Upper Savoy
- fr/56
Notice of public works concession for section Saint-Julien-en-Genevois/Villy-le-Pelloux (19 km) on the A41 highway, including the twin 3.1 km-long 10.5 m-wide Mont Sion tunnel, two lanes and an emergency lane per tube. The portals have already been built. Engineering studies by Scetauroute. Visit, OJ S 88, or contact Ministère de l'équipement, des transports, du logement, du tourisme et de la mer, Paris-La Défense, fax +33 140811259. E-mail 20/03.The ministry of equipment and transport decided to negotiate a 55-year concession contract for the financing, design, construction and operation of section Saint-Julien-en-Genevois - Villy-le-Pellou (19 km) of highway A41 with ADELAC, a consortium of companies including highway concessionaire AREA, Bouygues TP, GFC Construction, DTP Terrassement, Losinger Construction, Colas, all controlled by the Bouygues Group, consulting engineers Setec, and bank Caisse d'Epargne et de Prevoyance des Alpes. This section will link Annecy in Upper Savoy to Geneva, Switzerland. It includes a 3.1 km 10.5 m-wide twin bored tunnel under Mount Sion, to be excavated by a TBM. The design and building is budgeted at EUR520 million, with no contribution of public funds. It is expected the contract will be signed before the end of the summer. Time frame for construction: 38 months for opening scheduled at end-2008. Visit, and 18/05.Notice of works contract awarded by the concessionnaire, deadline 9th December, 2005 for prefabrication and delivery to the building consortium Adelac of lining segments for the 2 x 3.1 km tunnel on the 19 km Saint-Julien-en-Genevois - Villy-le-Pellou section on highway A41. A total of 2,914 lining rings of six 45 cm-thick 2 m-long segments will be produced and delivered. Visit, OJ S 216, or contact Adelac SAS, Archamps, fax +33 450821126 or 450952893. E-mail Click fr/56. 47/05.Consortium Adelac headed by Bouygues will use a 11.9 m-diameter Herrenknecht TBM to drive the 2 x 2,914 m-long Mont Sion tunnel on the 18.8 km Saint-Julien-en-Genevois - Villy-le-Pellou section of motorway A41, which will link Annecy with Geneva. The tunnel will be lined with 0.45 m to 1.5 m-thick segments. Visit 52/05-01/06.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.03.2010, for 30 safety by-passes for the A40, A41 and A11 Upper Savoy motorways. Contract duration 24 months. Contact M. Allegrini at ATMB, Bonville, fax +33 450252096. Specs and docs from Catherine Pasquier, fax +33 450252096. Send offers to Investment Direction Secretary. Visit 04/10.
Deadline postponed from 05.03.2010 to 12.03.2010 for open invitation to tender for 30 safety bypasses for the A40, A41 and A11 Upper Savoy motorways. Contact M Allegrini at ATMB in Bonneville, fax +33 450252096. Visit 06/10.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.08.2010, for lighting and road surface upgrading in Chamoise tunnel (3,264 m, 3,250 m) on A40. Contract duration 01.10.2010 al 31.12.2012. Contact SocietÃÂ delle Autostrade Parigi Reno Rodano (APRR), att.n Mrs Feydet or Declerieux, Genay, tel +33 437264000, e-mail, Visit 26/10.
Negotiated procedure to tender, deadline 10.01.2014, for general management and assistance to general management for the refurbishment of Saint Germain and Chatillon tunnels on A40. Contact APRR, Lyon, fax +33 478622654. Visit Bid Code n. 13.0057. 50/13.
Notice to tender, deadline 08.01.2015, for the refurbishment of Saint Germain Sud and Chatillon Nord tunnels on A40. Contact Ingerop Conseil et Ingenierie La Croix de Barral, attn Mr Sylvain Flety, Seynod, fax +33 450527577, e-mail for specs and docs; APRR, Service GA, Lyon, fax +33 478622654 for further information and to send tenders. Visit Ref.n. 14.0046. 50/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.02.2015, for 46 safety by-passes for the A40, A41 and A411 Upper Savoy and Ain motorways. Duration of contract 48 months, from 2015 to 2018. Contact ATMB, Bonville, fax +33 450252096. Visit Ref. n. CAB/ED/DB/T12-2014. 02/15.
