United Kingdom,
- uk/99
Road and railway
Closing Date:
16.08.2019 (Tender Closed)
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 16/08/2019, for a
Framework Agreement to procure engineering consultancy services (the Framework Agreement)
for Transport for London (TfL), The Greater London Authority (GLA), and all 32
London borough councils and the City of London.
Interested suppliers must express their interest via the
portal https://procontract.due-north.com.
The contract is divided into lots: A1 to A2, B1 to B18, C1 to C5, D1 to D14, E1
to E25.The duration of the Framework Agreement will be 3 years. TfL reserve the
right to extend the framework by a further 12 months. Contact Transport for London, attn Shaheen
Lodhi, London, email psfw2@tfl.gov.uk.
Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=373450-2019,
Ref.n. DN418146.
Telent Technology Services Ltd from Warwick secured the contract
for the provision of technical Facility Management services (CCTV, access
control and security systems) for Transport for London (TfL), including London
Underground stations, depots, office buildings, bus stations and piers.
Duration of the contract is 87 months. Contact Transport for
London, London, email TechnicalFMEME@tfl.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=395257-2019.
Ref.n. DN327382. 35/19.
Postponed to 15/05/2020 the deadline of the restricted invitation to tender for a Framework Agreement to procure engineering consultancy services (the Framework Agreement) for Transport for London (TfL), The Greater London Authority (GLA), and all 32 London borough councils and the City of London. Interested suppliers must express their interest via the portal https://procontract.due-north.com. The contract is divided into
lots: A1 to A2, B1 to B18, C1 to C5, D1 to D14, E1 to E25.The duration of the Framework Agreement will be 3 years. TfL reserve the right to extend the framework by a further 12 months. Contact Transport for London, attn Shaheen Lodhi, London, tel +44 12345, email SHAHEENLODHI.CPT@TFL.GOV.UK.
For tender information please click here Ref.n. DN418146. 13/20.
Postponed from 15/05/2020 to 22/05/2020 the deadline of the restricted invitation to tender for a Framework Agreement to procure engineering consultancy services (the Framework Agreement) for Transport for London (TfL), The Greater London Authority (GLA), and all 32 London borough councils and the City of London. Interested suppliers must express their interest via the portal https://procontract.due-north.com. The contract is divided into lots: A1 to A2, B1 to B18, C1 to C5, D1 to D14, E1 to E25.The duration of the Framework Agreement will be 3 years. TfL reserve the right to extend the framework by a further 12 months. Contact Transport for London, attn Shaheen Lodhi, London, tel +44 12345, email SHAHEENLODHI.CPT@TFL.GOV.UK. For tender information please click here.
Ref.n. DN418146. 20/20.
United Kingdom,
North Yorkshire
- uk/97
Sirius Minerals Plc. has hired the European construction
group Strabag to build a 13 km tunnel section for the underground transport
system for the Woodsmith Mine near Whitby, England. The design-and-build
contract was signed on 28 March. The Woodsmith Mine will begin extraction from
the world’s largest deposit of polyhalite, a mineral used in the production of
fertilizer, in 2021.
The section to be built by STRABAG is part of a 37 km tunnel
with a diameter of 4.7 m for an environmentally friendly conveyor system to
transport the mined polyhalite to Wilton for processing. The Strabag contract
also includes the construction of a tunnel ramp as well as the tunnel portal at
Wilton. The actual tunnelling works will cover the distance from the Wilton
portal to a shaft at Lockwood Beck, with 150 m to be built via cut-and-cover
construction, 800 m through conventional tunnelling and 11,900 m using a tunnel
boring machine. Site mobilisation is to begin immediately. Visit http://www.strabag.com.
Sirius has varied its existing mineral transport system
(MTS) tunnelling contract with Strabag to include engineering, procurement and
construction of the conveyor system, the maintenance railway, electrical and
communications infrastructure. The MTS fit-out scope includes the fit-out of;
the MTS conveyor, the maintenance railway, electrical and communications
infrastructure, and all other services in the tunnel essential to the operation
of the MTS.
Mineral transport system
The MTS will carry the Company's mined polyhalite from 360
meters underground at the Woodsmith mine site to the materials handling
facility at Wilton, Teesside, on a 37km underground conveyor system. The
tunnel will be constructed by three tunnel boring machines. The conveyor
system in the MTS will be designed to handle 20 Mtpa of throughput. The
tunnel will also contain maintenance rail and services, including a 66kV power
feeder from Wilton International industrial complex.
Portal construction at Wilton for the first TBM remains on
track for completion in 2018 with TBM delivery expected early 2019.
further information click here and for tunnelbuilder archive click uk/97. Visit
https://siriusminerals.com. 46/18.
