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Denmark, Copenhagen - dk/29


Cowi A/S of Kongens Lyngby secured the Areas and Rights contract, part of the consulting services for the Sydhavnsmetroen, the dual track branching off the Cityringen, starting from a bifurcation chamber located at the branch off to the Control and Maintenance Centre (CMC). Sydhavnsmetroen will be a bored tunnel over the approx. first 3,500 m, following which, over a distance of 200 m, the Sydhavnsmetroen will be taken up to ground level via a cut/cover tunnel and a ramp; the final 500 m of metro will be above ground. Five stations will be constructed, four of which underground. Contact Metroselskabet I/S, attn Mikkel Kjaer Jensen, Copenhagen, tel +45 72424572, e-mail mkj@m.dk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=205808-2015. 25/15


Metroselskabet has been awarded to the JV Construction Grands Projets (50%) and Hochtief Infrastructure (50%) the EUR460 million contract for the design and build of Sydhavn Metro Line (Line 4) in Copenhagen. The duration of the contract will be 6 years. Two TBM EPBs will be used for the construction of the new dual 4.4-km tunnels with 5 underground stations and 2 crossover structures. The project also includes electrical and mechanical systems, architectural interior works, and in-tunnel ventilation. The tunnels will have an interior diameter of 4.9 m and an exterior diameter of 5.5 m. This metro-network extension south of the Danish capital (Sydhavn or M4) will be connected to the main ring line (Cityringen). Visit https://www.vinci.com/vinci.nsf/en/press-releases/pages/20180312-0830.htm and  https://www.hochtief.com/hochtief_en/200.jhtml?pid=10088. 11/18.


Copenhagen Metro is inviting participation in a market dialogue with potential interested contractors for the construction of a new 15.7km metro line in Copenhagen with up to 10 stations, some underground and some elevated. The line is expected to be built two stages. The first 8km section with 6-7 stations could open in 2035; the second 7.7km section is assumed to be inaugurated in 2045. The project includes construction of tunnels, underground stations and shafts, mechanical and electrical works, elevated sections and stations, ramps, architectural finishes etc.

Copenhagen Metro expects to conduct the dialogue meeting approx. during week 48 and 50, starting from the 25th of November 2025 and expectedly ending on the 13th of December 2025. The dialogue meeting can take place either as in-person meetings, teams meetings or hybrid meetings. Interested contractors can register for participation in the dialogue meeting by emailing : nkm@m.dkvij@m.dk. Please indicate in your email the date you would like to attend a market dialogue and whether you prefer in-person, Teams or hybrid meeting. Contact Metroselskabet I/S, attn Vibeke Jessen, Copenhagen, tel +45 72424802, email vij@m.dk.

Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/715586-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/704078-2024. 48/24.