SA Cofely Axima at Villeurbann secured the EUR 1,171,800 contract, excluding VAT, for replacing works of accelerators in Vuache tunnel (1,431 m, 1,393 m) on A40. Contact ATMB, attn Philippe Redoulez, Paris. Visit Ref.n. RG/ED/AM/VPC T07-2014. 04/15.
Maia Sonnier in Lyon was awarded the 2.19 million euros contract, for the work to modernise the Saint-Germain tunnel South (1300 m) as well as the North Chatillon tunnel (800 m) A40. Contact Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone Saint-Apollinaire. Log in, OJ S 176. Rif.n. 14.0046. 37/15.
Open invitation to tender, expiring on the 07.12.2017, for light and heavy maintenance of ventilation in tunnels for APRR, AREA and ADELAC. The contract is divided into 4 lots: tunnel Maurice Lemaire (Lot 1); tunnel Chamoise, Saint-Germain and Chatillon (AIN) of APRR on the A40 motorway (Lot 2); tunnel of AREA and Sinard tunnels on the A43 and A51 motorways (Lot 3); tunnel Mont Sion of ADELAC and the Haute-Savoie A41 Nord motorway (Lot 4). The contract duration is 12 months. For documents please click on the following link Contact APRR, Saint-Apollinaire, tel +33 680287167, email and send the offers to APRR, Saint Apollinaire, email Connect to, GU S 189 and Deliver & language = it & docid = 434357-2017, GU S 209. Ref. 17 01 24 47/17.
Satelec from Viry-Chatillon secured the EUR235,554 contract,
excluding VAT, for supply and installation of hatches for smoke exhaust in the Chamoise
tunnel (3,264 m, 3,250 m) on the A40.
Contract duration is from 01.10.2010 until 31.12.2012. Contact APRR, att.n
Alexandre Defforge, Saint-Apollinaire, tel +33 380776700, email Visit
Ref.n. 1901005. 30/19.
Prior information notice for shotcrete reinforcement + Drainage of free and unstable materials in the Chamoise tunnel on the A40 motorway. Estimated date of publication of contract notice: 15/05/2024. Contact APRR, attn Yugurta Bakhouche, Saint-Apollinaire, tel +33 0380776970, email Visit Ref. BPC001749. 04/24.
- fr/54
Restricted call for bids, deadline 14th May, 2003 for the preliminary studies of the Line B extension from Gerland to Oullins, 1.8 km with one station with a variant for 2.5 km with two stations. Visit, OJ S 76, or contact Sytral, Lyon, fax +33 478531284. 17/03.Open call for bids, deadline 7th February, 2006 for project management for the planning and the legal and administrative assistance for the Line B extension of the Lyon metro, between the current terminal station in Gerland and Oullins. Expected length is 2 km with no intermediate station. Visit, OJ S 244, or contact SYTRAL, Lyon, fax +33 472914529. E-mail Visit 04/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 24th February, 2006 for lead engineering for the studies, civil works and equipment of the Line B extension of the Lyon metro, between the current terminal station in Gerland and Oullins. The length will be about 1.7 km, including a crossing of the Rhone river. Visit, OJ S 13, or contact SYTRAL, Lyon, fax +33 472914529. E-mail Visit 05/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 13th March, 2006 for lead engineering for the studies, civil works and equipment of the Line B extension of the Lyon metro, between the current terminal station in Gerland and Oullins (contract 06.001). The length will be about 1.7 km, including a crossing of the Rhone river. This new tender cancels the one published at week 05/06. Click fr/54. Visit, OJ S 26, or contact SYTRAL, Lyon, fax +33 472914529. E-mail Visit 07/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 15th September, 2006 for contract 06.97 consisting of the preparation of administrative files (public hearings, environmental impact study, etc.) for the extension of Line B of the Lyon metro from Gerland to Oullins, 1.7 km of length including a crossing of the Rhone river. Visit, OJ S 146, or contact Sytral, Lyon, fax +33 478531284. 