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Germany, Cologne - de/60


Negotiated procedure, deadline 19th August, 2002 for construction of the Schlüchterner tunnel, including 711 m of new single-track tunnel, cross section 52 sq m (lot 1), to be TBM-driven and renovation of existing 691 m tunnel (lot 2), cross section 37 sq m, using NATM. Work to start in November 2002 and April 2005 respectively. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107675-2002, OJ S 137, or contact Deutsche Bahn, Cologne, fax +49 2211413543. 31/02.


Germany, Berlin - de/59


Preinformation for the construction of lot 4 of highway A 113 including the 900 m Rudower Höhe tunnel, 240 sq m. Planners are Bung. Tenders to be invited third quarter of 2002. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/static/home/en/homepage.ini, OJ S 118, document 91634-2002 or contact Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Berlin, fax +49 3090123715. Also visit www.bung-gmbh.de 26/02.Negotiated procedure, deadlines 5th and 7th May, 2003 for work management including the 900 m-long 240 sq m-cross sectional Rudower Höhe tunnel (lot 4) and the 300 m Altglienicke tunnel on highway A 113. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=58822-2003 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=58825-2003, OJ S 67, or contact Senat Department of Urban Development, Berlin, fax +49 3090123762. E-mail carsten.wulkow@senstadt.verwalt-berlin.de 15/03.


Germany, Freiburg - de/58


Preinformation notice for the construction of the 1,250 m Nollinger Berg tunnel, west tube on the A 861 highway. Cross section 87 to 99 sq m. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/static/home/en/homepage.ini, OJ S 104, document 82122-2002 or contact Autobahnbetriebsamt, Freiburg, fax +49 7615150450. 23/02. Open call for bids, deadline 19th November, 2002 for construction of the Nollinger Berg tunnel, west tube, 1,260 m in length, cross section 87-102 sq m, between Weil am Rhein and Schaffhausen on the A98. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154285-2002, OJ S 196 or contact Autobahnbetriebsamt Freiburg, fax +49 7615150450. E-mail vergabeunterlagen@staatsanzeiger.de 42/02.A JV between í–stu-Stettin, Hinteregger and Jäger has secured a €20 million contract to build the 1,260 m-long Nollinger Berg tunnel, west tube. Visit www.oestu-stettin.at, www.hinteregger.co.at and www.jaegerbau.com 26/03.


Germany, Stuttgart - de/57


Award to a jv of Strabag and Züblin of a 940 m bored tunnel and a 229 m cut-and-cover portion for Line 2 of the Stuttgart metro. Contract value of €19.3 million. Visit www.ssb-ag.de, www.strabag.de or www.zueblin.de 17/02.Periodic notice for extension of metro line 2, with 560 m above ground and 1,090 m underground. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=069568-2003, OJ S 78, or contact Stuttgarter StraíŸenbahnen, Stuttgart, fax +49 711 78852399. E-mail juergen.hinrichs@mail.ssb-ag.de 17/03.


Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia - de/56


A feasibility study for a Transrapid rail link from Düsseldorf to Dortmund is to be presented to the German transport ministry. There would be a 4.03 km tunnel for an estimated cost of €121 million. The stretch would cost €3.6 billion altogether, with an expected annual profit of over €60 million. Transrapid is a high-speed electromagnetic levitation train built by Siemens and ThyssenKrupp. Visit www.bmvbw.de and www.transrapid.de 05/02.


Germany, Munich - de/55


A feasibility study for a Transrapid rail link from Munich city to its airport is to be presented to the German transport ministry. There would be a 8.06 km tunnel for an estimated cost of €339 million. The stretch would cost €1.5 billion altogether, with €31 million of annual profits expected. Transrapid is a high-speed electromagnetic levitation train built by Siemens and ThyssenKrupp. Visit www.bmvbw.de and www.transrapid.de 05/02.Negotiated procedure, deadline 17th November, 2005 for study of engineering requirements for the future tunnels on the magnetic levitation line planned between Munich main station and Munich airport. There will be three tunnels segments totalling 2 x 8 km of tunnel and the cross passages. Read E-News Weekly 31/2002. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194600-2005, OJ S 197, or contact Deutsche Bahn, Berlin, fax +49 3029 58459. E-mail Bimal.Mazumder@bahn.de 43/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 1st August, 2006 for full design, construction and 20-year maintenance of the maglev line planned between the central station and the airport in Munich. The project includes tunnels. Read E-News Weekly 31/2002. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082410-2006, OJ S 78, or contact DB Magnetbahn, Munich, fax +49 8913082559. E-mail roland.b.mueller@bahn.de 19/06.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 17.06.2011, for construction of 210 m-long, 40 m-deep two-track Marienhof S-Bahn station during period 01.03.2012 to 04.01.2017.Time limit for accessing documents 07.06.2011. Further information, specs and docs from Roland Mueller at Deutsche Bahn in Munich, tel +49 8913085-512, fax -668. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167737-2011. 22/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.09.2015, for the construction of two single-track tunnels, length 3026 m, with a 8m cross section using 2 TBMs between the Hauptbahnhof  and Marienhof stations at Munich. Duration contract from 02.07.2017 to 12.12.2025. Contact DB AG, att.n Daniel Geisse, Munich, tel +49 89130872585, fax +49 89130872858, e-mail daniel.geisse@deutschebahn.com, website https://bieterportal.noncd.db.deVisit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=308824-2015 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=317242-2015.

Ref.n. 14TEI10205. 37/15.


Delta h Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH from Witten secured the contract for a numerical model for groundwater management during the construction of Munich’s second core S-Bahn route linking Munich's main station Hauptbahnhof with the eastern hub Ostbahnhof. The project includes two single track tunnels (7200 m) and 3 underground stations. Groundwater levels in the Quaternary and Tertiary are to be considered. Contact DB Netz AG, attn Jan Litsche, Frankfurt am Main, email einkauf-online@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079206-2017 . Ref.n. 16FEI24849. 09/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.12.2018, for Environmental Monitoring according to the EBA,  for the following sections  Overground West (from the Laim station up to the tunnel portals at the Donnersberger bridge), Central Station, Tunnel West, Marienhof and preliminary works on the section Ostbahnhof and Tunnel East. This is part of the doubling of the S-Bahn main line in Munich.  The bid is composed of 3 lots. For bid documents please visit https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/evergabe.bieter//DownloadTenderFiles.ashx?subProjectId=ec5g%2bqfsLOY%3d. Offers have to be sent to http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal.