For further information, please contact:
Sirius Minerals Plc
Investor Relations
Jennifer Wyllie, Tristan Pottas
Email: ir@siriusminerals.com
Tel: +44 845 524 0247
Media enquiries
Alex Simmons, Ed Brown
Email: Siriusminerals@edelman.com
United Kingdom,
- uk/93
Utilities Suppliers
Qualification system with call for competition for the registration of suppliers, contractors and service providers (vendors) belonging to several categories and including Tunnel Consultancy (4.6.12), Rail Tunnel Doors (1.54.11) and Tunnelling & Shafts (4.1.7) in the UVDB (Utilities Vendor Database) - Services, operated and administered by Achilles Information Ltd. Achilles UVDB helps utility companies manage risk within their supply chain and comply with EU Procurement Legislation. UVDB registration will be the first stage of qualification in potential tender opportunities. Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn UVDB Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail uvdb@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=238833-2016. 28/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for the registration of suppliers, contractors and service providers (vendors) belonging to several categories and including Tunnel Consultancy (4.6.12), Rail Tunnel Doors (1.54.11) and Tunnelling & Shafts (4.1.7) in the UVDB (Utilities Vendor Database) - Services, operated and administered by Achilles Information Ltd. Achilles UVDB helps utility companies manage risk within their supply chain and comply with EU Procurement Legislation. UVDB registration will be the first stage of qualification in potential tender opportunities. Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn UVDB Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail uvdb@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=269210-2016. 31/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for the registration of suppliers, contractors and service providers (vendors) belonging to several categories and including Tunnel Consultancy (4.6.12), Rail Tunnel Doors (1.54.11) and Tunnelling & Shafts (4.1.7) in the UVDB (Utilities Vendor Database) – Works, operated and administered by Achilles Information Ltd. Achilles UVDB helps utility companies manage risk within their supply chain and comply with EU Procurement Legislation. UVDB registration will be the first stage of qualification in potential tender opportunities. Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn UVDB Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail uvdb@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=269105-2016. 31/16.
United Kingdom,
- uk/92
Railway Suppliers
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for maintenance and repair services in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03, Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail risqs@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=265012-2015. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Services July 2015. 31/15.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment, consumables and lighting supplies in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03, Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail risqs@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=264928-2015. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Supplies July 2015. 31/15.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for works in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03, Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail risqs@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=264874-2015. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Works July 2015. 31/15.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts in the transport sector in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). For further information contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=66214-2016. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Services March 2016. 08/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment, consumables and lighting supplies in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). For further inofrmation contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=68290-2016. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Supplies March 2016. 09/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for works in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). For further information contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=68179-2016. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Works March 2016. 09/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding for maintenance and repair services in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including -
Plain Line Track - Gauge Measurement - Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations –Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Ventilation (15.05), Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172967-2016. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Services May 2016. 22/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment, consumables and lighting supplies in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172922-2016. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Supplies May 2016. 22/16.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for construction works in the next 12 months. The suppliers need several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172879-2016. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Works May 2016. 22/16.
RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) with call for competition to be used for awarding contracts for maintenance and repair services. The suppliers belong to several areas of capability including Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel Ventilation (15.05), Tunnel - Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=043258-2017. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Services January 2017. 05/17.
Qualification system with call for competition for RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment, consumables and lighting supplies. The suppliers belong to several areas of capability including Plain Line Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel ventilation (15.05), Tunnel - Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel - Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail RISQS@achilles.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=043226-2017. Ref.n. RISQS QSN Supplies January 2017. 05/17.
Qualification system with call for competition for
RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) to be used for awarding contracts for construction work. The suppliers belong to several areas of capability including Plain Line Track - Gauge Measurement Tunnels (03.01.04), Tunnels (12.02), Tunnels (12.02.01), Tunnel Linings (12.02.02), Tunnel Drainage (12.02.03), Assessments & Examinations – Tunnels (12.12.05), Tunnel ventilation (15.05), Tunnel - Fixed Ventilation Systems (15.05.01), Tunnel - Portable Ventilation Systems (15.05.02). Contact Achilles Information Ltd, attn
RISQS Customer Care Team, Abingdon, tel +44 1235861118, fax +44 1235838096, e-mail
RISQS@achilles.com. Visit
http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=043205-2017. Ref.n.
RISQS QSN Works January 2017. 05/17
United Kingdom,
- uk/91
Closing Date:
09.07.2015 (Tender Closed)
Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 09.07.2015, for a technical partner for the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC), the new road crossing of the Thames Estuary, east of London, between Essex and Kent. Crossing type and location will not be decided until early 2016. Range value contract EUR139.61-279.21 million, excluding VAT, duration 120 months from award. Contact Highways England, att.n Cat Bensley, Bedford, tel +44 1234796301, e-mail cat.bensley@highwaysengland.co.uk, website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/highways-england. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=201386-2015 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=119291-2015. 26/15.