33-34/06.Semaly, a subsidiary of Group Egis, has pocketed a EUR12 million contract for project management for the 1.7 km extension of Line B of the Lyon metro to Oullins. A crossing of the Rhone river is planned, either in viaduct or by tunnel, together with a multimodal underground station. Visit and 38/06.Negotiated call for tenders, deadline 7th December, 2007 for civil engineering for the extension of Line B of the Lyon metro from Gerland to Oullins, including a crossing of the Rhone river by TBM or immersed caissons. Visit, OJ S 212, or contact Sytral, Lyon, tel. +33 472845800. E-mail 47/07.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28.07.2011, for the lighting refurbishment (3,300 lights on 28 km of tunnel) along the ABCD metro lines in Lyon. Contact Sytral, attn Jean Michel Thenet, Lyon Cedex 03, tel +33 472845827, e-mail Visit 30/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.09.2014, for replacing the high voltage switchboards in stations along the ABC metro lines in Lyon. Duration of contract 30 months from award. Contact Sytral, attn Jean Michel Thenet, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 472845889, e-mail Visit Ref. 14S0082. 32/14.
Postponed from 29.09.2014 to 01.10.2014 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for replacing the high voltage switchboards in stations along the ABC metro lines in Lyon. Duration of contract 30 months from award. Contact Sytral, attn Rivalta Bernard, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284. Visit Ref. 14S0082. 40/14.
Restricted procedure to tender, deadline 26.11.2014, for the Line B extension from Oullins to Hospital Lyon South, 2.2 km with two stations. Contact Sytral, attn Rivalta Bernard, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284. Visit Ref.n. 14S0128. 48/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.03.2015, for upgrading of metro lines stations Part-Dieu (line B), Bellecour (line A) and Charpennes (lines A+B) in Lyon. The contract is composed of nine lots. Duration of contract 28 months. Contact Sytral, attn Bernard Rivalta, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284. Visit Ref. 14S0142. 04/15.
Contracts have been awarded for nine lots for the upgrading of metro line stations Part-Dieu (line B), Bellecour (line A) and Charpennes (lines A + B) Underground Lyon: MDTP SAS Mions, contract M15 / 0038 from 12.925 Euro, Lot 1; Gantelet et Galaberthier Villeurbanne, contract M15 / 0037 value 310,897 euros, Lot 2; Fontbonne et fils Decines-Charpieu, contract M15 / 0039 value 1,621,969 Euros, Lot 3; Groupement Somiroc (agent) / veture Concept of Anneyron, Contract M15 / 040 to 1,397,935 Euros, Lot 4; Lenoir metal of Villeurbanne, contract M15 / 0041 value 700,138 Euros, Lot 5; Antegone of Saint-Orens, contract M15 / 0042 value 285,854 Euros, Lot 6; Cornevin Lyon, contract M15 / 0043 value 272,284 Euros, Lot 7; SAS Polen of Amberieu-en-Bugey, contract M15 / 0044 value 66,930 Euros, Lot 8; Bouygues Energies et services Lyon, contract M15 / 0045 value 426,329 euros, Lot 9. Contact SYTRAL, attn.: Annie Guillemot, Lyon, tel +33 472 845 800 +33 472 845 800, fax +33 478531284. Log on to http: // ted., OJ S 177. Ref. 14S0142. 38/15.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 07.03.2016, for the on-board video protection equipment system. This is to go along line D on the B metro line in Lyon for on-board and ground communication systems. The duration of the contract is 99 months. Contact Sytral, att.n Mrs Annie Guillemot, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284. Visit 08/16.
