Iberinsa and LKS Ingeniería won a EUR370,000 contract to design the alignment of a new rail tunnel under Mount Artxanda in Bilbao. It would be a single-tube two-track tunnel, about 2 km in length. Visit www.iberinsa.es 11/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 1st September, 2006 for design of the tunnel under Mount Artxanda. The project forms part of the future connection between Bilbao and Loiu airport. A twin-track tunnel, of about 1.8 km, is envisaged. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140668-2006, OJ S 131, or contact Red Ferroviaria Vasca, Bilbao, fax +34 944329189. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 29/06.Esteyco secured a EUR416,250 contract to design a 1.8 km twin-track tunnel under Mount Artxanda, as part of the future connection between Bilbao and Loiu airport. Visit www.esteyco.es 05/07.Periodic notice, deadline unspecified, being a call for bids aiming at reducing time limits for the receipt of tenders, for construction of the new Artxanda tunnel, including a 1.9 km dual-track rail tunnel and 700 metres of cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=36591-2008, OJ S 27, or contact ETS-RFV, Bilbao, fax +34 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 07/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.12.2009, for geotechnical consultancy for the construction of Metro Line 3 and rail tunnel Artxanda in Bilbao. Contract duration 36 months, estimated cost EUR537,000. Contact Arantza Diaz de Cerio García at ETS-RFV in Bilbao, tel +34 9465726-00, fax -01, e-mail ets@ets-rfv.es. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=299444-2009. 45/09.The JV Inge Plan Consulting S.L.-Prointec SA has secured the EUR2 million contract for construction supervision services on Casco Viejo-Matiko section of Line 3 of Bilbao Metro and rail tunnel Artxanda in Bilbao. Contact Arantza Diaz de Cerio García at ETS-RFV in Bilbao, tel +34 9465726-00, fax -01, e-mail ets@ets-rfv.es. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=016309-2010. 05/10.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.05.2014, for repair and maintenance services for electromechanical pumps and valves installed in tunnels and other locations of ETS railway and tramway lines. Contract value EUR378,903.72, excluding VAT. Contract duration 48 months from award. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.05.2014 . Contact Ente Publico Euskal Trenbide Sarea, att.n Arantza Díaz de Cerio Garcia, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600, e-mail ets@ets-rfv.es. Electronic access to information at http://www.contratacion.euskadi.net/w32-1084/es/contenidos/anuncio_contratacion/expjaso3418/es_doc/es_arch_expjaso3418.html?ruta=http://www.contratacion.euskadi.net/w32-1081/es/v79aWar/comunJSP/v79aHome.jsp. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104277-2014. Ref. n. P20012621. 13/14.
Fire-Prot SA of Vizcaya (ES) secured the EUR171,894 contract, excluding VAT, for repair and maintenance services for electromechanical pumps and valves installed in tunnels and other locations of ETS railway and tramway lines. Contact Ente Publico Euskal Trenbide Sarea, att.n Arantza Diaz de Cerio Garcia, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600, fax +34 946572601, e-mail ets@ets-rfv.es. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=261454-2014. Ref. n. P20012621. 31/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 22/10/2019, for
maintenance services for pumps installed in tunnels and other locations of ETS
railway and tramway lines. Contract value EUR 708,749.13 excluding VAT. Contract duration 48 months.
For bid documents http://www.contratacion.euskadi.eus/.
Contact ETS - Euskal Trenbide Sarea, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600, fax +34
946572601, email ets@ets-rfv.eus. For bid documents click here.
Ref. n. P20019512. 38/19.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 12/04/2021, for the maintenance of Galea Electric's WireWatch anti-theft systems in the following tunnels: Miraflores 1 (314 m), Miraflores 2 (314 m) , Markarte (1443 m, double ways), Santa Marina (612 m), Eibar (249 m), Karakate (512 m), Carquizano (393 m), Irurain (250 m) and Santa Catalina (979 m) on Bilbao-Donostia/San Sebastian railway line, Autzagane (749 m) on Amorebieta - Bermeo line and old Artxanda on Deusto-Lezama line, used as new Artxanda tunnel ‘s safety tunnel on metro Line 3. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract EUR308,560, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 48 months. Contact ETS, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600, fax +34 946572601, email ets@ets-rfv.es. For further in TED tender, please click here. Ref.n. P20021499. 14/21.
Bidezain SL from Getxo secured the EUR208,400 contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance of Galea Electric's WireWatch anti-theft systems in the following tunnels: Miraflores 1 (314 m), Miraflores 2 (314 m) , Markarte (1443 m, double ways), Santa Marina (612 m), Eibar (249 m), Karakate (512 m), Carquizano (393 m), Irurain (250 m) and Santa Catalina (979 m) on Bilbao-Donostia/San Sebastian railway line, Autzagane (749 m) on Amorebieta - Bermeo line and old Artxanda on Deusto-Lezama line, used as new Artxanda tunnel ‘s safety tunnel on metro Line 3. Contact ETS, Bilbao, tel +34 946572601, email kontratazioa@ets-rfv.eus. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=020705-2022. Ref.n. P20021499. 03/22.