The duration of the contract is from 19/03/2019 to 31/08/2027.  Contact DB Netz AG, att.n Markus Garbe, Frankfurt am Main, tel +49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=511407-2018.

Ref.n. 18FEI33748. 47/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.12.2018, for supervision services during the construction of the Hauptbahnhof station (Main station), including the tunnel (Lot 1) and Marienhof station (Lot 2), which will be constructed as part of the  2nd S-Bahn trunk line. The new underground stops provides links between the 2nd S-Bahn trunk line and Munichs centre as well as the existing public transport, i.e. Subway, tram and bus.

The bid is composed of 2 lots. For bid documents https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/evergabe.bieter//DownloadTenderFiles.ashx?subProjectId=0LB9k6GGGIs%3d .

Offers have to be sent to http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal .

The duration of the contract is from 08/04/2019 to 31/08/2028.  Contact DB Netz AG, att.n Markus Garbe, Frankfurt am Main, tel +49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com .  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=513571-2018 .

Ref.n. 18FEI34440. 47/18.


KREBS+KIEFER Ingenieure GmbH from Munich secured the contract for the construction of tunnel west and Hauptbahnhof station (Ve30), as part of the  2nd S-Bahn trunk line at Munich. Contact DB Netz AG, att.n Markus Garbe, Frankfurt am Main, tel +49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=520402-2018.

Ref.n. 18FEI31283. 48/18.


The joint venture between Implenia Construction GmbH (50%) and Hochtief Infrastructure GmbH (50%) has been commissioned by Deutsche Bahn to work on the second trunk route suburban railway project in Munich. The Joint Venture, under the technical leadership of Implenia, will build the new underground rail line’s central Marienhof station. Value of the contract is EUR394million. Visit https://www.2.stammstrecke-muenchen.de,

https://www.hochtief.com  and https://www.implenia.com. 52/18.








Deutsche Bahn has awarded the EUR189 million contract (VE10) to the group consisting of   Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG, Ed. Züblin AG (leader), Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG and Bauer pezialtiefbau GmbH for the dismantling and new construction of tracks and switches; the new construction of two flyovers; a double-track steel arched bridge; and a noise barrier bridge. Other works include the new construction of additional noise barriers; retaining structures; and the pedestrian, bike and car tunnel in Laim. The package also covers the modernisation of the Laim passenger station as well as electrical works on low- and medium-voltage installations, underground cabling works, and the site preparation for the west portal of the tunnel. Visit https://www.deutschebahn.com and https://en.strabag-newsroom.com. 52/18.




Deutsche Bahn has awarded the EUR676 million contract (VE30) to the group consisting of Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG (Leader), Max Bögl Foundation & Co. KG, Ed. Züblin AG and Bauer  Spezialtiefbau GmbH for the structural works of the western tunnel section from Donnersberger Bridge to Marienhof station – and the new underground rapid transit station at Munich Central Station, the so called “Nukleus’’. The contract includes the new platform tubes at Munich Central Station, to be excavated under compressed air, including the approximately 40 m deep access structures, as well as the two S-Bahn tubes to Marienhof station with a diameter of about 8.50 m to be constructed with shield machines using the segmental lining method. The overall package also includes extensive ground engineering and water retention works as well as rescue shafts to be dug and constructed vertically from the surface to the underground S-Bahn tubes. Visit https://www.wf-ib.de, https://en.strabag-newsroom.com, https://www.2.stammstrecke-muenchen.de and https://www.max-boegl.de.











Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.03.2019, for vertical wells, a preliminary measure for water management in Marienhof S-Bahn, lot  VE 553c. The wells are needed to lower the groundwater for the construction of the future station. For bid documents https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/evergabe.bieter//DownloadTenderFiles.ashx?subProjectId=t%2frjzZb9lx8%3d.

Duration of the contract is from 10/04/2019 to 03/06/2019. Contact Deutsche Bahn AG, att.ne Marc Kessler, Monaco, tel +49 89130872584, fax +49 69260913730, email marc.kessler@deutschebahn.com. Visit




Ref.n. 19FEI37396. 11/19.


The JV 2. S-Bahn Stammstrecke Muenchen Tunnel Hauptbahnhof, Max Boegl Stiftung & Co. KG, Wayss & Freytag Ingenierbau AG, BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH e Ed. Zueblin AG have secured the EUR676.58 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of two single-track tunnels, length 3026 m, with a 8m cross section using 2 TBMs between the Hauptbahnhof  and Marienhof stations in  Munich. Contact DB AG, att.n Daniel Geisse, Munich, tel +49 89130872585, email Daniel.Geisse@deutschebahn.com, website https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=158087-2019.

Ref.n. 14TEI10205. 14/19.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 10/11/2021, for consulting services in the field of geotechnical engineering in the planning and implementation phase (VE 234a) of the section from Donnersberger bridge’s western adit to Leuchtenbergring Station for the new S-Bahn main line at Munich.  Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is from 22/02/2022 to 31/12/2023. Contact FE.EI-S - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Sud, attn Markus Garbe, Munich,  tel +49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=520477-2021. Ref.n. 21FEI54553.  41/21.


Germany-Frankfurt-on-Main: Advisory and consultative engineering services

2021/S 199-520477

Contract notice – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: DB Netz AG (Bukr 16)
Postal address: Adam-Riese-Straße 11-13
Town: Frankfurt Main
NUTS code: DE712 Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Postal code: 60327
Country: Germany
Contact person: Garbe, Markus
E-mail: markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com
Telephone: +49 89130872593
Fax: +49 69260913730
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal
I.6)Main activity
Railway services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

2. S-Bahn-Stammstrecke München, Beratungsleistungen im Bereich Geotechnik in der Planungs- und Realisierungsphase (VE 234a)

Reference number: 21FEI54553
II.1.2)Main CPV code
71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: DE212 München, Kreisfreie Stadt
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Start: 22/02/2022
End: 31/12/2023
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

Durch Beauftragung der optionalen Leistungen gemäß Absatz II.2.11.

Die Ingenieurleistungen als Hauptleistungen werden zunächst für den Zeitraum bis 31.12.2023 beauftragt (Grundlaufzeit).