The Joint Venture made up of CH2M Hill UK / Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd / COWI A/S from London have secured the contract as technical partners for the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC). This will be the new crossing of the Thames Estuary, which is east of London, between Essex and Kent. The value range of the contract is from EUR 139.61 million to EUR 279.21 million, excluding VAT. The duration will be 120 months from the award. For further information please contact Highways England, att.n Cat Bensley, Bedford, tel +44 3004704945, e-mail cat.bensley@highwaysengland.co.uk, website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/highways-england. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174494-2016. 21/16.
Prior information notice without call for competition - At this stage we are consulting the market regarding supplier interest and proposed solutions in relation to the disposal of inert spoil arising from the tunnelling activity in respect of the proposed North Portal for the tunnels at Lower Thames Crossing.
The scope of works will require the supplier to take delivery of spoil from the working area sited on the north bank of the Thames and to provide transportation from the working area to its proposed disposal site. Estimated date of publication of contract notice 25/03/2020. Value of the contract is EUR47.55 million (GBP40 million), excluding VAT. Contact Highways England, attn Toby Ndlovu, Bedford, tel +44 3004704916, email cip.procurement@highwaysengland.co.uk. For tender information please click here. 07/20.
Prior information notice without call for competition for Lower Thames Crossing Detailed Contestable Utilities Designs. Highways England is consulting the market regarding supplier interest and feasibility in relation to the detailed design work required to support the contestable utilities diversions. If interested in participating, please visit www.highways.bravosolution.co.uk and register on the Bravo to receive more information. Value of the contract is EUR 14.27 million (GBP12.7 million), excluding VAT. Contact Highways England, Bedford, email CIPMarketEngagement@highwaysengland.co.uk. For TED tender information please click here. Ref.n. ITT_5356. 24/20.
Competitive dialogue, deadline 23/12/2020, for the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) Tunnels and Approaches. Value of the contract is EUR2.57 bn (GBP2.30 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 132 months. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. For further information on the TED tender click here. Contact Highways England, Bedford, tel +44 3001235000, email ltcprocurement@highwaysengland.co.uk. 47/20.
Highways England has awarded Jacobs the EUR184,5 million (GBP162.5 million) Integration Partner contract which will see the company act as a catalyst for collaboration between Highways England and the Lower Thames Crossing’s three main works contracts responsible for delivering the most ambitious road scheme in a generation.
The Lower Thames Crossing will improve journeys by almost doubling road capacity across the Thames east of London, with 23 km (14.3 miles) of new road featuring two 4 km (2.6-mile)-long tunnels. The scheme will help to unlock a wealth of economic benefits by supporting over 22,000 jobs during construction and creating better connections to the region’s ports, distribution hubs and manufacturing centres.
The Integration Partner will bring a diverse range of capabilities to create a strong support function to Highways England in connection with the project, including programme management, stakeholder management and risk management. Their experience-based insight will enable objectives for time, cost and quality to be met.
Jacobs will begin to prepare the scheme to move into the delivery phase so that main works contractors will be in a good position to be quickly mobilised. They will also support the successful delivery of the construction, integrated system commissioning and handover to operations helping to ensure the project leaves a great legacy. Visit https://www.gov.uk and https://highwaysengland.co.uk/. 05/21.
Highways England has awarded Jacobs the EUR184,5 million (GBP162.5 million) Integration Partner contract which will see the company act as a catalyst for collaboration between Highways England and the Lower Thames Crossing’s three main works contracts responsible for delivering the most ambitious road scheme in a generation.
The Lower Thames Crossing will improve journeys by almost doubling road capacity across the Thames east of London, with 23 km (14.3 miles) of new road featuring two 4 km (2.6-mile)-long tunnels. The scheme will help to unlock a wealth of economic benefits by supporting over 22,000 jobs during construction and creating better connections to the region’s ports, distribution hubs and manufacturing centres.
The Integration Partner will bring a diverse range of capabilities to create a strong support function to Highways England in connection with the project, including programme management, stakeholder management and risk management. Their experience-based insight will enable objectives for time, cost and quality to be met.
Jacobs will begin to prepare the scheme to move into the delivery phase so that main works contractors will be in a good position to be quickly mobilised. They will also support the successful delivery of the construction, integrated system commissioning and handover to operations helping to ensure the project leaves a great legacy. For further on tender, please click here and visit https://www.gov.uk and https://highwaysengland.co.uk/. 05/21.
National Highways has awarded Bouygues Travaux Publics – Murphy Joint Venture the EUR1.56 bn (GPB1.34bn) Lower Thames Crossing Tunnels and Approaches contract, including the design and construction of twin road tunnels under the river Thames, which at 4.18 km (2.6 miles) will be the longest in the UK. At over 16 m wide they will be one of the widest in Europe to enable three lanes of traffic to flow through freely at the national speed limit. Visit https://nationalhighways.co.uk/. 50/23.