Rhone - Alps
- fr/47
Restricted procedure, deadline 10th June, 2002 for engineering services dealing with construction of a 12.9 km 4.8 m-diameter safety tunnel parallel to the existing Frejus tunnel between France and Italy. There will be 30 m-long interconnecting passages every 400 m. The tender also deals with the installation of tunnel equipment (ventilation, lighting, telephone, video, electric supply, etc.). Construction estimated at €230 million. Visit, OJ S 94-74382 or contact SFTRF, Paris, fax +33 144689955. 21/02.
Restricted call for tenders, deadline 7th April, 2003 for engineering services as part of the construction of a 4.8 m-diameter 6 km-long service tunnel on the French part of the Fréjus road tunnel, with cross passages every 400 metres. Visit, OJ S 47, or contact Société française du tunnel routier du Fréjus (SFTRF), Patrick Guilhaudin, Paris, fax +33 147059901 or Yves Cipierre, Modane, fax 479202610, e-mail 11/03.Restricted call for bids, deadline 18th August, 2003 for engineering services prior to the construction of a 12.9 km-long 4.8 m-diameter service tunnel parallel to the main tunnel. Also 30 m-long cross passages every 300 m. Visit, OJ S 139, or contact SFTRF, Paris, fax +33 147059901. 31/03.Lombardi has pocketed a EUR1.44 million contract for engineering services for the study of a 12.9 km-long 4.8 m-diameter service tunnel parallel to main tunnel. Also 30 m-long cross passages every 300 m. Visit 24/04.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 21st July, 2004 for engineering as part of construction of a 12.9 km safety and rescue tunnel parallel to the existing cross-border Frejus tunnel between France and Italy. SFTRF, the French operator, and its Italian counterpart SITAF will deal with the same engineering consultancy. Visit, OJ S 119, or contact SFTRF, Modane, fax +33 479202610. 27/04.Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 27th June, 2005 for repairs in the Frejus tunnel, where a fire erupted on 4th June. Visit, OJ S 114, or contact SFTRF, Modane, fax +33 479202610. 25/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 18th September, 2007 for engineering from the contract awarding phase to the commissioning phase for the planned safety tunnel parallel to the existing 12.9 km tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 1/2007, 19/2006 & 35/2003. Visit, OJ S 138, or contact SFTRF, Modane, fax +33 479053120. 31/07.Inexia, the engineering arm of the French Railways, SNCF, in joint venture with SEA Consulting and SWS Engineering, both of Italy, pocketed a EUR6.2 million project management contract for the planned safety tunnel parallel to the existing 12.9 km Frejus cross-border road tunnel between France and Italy, from the contract awarding phase to the commissioning phase. Visit, and 16/08.Open invitation to tender, 16th December, 2008 for construction of the Frejus tunnel safety bore (lot 1) on the French side. The 12.9 km-long 9 m-wide bidirectional tunnel links Modane in France and Bardonecchia in Italy and is the major road connection between Lyon and Turin. Visit, OJ S 190, or contact SFTRF, Modane, fax +33 479053120. E-mail Click here. 41/08.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.01.2010, for topographical and photographic mapping of the Frejus tunnel (12,870 m). Contract duration 4 months. Contact Director General at SFTRF in Modane, tel +33 47920-2600, fax -6806, e-mail Visit 49/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.02.2010, for the refurbishment of the electrical installations in the Frejus tunnel. Contact Didier Simonnet at GEIE-GEF in Modane, tel +33 47920-2600, fax -6806, e-mail Visit 53/09.
Postponed from 16.02.2010 to 16.03.2010, the deadline for open invitation to tender for refurbishment of electrical installations in Frejus tunnel. Contact Didier Simonnet at GEIE-GEF in Modane, tel +33 47920-2600, fax -6806, e-mail Visit 07/10.
Contract notice, deadline 07.09.2010, for installation of permanent lighting equipment in the 12.9 km Frejus cross-border road tunnel between France and Italy. French or Italian legislation may be followed, but the same method has to be used for the entire tunnel by way of contracts with both SITAF SpA and SFTRF SA. Contract value EUR17,120,379.66, excluding VAT, duration 31 months. Contact Sitaf SpA, Direzione tecnica, Susa, tel +39 0122621621, fax +39 0122629673, e-mail Visit 30/10.