Darüber hinaus sind für diese Leistungen zwei Verlängerungsoptionen vorgesehen:

• Verlängerungsoption 1: Leistungszeitraum 01.01.2024 bis 31.12.2024 (1 Jahr)

• Verlängerungsoption 2: Leistungszeitraum 01.01.2025 bis 31.12.2025 (1 Jahr)

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 10/11/2021
Local time: 11:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
Date: 09/12/2021
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 25/04/2022, for technical support during the construction of the Main Station and West tunnel  (VE1138) for the new S-Bahn main line at Munich.  Click here https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/evergabe.bieter/eva/supplierportal/portal/subproject/f2ff9281-ade6-416a-8a76-a72911db51e8/details for tender documents and where tenders must be sent.. Contact FE.EI-S - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Sud, attn Markus Garbe, Munich,  tel +49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167184-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=123227-2022. Ref.n. 21FEI51383.  13/22.  


Prof. Schiffers BauConsult GmbH&Co.KG from Cologne have secured the contract for technical support during the construction of the Main Station and West tunnel  (VE1138) for the new S-Bahn main line in Munich.  Contact DB Netz AG, attn Markus Garbe, Frankfurt s/M, tel +49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=435970-2022. Ref.n. 21FEI51383.  32/22.   


CDM Smith SE from Bochum secured the contract for geotechnical expert for the East section of the Munich suburban railway main line, with the underground subsection including the Ostbahnhof stop and the aboveground subsection including the Leuchtenbergring stop. Click here for bid/tender d documents and where tenders must be sent. Contact DB InfraGO AG, Frankfurt Main, tel+49 89130872593, fax +49 69260913730, email markus.garbe@deutschebahn.com. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/650276-2024. Ref.n. 21FEI53364. 44/24.


Germany, Karlsruhe - de/54


  Notice of intention to construct 9.385 km-long Katzenberg railway tunnel between Karlsruhe and Basel. Contact DB Bauprojekt, fax +49 721 9314 5788. 44/01. Negotiated contract, deadline 25th July, 2002 for the construction of the 9.4 km twin Katzenberg tunnel between Bad Bellingen and Efringen-Kirchen in Land Bade-Württemberg. Conventional tunnelling, TBM and cut-and-cover (286 m and 115 m). Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/static/home/en/homepage.ini, OJ S 124, document 97040-2002 or contact DBBauProjekt Deutsche Bahn Gruppe, Karlsruhe, fax +49 721 93145588. E-mail Friedrich.F.Schaser@bku.db.de 28/02.Negotiated procedure, deadline 6th November, 2002 for engineering services for a 10 km dual-track section between Schliengen and Eimeldingen on the Karlsruhe-Basel line. Includes two single-track bores, 9 km bored and 400 m in cut-and-cover plus two ventilation shafts. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154786-2002, OJ S 196 or contact DB Netz, Freiburg, fax +49 7612123620 or 72193145788. E-mail hans-peter.hecht@bahn.de or roswitha.ott-urban@bahn.de 42/02.A JV between Zueblin, Wayss & Freytag, Marti Tunnelbau and Jaeger Bau will build the 9,385 m 95 sq m Katzenberg twin-tube rail tunnel on the Karlsruhe-Basel line in Upper Rhine Valley. The contractors selected Herrenknecht to supply two 11.12 m-diameter EPB TBMs. The shield is 12.2 m in length (approximately 225 m with the back up) and weighs 1,168 tons (approximately 1,900 tons with the complete equipment). The installed power will be 6,600 kVA with a cutterhead power of 3,200 kVA and 0-1.8 rpm at stage 1 and 0-5 rpm at stage 2. The nominal torque is 19,800 kNm at 1 rpm, the maximum torque being 23,700 kNm at 0.8 rpm. The cutterhead will be equipped with scrapers for both directions of rotation, a full face 17" disc cutter dress, single cutters in the gage and two rings in the face section, cutting tools for both directions of rotation. There will be no copy cutter as a spherical bearing is installed. The lining rings will comprise of six segments plus one key. The geology will be mudstone, clayey marl and marl stones. The first EPBS will be delivered in July 2004 and the second in October 2004. Visit www.zueblin.de, www.wf-ib.de, www.martiag.ch, www.jaegerbau.com and www.herrenknecht.com 03/04.Periodic information notice indicating that award procedures will commence on 13.03.2009 for railway and tunnel construction works on Schliengen-Eimeldingen section of Karlsruhe-Basel line starting 01.09.2009 for completion 31.12.2012. Further information, specs and docs from Susanne Simon at Deutsche Bahn, tel +49 721938-6266, fax -6279, to whom tenders, requests to participate or expressions of interest should be sent. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=020112-2009 05/09.


Prior information notice indicating that award procedures will commence on 02.04.2012 for railway and tunnel construction works on Karlsruhe-Basel line starting 01.07.2012. Contract ABS/NBS Karlsruhe Pfa-Basel 1.0, estimated value EUR808 million. Further information, specs and docs from Susanne Simon at Deutsche Bahn, tel +49 721938-6266, fax –6279, to whom tenders, requests to participate or expressions of interest should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=063501-2012. 09/12


Prior information notice indicating that award procedures will now commence on 02.06.2012 for railway and tunnel construction works on Karlsruhe-Basel line starting 01.07.2012 for completion 31.12.2020. Contract ABS/NBS Karlsruhe Pfa-Basel 1.0, estimated value EUR808 million. Further information, specs and docs from Erik Mannal at Deutsche Bahn, tel +49 72193862-63, fax –79, to whom tenders, requests to participate or expressions of interest should be sent. Visit de/54 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148863-2012. 20/12.


Negotiated procedure to tender, deadline 03.01.2013, for general management during construction of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Contract duration 21.05.2013-31.12.2018. Contact Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Markus Metz, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386265, fax +49 721938627, e-mail markus.metz@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=389074-2012. 50/12.


Prior information procedure for construction of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Contract starts 01.09.2014 for completion 31.12.2019. Award procedures commence 12.08.2013. Contact point TEI-SW-B at Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Erik Mannal, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386267, e-mail erik.bannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190157-2013. 24/13.


Dacharge Rampenwerk GWW Nord Rastatt-Oetigheim of Rastatt secured the EUR12.22 million ABS/NBS Karlsruhe Pfa-Basel 1.0 contract, excluding VAT, for railway and tunnel construction works on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Duration of contract from 05.08.2013 to 30.04.2015. Contact Mr Mannal at DB AG, Frankfurt, tel +49 72193862-63, fax –67. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234901-2013. 29/13.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 07.10.2013, for construction of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Contract starts 01.09.2014 for completion 31.12.2019. Further information, specs and docs through contact point TEI-SW-B at Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Erik Mannal, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386279, e-mail erik.mannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=276785-2013. 33/13.


