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United States

United States, California - us/12

Riverside Bad Lands Water Supply

Shank/Balfour Beatty to commence 12.7 km tunnel in June, 1999 using own-design 4.85 m TBM. Alignment mainly below water table at average depth of 60 m in alluvium and fractured metamorphic rock. Two intermediate shafts required for ventilation and grout transport. Probehole drilling, grouting and dewatering expected to stem water inflow and improve ground conditions. Part of Inland Feeder project. Completion scheduled September, 2002. March 1999.  See Inland Feeder us/23 for further updates. Sept 1999.


United States, California - us/11

San Bernardino TBM

Shank/Balfour Beatty driving 9,286 m-long Arrowhead East aqueduct as part of Inland Feeder project which will require a total of 29 km of tunnels. 5.38 m shielded TBM designed by contractor launched March, 1998 and is working in granite and gneiss erecting 1.2 m-deep rings of four precast segments. Average advance on single-shift working is 18 rings/day with 28 rings maximum. 2 km completed to date. Steel-encased 12 ft internal diameter concrete pipe will be installed later and backgrouted in place. March 1999.  See Inland Feeder us/23 for further updates. Sept 1999.