Razel groupement Bilfinger Berger (Orsay) secured the EUR130 million contract, VAT not included, for construction of the Frejus tunnel safety bore (lot 1) on the French side. Visit, OJ S 100. 23/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.09.2011, for general management for replacement of ventilation system in the Frejus tunnel. Duration of contract 96 months. Contact Direttore Generale, SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 4792026-00, fax -10, e-mail Visit and 32/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.03.2012, for new safety signs along Frejus tunnel to new safety tunnel bypasses. Contract duration 36 months. Contact SFTRF, attn General Manager, Modane, tel +33 479202600, e-mail Visit 06/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.05.2012, for radio communication equipment maintenance in Frejus tunnel. Duration of contract 12 months. Contact Salvatore Sergi, GEIE-GEF, Modane, tel +33 4792026-00, fax -10, e-mail Visit 12/12.
Sielte SpA of San Gregorio di Catania secured the EUR8.9 million contract, excluding VAT, for installation of permanent lighting equipment in the 12.9 km Frejus cross-border road tunnel between France and Italy. Contact Sitaf SpA, Direzione tecnica, Susa, tel +39 0122621621, fax +39 0122629673, e-mail Visit 14/12.
Negotiated procedure, deadline 09.07.2012, for the French side of the HVDC Italy-France interconnection inside the safety gallery of the Frejus tunnel as well as emergency repair on faults due to internal or external causes or third party action, for 10 years. Participation in the tender is subject to a preliminary qualification of suppliers.
The execution of the work is foreseen between January and March, 2014 in the safety gallery, and until October, 2014 outside the gallery. Contract duration 01.09.2013 to 01.09.2015. Contact RTE (Reseau de transport d'electricite), attn Emilie Hetier, Paris La Defense, tel +33 1444530-90, fax -50, e-mail Visit 26/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.06.2013, for rental and maintenance of fire extinguishers placed in Frejus tunnel. The contract is composed of two lots: lot 1 for Italy side and lot 2 for France side. Duration of contract 12 months after award. Contact GEIE-GEF, att.n Salvatore Sergi, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit 17/13.
Dekra Inspection SAS of Limoges secured the EUR7,549 contract, excluding VAT, for periodic controls and checks, required by law, on power installations, mechanical equipment, pressure equipment and thermal installations in the Frejus tunnel and two platforms in the tunnel. Duration of contract 12 months after award. Contact GEIE-GEF, att.n Salvatore Sergi, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit 17/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.09.2013, for o.m of the Frejus tunnel and access platforms, competence of Geie-Gef. Duration of contract 12 months, extendable up to a maximum of 4 years. Contact GEIE-GEF, att.n Salvatore Sergi, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +10, e-mail Visit 32/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.12.2013, for rockbolting in the Frejus tunnel. Duration of contract 24 months after award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. n. DTE/AO/TUN13-21. 46/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.01.2014, for maintenance of uninterruptible power system in the 12.9 km Frejus cross-border road tunnel between France and Italy. Duration of contract 12 months, value EUR40,000-EUR160,000. Contact Salvatore Sergi, GEIE-GEF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Ref.n. GEIE GEF 13-09. 49/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.03.2014, for periodic detailed inspection of civil engineering of the Frejus tunnel. Duration of contract 36 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref n. DTE/AO/TUN 14-04. 04/14.