Prior information procedure for final construction works of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Contract starts 25.01.2016 for completion 29.6.2019. Award procedures commence 05.12.2014. Contact point TEI-SW-B at Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Erik Mannal, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386267, e-mail erik.bannal@deutschebahn.com. Further information, specs and docs through contact point TEI-SW-B at Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Mannal, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386279, e-mail erik.mannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=214230-2014 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=218059-2014. 27/14.


Award of contract 1, Lot 1 to Bietergemeinschaft Tunnel Rastatt, value EUR312,021,679 excluding VAT, for construction of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Contract starts 01.09.2014 for completion 31.12.2019. Further information through contact point TEI-SW at Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Erik Mannal, Frankfurt am Main, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386279, e-mail erik.mannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=270370-2014. 32/14.


Prior information notice for Lot PFA 1.2 for final construction works on the Karlsruhe-Rastatt section including the 4,270 m-long Rastatt tunnel on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 18.11.2015. Duration of contract from 25.01.2016 to 29.06.2018. Contact DB AG, att.n Mr Mannal, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386279, e-mail erik.mannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=292912-2015. Ref.n. RB/TEI-SW/04/2015. 35/15.


Request for expressions of interest, deadline 08.02.2016, for negotiated invitation to tender about planning services for the 15 km section (PfA 7.1 StA 7) on Karlsruhe-Basel line  including the 6.7km Offenburg tunnel, two single track tubes. Duration contract from 06.12.2016 to 31.12.2035. Contact DB Netz AG, att.n Markus Metz, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386265, fax +49 7219386279, e-mail markus.metz@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=26672-2016. Bid code 15TEI18924. 04/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 04.05.2016, for the design of the new 6.7km  double tube and single track Offenburg tunnel. This is part of the improvements for the Karlsruhe – Basel line (PfA 7.1).Duration of the contract is from 02.01.2017 to 31.12.2036. For further information, specifications and documents please contact Markus Metz at FEI-SW – Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Südwest, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386265, fax -6279, e-mail markus.metz@deutschebahn.com. For further information visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=106060-2016. Ref.n. 15TEI18924. 13/16.


Information on changes and additions to the contract awarded to the joint venture for the construction of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, which includes 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line ((PFA1.2). Contact Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Erik Mannal, Frankfurt am Main, tel +49 7219386263, e-mail erich.mannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=307629-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=307628-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=306095-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=306083-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=297474-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=297537-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=283051-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=283050-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=283045-2016, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=283043-2016 and  http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=283042-2016. Ref.n. 13TEI04481. 36/16.


INGE BÜ Tunnel Rastatt (Frankfurt) secured the contract for the general management during construction of the 4,270 m twin tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line. Contact Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Markus Metz, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386265, fax -79, e-mail markus.metz@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=263707-2013. 32/13.


The contract awarded to INGE BÜ Tunnel Rastatt (Frankfurt) for general management during construction of the 4,270 m bi-tube, single-track Rastatt tunnel, with 470 m in cut/cover, on Karlsruhe-Basel line, has been modified following new works for the disposal of the soil material. For further information please contact Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Markus Metz, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386265, fax -79, e-mail markus.metz@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=314605-2016. 37/16.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 01.12.2016, for the upgrading of (ABS) and new construction (NBS) of the 4,270 m long Rastatt Tunnel on the Karlsruhe-Basel line from Karlsruhe to Rastatt Sud (Lot PfA 1.2). Contract starts on 28/02/2018 for completion by 31/05/2024. Further information, specs and docs and also for expressions of interest https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/Portal/. Contact Deutsche Bahn AG, att.n Erik Mannal, Karlsruhe, tel +49 7219386263, fax +49 7219386279, e-mail erik.mannal@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=384676-2016 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=256990-2016. Ref.n. 16FEI22429. 45/16.


Obermeyer Planen + Beraten GmbH from Karlsruhe secured the EUR11.47 million contract, excluding VAT, for the design of the new 6.7km  double tube and single track Offenburg tunnel. This is part of the improvements for the Karlsruhe – Basel line (PfA 7.1).Duration of the contract is from 02.01.2017 to 31.12.2036. Contact Deutsche Bahn AG, Karlsruhe, tel +49 721938-6266, e-mail Susanne.Simon@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=453136-2016. Ref.n. 15TEI18924. 52/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 02/09/2019, for the analysis by radar interferometry of the area where the new double tube and single track Offenburg tunnel will be built (eastern tube 11.1km, western tube 8.8.km), on the Karlsruhe - Basel line (Lot PfA 7.1). Duration of the contract is from 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2025, with the availability of three extensions. For bid documents https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/evergabe.bieter//DownloadTenderFiles.ashx?subProjectId=ArKJuL4mhHU%253d.

Offers must be sent to http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal. For further information contact FEI-SW - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Südwest, attn Christian Volenter,  Stuttgart, tel +49 71120921245, fax +49 71120923690, email christian.volenter@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=360745-2019.

Ref.n. 19FEI40721. 31/19.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 12/12/2019, for safety audits for road planning B28 and B3 during construction of the new double tube and single track Offenburg tunnel (eastern tube 11.1km, western tube 8.8.km), on the Karlsruhe - Basel line (Lot PfA 7.1). Duration of the contract is from 02/03/2020 to 31/12/2028. For tender documents please click here and here

Offers must be sent to http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal. For further information contact FEI-SW - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Sudwest, attn Markus Metz, Karlsruhe, +49 7219386265, fax +49 7219386279, email markus.metz@deutschebahn.com.Ref.n. 19FEI41809. 47/19 .


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 24/02/2020, for 12km prefabricated slab track system, drainage, cable shafts, cable conduits, lifting systems with ancillary civil engineering work  for the upgrading of the 4,270 m long Rastatt Tunnel on the Karlsruhe - Rastatt section (StA 1) of the Karlsruhe-Basel . Contract duration from 02/01/2021 to 30/07/2023. Further information, specs and docs and also for tenders http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal.  Contact FEI-SW – Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Südwest, att.ne Bernhard Hofmann,  tel +49 7219386264, email  bernhard.hofmann@deutschebahn.com. For further tender information please click here.

Ref.n. 19FEI42255. 06/20.


