Vosges and Upper Rhine counties. It is a former railway tunnel first opened in 1937 and converted to road traffic in 1976. It was closed to heavy vehicles in March 2000 amid fears of another disaster further to the Mont Blanc tunnel fire which, one year earlier, killed 39 people. Visit 31-32/04.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 19th May, 2005 for supply and installation of high and low voltage and lighting equipment in the 6,950 m Maurice Lemaire tunnel which connects Haut-Rhin and Vosges departments. Visit, OJ S 77, or contact Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone, Paris, fax +33 147533820. 17/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 19th May, 2005 for ventilation equipment, associated metalwork and part of their electric supply for the 6,950 m Maurice Lemaire tunnel which connects Haut-Rhin and Vosges departments. Visit, OJ S 78, or contact Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone, Paris, fax +33 147533820. 18/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 19th May, 2005 for radiocommunication for the 6,950 m Maurice Lemaire tunnel, the parallel safety tunnel under construction and the portals. This tunnel connects Haut-Rhin and Vosges departments. Visit, OJ S 78, or contact Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone, Paris, fax +33 147533820. 18/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 19th May, 2005 for low voltage systems for the 6,950 m Maurice Lemaire tunnel (facility management, networks, PC equipment, telephone and sound systems in the cross passages, emergency call system, fire detection, galleries and technical rooms, access control). This tunnel connects Haut-Rhin and Vosges departments. Visit, OJ S 78, or contact Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone, Paris, fax +33 147533820. 18/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 19th May, 2005 for fixed and mobile firefighting means for the 6,950 m Maurice Lemaire tunnel which connects Haut-Rhin and Vosges departments. Visit, OJ S 78, or contact Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone, Paris, fax +33 147533820. 18/05.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/11/2022, for firefighting and first aid service in the 6905 m Maurice-Lemaire tunnel and its access roads. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 96 months. Contact APRR - DGA Exploitation, attn Christian Noack, Saint Apollinaire, tel +33 329537500, fax +33 329537509, email Visit Ref.n. 2201501. 39/22.
France-Saint-Apollinaire: Fire-brigade and rescue services
2022/S 184-519664
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Name and addresses
National registration number: 01625002900309
Postal address: 36, rue du Docteur Schmitt
Town: Saint apollinaire
NUTS code:
FRC11 Côte-d’Or
Postal code: 21850
Country: France
Contact person: APRR - district de Lorraine - site du Tunnel Maurice-Lemaire - Christian NOACK -
Telephone: +33 329537500
Fax: +33 329537509
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Other type: Société concessionnaire d'autoroutes
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Société concessionnaire d'autoroutes
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
Equipes de première intervention (EPI) Tunnel Maurice Lemaire (TML) avec fourniture et maintenance des véhicules d'intervention tunnélisés (VIT)
Reference number: 2201501
II.1.2)Main CPV code
75250000 Fire-brigade and rescue services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:
Réalisation d'une prestation de première intervention (lutte contre l'incendie et secours aux personnes) et de missions complémentaires (surveillance du réseau y compris viabilité hivernale, contrôle des matériels et équipements de sécurité, sécurité au péage, sécurité sur réseau hors tunnel) sur le périmètre du domaine du Tunnel Maurice-Lemaire (TML) avec fourniture et maintenance des véhicules d'intervention tunnélisés (VIT). Le trafic moyen au sein du TML est de l'ordre de 3800 véhicules / jour dont 20 % de poids lourds.
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
63712320 Tunnel operation services
35111000 Firefighting equipment
34144210 Firefighting vehicles
44480000 Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRF34 Vosges
NUTS code: FRF12 Haut-Rhin
Main site or place of performance:
Tunnel entre la commune de Lusse (Vosges -88) et Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (Haut Rhin - 68).
II.2.4)Description of the procurement:
Service de lutte contre les incendies et de premier secours sur l'ensemble du domaine du Tunnel Maurice-Lemaire (TML) à savoir :* son espace circulé qui comprend 3 400 m + 950 m environ de routes d'accès et les 6 950 m du tunnel ,* le tunnel proprement dit et son infrastructure ,* l'ensemble des locaux sur les 2 plates-formes à chaque tête de tunnel.Fourniture d'équipement de lutte contre l'incendie : 2 Véhicules d'intervention tunnélisés et appareils d'assistance respiratoire.S'agissant d'un service de sécurité relatif à l'exploitation d'une mission d'intérêt général, le service de première intervention doit être assuré 7 jours sur 7, 24 heures sur 24.
II.2.5)Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 96
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:
Le marché est conclu pour une durée ferme de cinq ans à compter de la date de notification et reconductible tacitement trois fois par périodes successives d'un an.
II.2.10)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11)Information about options
Options: yes
Description of options:
Les prestations pourront donner lieu à la passation d'un nouveau marché pour la réalisation de prestations similaires, passé en application de la procédure négociée de l'article R. 2122-7 du code de la commande publique.
II.2.13)Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
II.2.14)Additional information
A titre indicatif, les prestations du marché débuteront le 01/07/2023 à minuit et une minute . Le titulaire est soumis à une obligation de reprise du personnel. L'effectif est de 24 personnes. Tous les détails sont indiqués dans le DCE.Une visite du Tunnel Maurice-Lemaire est obligatoire préalablement à la remise des offres (RDV auprès de Christian NOACK - tel +33 6 08 86 20 30)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 21/09/2023, for waterproofing work on building roofs and awnings on the APRR-AREA-ADELAC-ALIAE network. Click here for tender documents. The contract is composed of 6 lots: Lot 5 involves the 7km Maurice Lemaire tunnel. Duration of the contract will be 12 months. Contact APRR , Saint Apollinaire, tel +33 325303224, email Visit and Ref.n. BPC001192. 32/23.