Sitalfa SPA of Turin secured the contract for o.m of the Frejus tunnel and access platforms, competence of Geie-Gef. Contact GEIE-GEF, att.n Salvatore Sergi, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +10, e-mail Visit 11/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.09.2014, for periodic detailed inspection of the A43 structures. Value of contract EUR50,000-150,000, duration 12 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. n. SIE/AO/AUT/14-21. 30/14.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 03.11.2014, for general management during the last part of construction of the Frejus tunnel safety bore (lot 1) on the French side. Duration of work 38 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail .Visit Ref. DTE/AOR/TUN 14-28. 41/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.01.2015, for maintenance of the payment system in the Frejus tunnel. Value of contract EUR100,000-400,000, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 12 months from award. Contact GEIE-GEF, attn Salvatore Sergi, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. n. GEIE-GEF 14-09. 49/14.
GTS of Saint Priest secured the EUR3.77 million contract, excluding VAT, for rockbolting in the Frejus tunnel. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. n. DTE/AO/TUN13-21. 01/15.
Sites of Rueil-Malmaison secured the EUR254,156 contract, excluding VAT, for periodic detailed inspection of civil engineering of the Frejus tunnel. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref n. DTE/AO/TUN 14-04. 02/15.
SPIE Sud Est of Feyzin secured the EUR77,571.24 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of uninterruptible power system in the 12.9 km Frejus cross-border road tunnel between France and Italy. Contact Salvatore Sergi, GEIE-GEF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Ref.n. GEIE GEF 13-09. 02/15.
Postponed from 16.01.2015 to 30.01.2015, the deadline of the open invitation to tender for maintenance of the payment system in the Frejus tunnel. Value of contract EUR100,000-400,000, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 12 months from award. Contact GEIE-GEF, attn Salvatore Sergi, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. n. GEIE-GEF 14-09. 04/15.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 09.07.2015, for replacement of the ventilation system in the Frejus road tunnel, before opening of the second tube. Duration of work 90 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. DTE/AOR/TUN/15-16. 23/15.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 09.07.2015, for the renovation of the power supply chain and control of the ventilation system of the Frejus road tunnel, before opening of the second tube. Duration of work 90 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref. DTE/AOR/TUN 15-17. 23/15.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.10.2016, for the ventilation system in the second tube of the Frejus road tunnel (lot 4). Duration of work 60 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit 32/16.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.10.2016, for the installation of cooling, lighting, power, fire detection and signalling equipment in the new second Frejus road tube and for the upgrading in the existent tube (lot 1). Duration of the work is 60 months from award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit 32/16.
Eiffage Energie from Meyziau and Eiffage Genie Civi from Lyon secured the EUR14.11 million contract, excluding VAT, for the replacement of ventilation systems in the Frejus road tunnel. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 15-76524. 32/16.
Clemessy SA from Mulhouse and Sielte SpA from Rome secured the EUR8.55million contract, excluding VAT, for the upgrading of the power supply and control-operation chain of the ventilation system in the Frejus road tunnel. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 15-81304. 32/16.
Restricted invitation to
tender, deadline 07.10.2016, for installation in the Frejus road
tunnel of CCTV equipment, automatic
incident detection, radio, emergency call system, fire detection, access
control and telephones, to be put in the new tube and also for updating the existing tube.
Further information for the candidature phase at can be found at Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax
+33 479202610, e-mail Visit 40/16.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.10.2016, for installation of centralized technical management (GTC) / Supervision (Sup) - communication networks (Rsx) equipment in the new tube of the Frejus road tunnel and also for the existing tube and platforms buildings to be upgraded. Further information for the candidature phase at Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, e-mail Visit 40/16.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 21.07.2017, for the supply of two fire fighting vehicles to be used in the Frejus tunnel. Contact Didier Simonnet at GEIE-GEF in Modane, tel +33 47920-2600, fax -6806, e-mail Visit Ref.n. GEIE GEF/17-01. 26/17.
The awarding procedure for the ventilation system in the
second tube of the Frejus road tunnel (lot 4) has been interrupted. Contact
SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email
Ref.n. DTE/AOR/TUN/16-16. 06/18.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 05.03.2018, for
the ventilation system in the second tube of the Frejus road tunnel (lot 4).