NOT AWARDED - The contract for the negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 12/12/2019, for safety audits for road planning B28 and B3 during construction of the new double tube and single track Offenburg tunnel (eastern tube 11.1km, western tube 8.8.km), on the Karlsruhe - Basel line (Lot PfA 7.1) was not awarded. Contact DB Netz AG, attn Markus Metz, Frankfurt am Main, +49 7219386265, fax +49 7219386279, email markus.metz@deutschebahn.com. For tender information please click here Ref.n. 19FEI41809.  07/20.


The negotiated procedure, deadline 24/02/2020 has been discontinued, for the 12km prefabricated slab track system, drainage, cable shafts, cable conduits, lifting systems with ancillary civil engineering work  for the upgrading of the 4,270 m long Rastatt Tunnel on the Karlsruhe - Rastatt section (StA 1) of the Karlsruhe-Basel . Contract not awarded.  Contact DB Netz AG, Frankfurt am Main, tel +49 7219386264, email bernhard.hofmann@deutschebahn.com.  For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 19FEI42255. 51/20.



Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 09/07/2021, for 12km prefabricated slab track system, drainage, cable shafts, cable conduits, lifting systems with ancillary civil engineering work for the upgrading of the 4,270 m long Rastatt Tunnel on the Karlsruhe - Rastatt section (StA 1) of the Karlsruhe-Basel. Contract duration from 01/04/2022 to  30/11/2024. Further information, specs and docs and also for tenders click here.  Contact FEI-SW - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Südwest, attn Nadine Pikolleck,  tel +49 7219386270, fax +49 69260914793, email  nadine.pikolleck@deutschebahn.com. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 21FEI52842. 23/21.


The negotiated procedure, deadline 09/07/2021, for 12km prefabricated slab track system, drainage, cable shafts, cable conduits, lifting systems with ancillary civil engineering work  for the upgrading of the 4,270 m long Rastatt Tunnel on the Karlsruhe - Rastatt section (StA 1) of the Karlsruhe-Basel, has been discontinued and the contract has been not awarded.  Contact FEI-SW - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Südwest, attn Nadine Pikolleck,  tel +49 7219386270, fax +49 69260914793, email  nadine.pikolleck@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=462321-2021. Ref.n. 21FEI52842. 38/21. 


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 31/03/2022, for a tunnel expert for the Karlsruhe-Basel project, section 8B PfA 8.7. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of contract from 01/0672022 to 31/08/2024, with a renewal option until 31/10/2029. For further information contact FEI-SW - Beschaffung Infrastruktur Region Südwest, attn Christian Volenter, Stuttgart, tel +49 71120921245, fax +49 71120923690, email christian.volenter@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=117890-2022. Ref.n. 21FEI53091. 09/22. 



Prof.Dr.-Ing.D.Kirschke GmbH & Co.KG from Ettlingen secured the contract for a tunnel expert for the Karlsruhe-Basel project, section 8B PfA 8.7. Contact DB Netz AG, attn Christian Volenter, Frankfurt Main, email einkauf-online@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=446055-2022. Ref.n. 21FEI53091. 32/22. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09/11/2022, for the provision of electrical equipment in the 4,270 m long Rastatt Tunnel on the Karlsruhe - Rastatt section of the Karlsruhe-Basel.  For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is from 21/09/2023 to 28/05/2026. Contact DB Netz AG (Bukr 16), attn Claudia Kaiser, Frankfurt email eVergabe@deutschebahn.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=499374-2022. Ref.n. 22FEI59814. 37/22. 


Deutschland-Frankfurt am Main: Elektroinstallationsarbeiten

2022/S 176-499374

Auftragsbekanntmachung – Sektoren


Richtlinie 2014/25/EU

Abschnitt I: Auftraggeber

I.1)Name und Adressen
Offizielle Bezeichnung: DB Netz AG (Bukr 16)
Postanschrift: Adam-Riese-Straße 11-13
Ort: Frankfurt Main
NUTS-Code: DE712 Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Postleitzahl: 60327
Land: Deutschland
Kontaktstelle(n): Kaiser, Claudia
E-Mail: eVergabe@deutschebahn.com
Hauptadresse: http://www.deutschebahn.com/bieterportal
Die Auftragsunterlagen stehen für einen uneingeschränkten und vollständigen direkten Zugang gebührenfrei zur Verfügung unter: https://bieterportal.noncd.db.de/evergabe.bieter/api/external/deeplink/subproject/e04fa403-06f1-4f0e-89d1-2be3c886d732
Weitere Auskünfte erteilen/erteilt die oben genannten Kontaktstellen

Abschnitt II: Gegenstand

II.1)Umfang der Beschaffung
II.1.1)Bezeichnung des Auftrags:

SPGK Elektrische Energieanlagen Tunnel Rastatt

Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: 22FEI59814
II.1.2)CPV-Code Hauptteil
45311200 Elektroinstallationsarbeiten
II.1.3)Art des Auftrags
II.1.4)Kurze Beschreibung:

Elektrische Energieanlagen Tunnel Rastatt (Trafostationen, Stromversorgung, Tunnelsicherheitsbeleuchtung,

Stromversorgung ESTW-A Kreuzacker

EWHA und ESTW-A Stromversorgung Abzweig Rastatt Süd

II.1.5)Geschätzter Gesamtwert
II.1.6)Angaben zu den Losen
Aufteilung des Auftrags in Lose: nein
II.2.2)Weitere(r) CPV-Code(s)
34993100 Tunnelbeleuchtung
45314310 Verlegen von Kabeln
NUTS-Code: DE124 Rastatt
Hauptort der Ausführung:


II.2.4)Beschreibung der Beschaffung:

SPGK Elektrische Energieanlagen Tunnel Rastatt

Die nachstehenden Kriterien
Qualitätskriterium - Name: Terminplanung / Gewichtung: 15
Kostenkriterium - Name: Preis / Gewichtung: 15
II.2.6)Geschätzter Wert
II.2.7)Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Beginn: 21/09/2023
Ende: 28/05/2026
Dieser Auftrag kann verlängert werden: nein
II.2.10)Angaben über Varianten/Alternativangebote
Varianten/Alternativangebote sind zulässig: nein
II.2.11)Angaben zu Optionen
Optionen: nein
II.2.13)Angaben zu Mitteln der Europäischen Union
Der Auftrag steht in Verbindung mit einem Vorhaben und/oder Programm, das aus Mitteln der EU finanziert wird: ja
Projektnummer oder -referenz:


II.2.14)Zusätzliche Angaben

Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben

III.1.1)Befähigung zur Berufsausübung einschließlich Auflagen hinsichtlich der Eintragung in einem Berufs- oder Handelsregister
Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:

Der Nachweis über die im folgenden aufgeführten Eignungsanforderungen wird durch das Vorhandensein einer Präqualifikation bei der Deutschen Bahn AG, den Eintrag in die Liste des Vereins für die Präqualifikation von Bauunternehmen e.V. (Präqualifikationsverzeichnis) / PQ-VOB oder vorläufig mit einer Eigenerklärung über die Erfüllung der Eignungsanforderungen erbracht. Im letzten Fall sind auf gesondertes Verlangen der Vergabestelle die Nachweise zu den einzelnen Anforderungen innerhalb von 6 Kalendertagen vorzulegen. Auf gesondertes Verlangen der Vergabestelle ist ein Nachweis über das Vorhandensein einer PQ-VOB innerhalb von 6 Kalendertagen vorzulegen.

Es ist zu beachten, dass nach III.1.4) zwingend eine Präqualifikation der Deutschen Bahn AG erforderlich sein kann, falls dies dort ausdrücklich erwähnt ist. Eine dementsprechende Erklärung ist im Offenen Verfahren mit dem Angebot und bei einem Aufruf zum Teilnahmewettbewerb mit dem Teilnahmeantrag abzugeben. Zusätzliche Unterlagen sind nicht erwünscht.

Erklärung über seine Mitgliedschaft in der Berufsgenossenschaft. Bieter ohne Sitz in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland haben eine entsprechende Erklärung über die Mitgliedschaft bei dem für sie zuständigen Versicherungsträger abzugeben.

Erklärung über die Eintragung in die Handwerksrolle, das Berufsregister oder das Register der Industrie- und Handelskammer seines Sitzes oder Wohnsitzes.

III.1.2)Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Eignungskriterien:

Erklärung über die beabsichtigte Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Unternehmen

Erklärung, dass der Bewerber/Bieter nicht durch die Deutsche Bahn AG wegen Verfehlungen gesperrt und vom Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen worden ist.

Erklärung über Verfehlungen, die die Zuverlässigkeit als Bieter in Frage stellt (§ 124 Abs. 1 Nr. 3 GWB).

Erklärung zur Kartellrechtlichen Compliance- und Korruptionsprävention

Erklärung, dass bei der Ausführung eines früheren Auftrags bei der Deutsche Bahn AG oder einem mit ihr gemäß §§ 15 ff. AktG verbundenen Unternehmen keine wesentliche Anforderung erheblich oder fortdauernd mangelhaft erfüllt hat.

Erklärung über mögliche Eintragungen im Gewerbezentralregister

Erklärung, dass das Unternehmen zu keinem Zeitpunkt in einem Vergabeverfahren der Deutsche Bahn AG oder eines mit ihr gemäß §§ 15 ff. AktG verbundenen Unternehmens

a) versucht hat, die Entscheidungsfindung in unzulässiger Weise zu beeinflussen,

b) versucht hat, vertrauliche Informationen zu erhalten, durch die es unzulässige Vorteile beim Vergabeverfahren erlangen könnte, oder

c) irreführende Informationen übermittelt hat, die die Vergabeentscheidung beeinflussen konnte bzw. dies versucht hat.

Erklärung, dass der Bewerber/Bieter den DB-Verhaltenskodex für Geschäftspartner ( https://www.deutschebahn.com/de/konzern/konzernprofil/compliance/geschaeftspartner/verhaltenskodex-1191674

) oder die BME-Verhaltensrichtlinie ( https://www.bme.de/initiativen/compliance/bme-compliance-initiative/ ) oder einen eigenen Verhaltenskodex, der im Wesentlichen vergleichbare Prinzipien verbindlich für ihn festlegt, einhalten wird.

Der Nachweis über die im folgenden aufgeführten Eignungsanforderungen wird durch das Vorhandensein einer Präqualifikation bei der Deutschen Bahn AG, den Eintrag in die Liste des Vereins für die Präqualifikation von Bauunternehmen e.V. (Präqualifikationsverzeichnis) / PQ-VOB oder vorläufig mit einer Eigenerklärung über die Erfüllung der Eignungsanforderungen erbracht. Im letzten Fall sind auf gesondertes Verlangen der Vergabestelle die Nachweise zu den einzelnen Anforderungen innerhalb von 6 Kalendertagen vorzulegen. Auf gesondertes Verlangen der Vergabestelle ist ein Nachweis über das Vorhandensein einer PQ-VOB innerhalb von 6 Kalendertagen vorzulegen.

Es ist zu beachten, dass nach III.1.4) zwingend eine Präqualifikation der Deutschen Bahn AG erforderlich sein kann, falls dies dort ausdrücklich erwähnt ist. Eine dementsprechende Erklärung ist im Offenen Verfahren mit dem Angebot und bei einem Aufruf zum Teilnahmewettbewerb mit dem Teilnahmeantrag abzugeben. Zusätzliche Unterlagen sind nicht erwünscht.

Erklärungen zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Verpflichtungen, insbesondere der Pflicht zur Zahlung von Steuern und Abgaben sowie zur Zahlung der Beiträge zur gesetzlichen Sozialversicherung (Renten-, Kranken-, Pflege-, Unfall- und Arbeitslosenversicherung), sowie Verpflichtungen z. B. gem. den in § 21 Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz (AentG), § 98c Aufenthaltsgesetz, § 19 Mindestlohngesetz oder § 21 Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfungsgesetz genannten Vorschriften.

Erklärung, dass kein Insolvenzverfahren oder Liquidationsverfahren anhängig ist.

Erklärung, dass das Unternehmen in Bezug auf Ausschlussgründe im Sinne von §§ 123 f. GWB oder Eignungskriterien im Sinne von § 122 GWB keine Täuschung begangen und auch keine Auskünfte zurückgehalten hat und dass das Unternehmen stets in der Lage war, geforderte Nachweise in Bezug auf die §§ 122 bis 124 GWB zu übermitteln.