Duration of the contract is 30 months. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33
479202600, fax +33 479202610, email
Ref.n. DTE/AOR/TUN/18-02. 06/18.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.03.2018, for the manufacture and supply of protection buffers for the fire control conduit in the Frejus tunnel. Duration of the contract will be 24 months from the award. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email Visit
Ref. n. DTE/AO/TUN/18-03. 10/18.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 23.07.2018, for
the assignment to an Civil engineering support service for all of the lots from
the M1 to M5 for the safety coordination in the Frejus tunnel. Value of the contract
is EUR121,16 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1740 days from
award. Contact SITAF, Susa, tel +39 122621621, fax +39 122629658, email Visit
The JV Exenet Srl/Sidel Ingegneria Srl/Rocksoil SpA from
Padoa secured the EUR657,577.18 contract, excluding VAT, for the safety
coordination services, for lots from M1 to M5, during equipment works in the
Frejus safety tunnel. Contact SITAF, Susa, tel +39 122621617, fax +39
122629658, email For bid documents click here.
Ref.n. CIG 753582250A. 32/19.
SFTRF (Societe française du Tunnel Routier du Frejus )
awarded the contracts for roadside assistance, towing and evacuation on the
motorway under SFTRF concession of the heavy vehicles (over 3.5 t): Maurienne
Depannage from Pontamafrey-Montpascal secured Lot 1 from Aiton to Saint-Michel
de Maurienne; Modane Depannage from Modane secured Lot 2 from Saint-Michel de
Maurienne to Frejus tunnel platform and Frejus tunnel both directions. Contact
Societe française du Tunnel Routier du Frejus, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax
+33 479202610, email For bid documents click here. 32/19.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 23.07.2018, for
the safety coordination services for every lots from M1 to M5, during equipment
works in the Frejus safety tunnel. Value of the contract is EUR897,522.53,
excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1740 days from award. Contact SITAF,
Susa, tel +39 122621621, fax +39 122629658, email For bid documents click here.
Ref.n. CIG 753582250A. 26/18.
TTS - Trafic Transport Surete from Venissieux secured the
EUR 499,480 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of video surveillance and
automatic incident detection systems for the Frejus tunnel. Contact Groupement
d'exploitation du Frejus, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email For bid documents click here. Ref.n. Gef201902. 35/19.
Duverneyautomobiles SAS from Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne secured the EUR201,982.40 contract, excluding VAT, for the renewal of patrol vehicles for the Frejus Tunnel safety service. Contact Groupement d'exploitation du Frejus, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email For tender information please click here Ref.n. Gef201906. 08/20.
The French company Spie Citynetworks from Feyzin secured the EUR2.01 million contract, excluding VAT, for preventive and corrective maintenance of fire detection and electrical installations in the Frejus tunnel. Contact Groupement d'exploitation du Frejus, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email For tender information please click here . Ref.n. Gef201907. 21/20.
TTS - Trafic Transport Surete from Venissieux (F) secured the EUR401,983 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of the video/ automatic incident detection system for the A43 Maurienne including the Frejus tunnel. Contact SOC francaise tunnel routier de Freju, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email
For tender information please click here. Ref.n. 2020aoes08. 30/20.
GTA from Lyon secured the EUR1.97 million contract, excluding VAT, for metal structures, painting of technical rooms and various fittings in the new tube of the Frejus road tunnel. Contact SFTRF, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 2020aotf15. 51/20.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 05/07/2021, for road assistance services, towing and evacuation of vehicles with GVW <=3.5 t and their attachments on the SFTRF network. The contract consists of two lots: Aiton - Pontamafrey (lot 1), Pontamafrey - Tunnel du Frejus platform and Tunnel du Frejus in both directions (lot 2). For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 60 months. Contact Societe francaise du tunnel routier du Frejus, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email For further information on tender click here. Ref.n. 2021pasc13. 22/21.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 21/12/2023, for maintenance of IT networks, applications and cybersecurity of the Frejus tunnel. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 12 months. Contact Groupement d exploitation du frejus, Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479202610, email Visit Ref.n. GEF202303. 46/23.