Eignungskriterien gem. Anlage 2.24

III.1.3)Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit
Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Eignungskriterien:

Erklärung über das von ihm für die Leitung und Aufsicht vorgesehene technische Personal mit Angabe ihrer beruflichen Qualifikation und Sprachkenntnisse

Der Nachweis über die im folgenden aufgeführten Eignungsanforderungen wird durch das Vorhandensein einer Präqualifikation bei der Deutschen Bahn AG, den Eintrag in die Liste des Vereins für die Präqualifikation von Bauunternehmen e.V. (Präqualifikationsverzeichnis) / PQ-VOB oder vorläufig mit einer Eigenerklärung über die Erfüllung der Eignungsanforderungen erbracht. Im letzten Fall sind auf gesondertes Verlangen der Vergabestelle die Nachweise zu den einzelnen Anforderungen innerhalb von 6 Kalendertagen vorzulegen. Auf gesondertes Verlangen der Vergabestelle ist ein Nachweis über das Vorhandensein einer PQ-VOB innerhalb von 6 Kalendertagen vorzulegen.

Es ist zu beachten, dass nach III.1.4) zwingend eine Präqualifikation der Deutschen Bahn AG erforderlich sein kann, falls dies dort ausdrücklich erwähnt ist. Eine dementsprechende Erklärung ist im Offenen Verfahren mit dem Angebot und bei einem Aufruf zum Teilnahmewettbewerb mit dem Teilnahmeantrag abzugeben. Zusätzliche Unterlagen sind nicht erwünscht.

Eignungskriterien gem. Anlage 2.24

III.1.4)Objektive Teilnahmeregeln und -kriterien
Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Regeln und Kriterien:

Für folgende Leistungen muss das ausführende Unternehmen in einem Präqualifikationsverfahren bei der Deutschen Bahn AG präqualifiziert sein: siehe III.2.2) sowie Bewerbungsbedingungen Ziff. 17 und Besondere Vertragsbedingungen.

III.1.6)Geforderte Kautionen oder Sicherheiten:


in Höhe von 5 v.H. der Auftragssumme

Bürgschaft für Mängelansprüche

in Höhe von 3 v.H. der Abrechnungssumme

III.1.7)Wesentliche Finanzierungs- und Zahlungsbedingungen und/oder Hinweise auf Vorschriften, in denen sie enthalten sind:

Zahlungsbedingungen gemäß Vergabeunterlagen

III.1.8)Rechtsform, die die Unternehmensgruppe, der der Auftrag erteilt wird, haben muss:

Gesamtschuldnerische Haftung aller Gemeinschaftsmitglieder

III.2)Bedingungen für den Auftrag
III.2.2)Bedingungen für die Ausführung des Auftrags:

Bauleistung für Kabel:


-Bauleistungen für Kabel–Bauen unter Eisenbahnbetrieb;

Planung E-Technik

-Planung von elektrischen Energieanlagen

-Planung elektrischer Weichenheizanlagen


Germany, Stuttgart - de/53


Periodic notice issued on 28th August, 2001 to build a 1,150 m tunnel. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int, document S 164-114303, or contact City of Stuttgart, fax +49 711 2162932. 43/01. Preinformation notice for a double 700 m-long cut-and-cover tunnel on the Pragsattel-Löwentor section of B10 published by the City of Stuttgart. Tenders scheduled for January, 2002. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int, document S 227-156257 or fax +49 711 2167659. 49/01.Open tendering, deadline 14th March, 2002 for the construction of a 2 x 700 m cut-and-cover tunnel in Heilbronnerstrasse, Pragstrasse and Löwenstorstrasse. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 27, document 20807-2002 or contact City of Stuttgart, fax +49 7111232755. 07/02.Negotiated procedure, deadline 11th October, 2004 for engineering for the Rosenstein tunnel. This is a twin tunnel, approximately 2 x 800 m using mining methods and 2 x 300 m in cut and cover. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148868-2004 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148869-2004, OJ S 173, or contact Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Stuttgart, fax +49 7112167659. E-mail daniel.hartenstein@stuttgart.de 38/04.Open call for bids, deadline 2nd December, 2004 for electrotechnical equipment for a 2 x 700 m tunnel on the Pragsattel-Loewentor section of road B10. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174520-2004, OJ S 204, or contact Landeshaupstadt Stuttgart, Stuttgart, fax +49 7112164386 or 7112167191. E-mail matthias.braitinger@stuttgart.de or marie-luise.mueller@stuttgart.de 44/04.Open call for bids, deadline 21st December, 2004 for installation of ventilation equipment for a 2 x 700 m tunnel on section Pragsattel-Loewentor, road B10. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190496-2004, OJ S 221, or contact Landeshaupstadt Stuttgart, Stuttgart, fax +49 7112164386 or 7112167191. E-mail ralf.kristel@stuttgart.de or marie-luise.mueller@stuttgart.de 48/04.Bung pocketed a EUR515,400 contract for general technical design of the Rosenstein tunnel. This is a twin tunnel, approximately 2 x 800 m using mining methods and 2 x 300 m in cut and cover. Visit www.bung-gmbh.de 33-34/05.WBI, Boll und Partner and Brenner + Muennich clinched a EUR2.2 million deal for general planning for the Rosenstein tunnel (architecture of the portals, operating rooms, project planning, structural design, soil mechanics and measurements). Visit www.wbionline.de, www.boll-und-partner.de and www.brenner-muennich.de 33-34/05.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 07.02.2013, for planning services for B10 and B10/B14 Rosenstein tunnel connection at Leuze. The contract is composed of 4 lots. Contract duration 01.8.2013 to 31.12.2019. Further specs and docs from Dienstleistungszentrum Bauvertragswesen, att.n Team 1, Stuttgart, tel +49 711216-89344, e-mail dlz1.hochbauamt@stuttgart.de, to where tenders must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=it&docid=003296-2013, GU S 003. 02/13.


Germany, Frankfurt - de/52


Periodic notice, deadline 22nd October, 2001, issued by the Frankfurt Airport Authority for geological and geotechnical studies on the three variants of a road tunnel and a 1.5 km-long luggage tunnel between Terminals 2 and 3. Visit http://ted.eur-op.int, document S 190-130672, or contact Fraport AG, Frankfurt am Main, fax +49 69060078. 42/01.Negotiated procedure, deadline 4th June, 2007 for design and planning of a baggage tunnel between the existing terminal 1 and the new terminal 3 under the existing runway in Frankfurt airport. The total length including the start shaft and receival shaft is approx. 1,670 m. The tunnel consists of three sections, a main tunnel and two connecting tunnels. The 1,130 m main tunnel will be driven in soft ground using a TBM. The connecting tunnels (481 m and 11 m) feature a rectangular cross-section of 6.7 m x 5.6 m and will be built in cut and cover. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107138-2007, OJ S 87, or contact Fraport, Frankfurt, fax +49 6969060199. E-mail f.jost@fraport.de 21/07.Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 20.02.2009, for construction of 200 m-long, 10 m-wide, 4.8 m-headroom concrete tunnel and ramp retaining walls, together with aircraft manoeuvring surfaces at Frankfurt Airport. Specs, docs, and more information from Holger Meyer of Fraport AG in Frankfurt, tel +49 696902 5949, e-mail h.meyer01@fraport.deTenders, requests to participate, and expressions of interest to Frau Jost, tel +49 696906 0070, e-mail f.jost@fraport.de. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=021395-2009 05/09.


Germany, Thuringia and Saxony - de/51

High Speed Railway

  Engineering design complete for 6.8 km-long Finne, 6.4 km-long Bibra, and 2 km-long Osterberg tunnels to be TBM driven with NATM connections, value $2 billion. Awaiting German government finance. 37/01.Periodic notice, deadline 30th March, 2006 for executive design and construction of the 2 x 6,886 m Finne tunnel on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed railway. The tunnel will be built by TBM and conventional method. Tenders to be invited in end-April. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=033369-2006, OJ S 30, or contact DB Netz, Leipzig, fax +49 34121651191. Also visit www.db.de 08/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 18th September, 2006 for executive design, construction and equipment of the 2 x 6,886 m Finne tunnel on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed railway. The tunnel will be built by TBM (approx. 9.3 km) and the sprayed concrete lining method. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=092480-2006, OJ S 87, or contact DB Netz, Leipzig, fax +49 3412342399 or 34123424009. E-mail annekatrin.richter@bahn.de 20/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 13th September, 2006 for project management for the 2 x 6,886 m Finne tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=170837-2006, OJ S 158, or contact DB ProjektBau, Leipzig, fax +49 3514613079. E-mail petra.wylensek@bahn.de 35/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th November, 2006 for construction supervision of the 2 x 6,886 m Finne tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=206621-2006, OJ S 194, or contact DB ProjektBau, Leipzig, fax +49 3412342399 or 3419687259. E-mail roswitha.becker@bahn.de 42/06.A JV of Wayss & Freytag, Porr and Max Boegl received a EUR248 million contract for the executive design, construction and equipment of the 2 x 6,886 m-long Finne tunnel, which will cross Rastenberg, in Thuringia, and Bad Bibra, in Saxony-Anhalt, with a maximum cover of 60 metres. Both tubes will lie at an average distance of approximately 25 metres. Each tube will feature a cross section with an internal radius of 4.65 m on two-thirds of the length, and a horseshoe-shaped cross section in the remaining length. The tunnel will be built by TBM and the sprayed concrete lining method. Work should begin in 2007 and be completed at the end of 2011. Visit www.wf-sfbau.de, www.porr.at and www.max-boegl.de 04/07.Pöyry is designing the Bibra and Osterberg tunnels, respectively 2 x 6.8 km and 2 x 2.4 km, for the Erfurt-Halle/Leipzig high speed line. The contract also includes preparation of the tenders for construction. Read E-News Weekly 33/2006. Visit www.poyry.com 12/07.Open call for bids, deadline 26th October, 2007 for construction and E&M equipment planning as well as civil works of the 2 x 6,414 m-long Bibra tunnel and construction of a 1.3 km section. Six cross-passages will also be built between the twin tunnels. The shotcrete lined method will be used. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=187192-2007, OJ S 150, or contact DB Netz, Leipzig, fax +49 34123424009 or 3419687259. 33/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 29th February, 2008 for planning and construction of the 2 x 2,070 m Osterberg tunnel in Saxony on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed line. The tunnel will be built using the sprayed concrete lining method. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=15958-2008, OJ S 13, or contact DB Netz, Leipzig, fax +49 3412342399. E-mail annekatrin.richter@bahn.de 04/08.A joint venture led by Marti Tunnelbau, with its sister company Marti Austria and Johann Bunte Bauunternehmung of Germany as partners, pocketed a EUR200 contract to build the Bibra tunnel, which consists of two parallel single-track tubes, 6,414 m long each, and a 1.3 km open air stretch on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed line. Visit www.martiag.ch/en/180/start.asp and www.johann-bunte.de 07/08.Open call for tenders, deadline 4th March, 2008 for construction supervision of the 2 x 6.4 km Bibra tunnel on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed line. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=32010-2008, OJ S 24, or contact DB ProjektBau, Leipzig, fax +49 3412342399. E-mail Roswitha.Becker@bahn.de 07/08.Open invitation for tenders, deadline 16th April, 2008 for construction supervision of the 2 x 2,070 m Osterberg tunnel in Saxony on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed line. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=77295-2008, OJ S 57, or contact DB ProjektBau, Leipzig, fax +49 3412342399. E-mail jochen.ehrhardt@bahn.de 14/08.A joint venture of Porr Tunnelbau, Jaeger Bau and Ostu-Stettin won the tender for planning and construction of the 2 x 2,082 m-long 70 sq m Osterberg tunnel in Saxony on the Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle high speed line. The twin single-track tunnel will be built using the sprayed concrete lining method. The two tubes will be connected by six cross-passages. Visit www.porr-ag.de or www.porr.at, www.jaegerbau.com and www.oestu-stettin.at 16/08.


Invitation to tender under restricted procedure, deadline 21.03.2011, for construction-site supervision services on the section Erfurt(a) - Grobers(e) of the new Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle railway line. The contract includes 11 lots, of which lots 2 and 4 concern track for 15 km in tunnels and tunnel equipment for 14 km. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 31.01.2011. Contract duration: 31.5.2011-31.12.2016. Further information, specs and docs from Deutsche Bahn AG, attn Sig. Ehrhardt, Leipzig, fax +49 3412342-399 to whom tenders must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=008834-2011. 04/11.


Invitation to tender under restricted procedure, deadline 10.09.2012, for supply and installation of BOS digital radio system into Finne, Bibra and Osterberg tunnels of the new Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle railway line. The contract includes wiring and connection, optical fibre communications, 50 Hz power supply, and coordination with existing GSM-R. Contract commences 28.11.2012 for completion 05.06.2014. Check closing date and get further information, specs and docs from Lahlali Laoukili at Deutsche Bahn Region Mitte in Frankfurt, tel +49 692652-3033, fax –0018, to whom tenders must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=272946-2012. 35/12.

