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Spain, Extremadura - es/144


Open call for tenders, deadline 14th March, 2008 for upgrade of the equipment in the Miravete tunnel on the A-5 in Caceres province. The Miravete tunnel consists of two tubes of 1,141 m and 1,154 m. Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=10956-2008, OJ S 10, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915978547 or 915978470. E-mail jmmendoza@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 05/08.Ferrovial Agroman with Grupisa Infraestructuras has been awarded the EUR5.6 million contract to upgrade equipment in the twin-tube 1.15 km-long Miravete tunnel on the A5 motorway in Caceres province. Visit www.ferrovial.es and www.grupisa.es 45/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.02.2009, for supervision of modernization works on the 1.15 km-long twin tube Miravete tunnel on the A5 motorway in Caceres province. Contact J M Mendoza at Ministry of Public Works, Madrid, fax +34 915978547, e-mail jmmendoza@fomento.es. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=313716-2008 51/08.


JV Geocontrol SA and Emilio Gonzalez Zamora SL secured the contract, value EUR264,258, for supervision of modernization works on the 1.15 km-long twin tube Miravete tunnel on the A5 motorway in Caceres province. Contact Ministry of Public Works, Madrid, tel +34 915978-341, -547, e-mail aggonzalez@fomento.es. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=178954-2009. 28/09.


La Joint Venture formada por Geocontrol SA y Emilio González Zamora SL ha conseguido el contrato por valor de 264.258 euros para los trabajos de supervisión y remodelación del túnel de Miravete, de doble tubo y 1,15 Km de longitud, en la autopista A5 dentro de la provincia de Cáceres. Contacte con el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Madrid teléfono: +34 915978-341, -547, correo electrónico: aggonzalez@fomento.es. Visite http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=178954-2009. 28/09.


Spain, Catalonia - es/143


Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd November, 2007 for construction of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by FGC, the Catalan railways. This is a railway for two tracks of 4,975 metres and 4,947 metres. Altogether, 6,904 metres will be bored by means of a 6.74 m-diameter EPB TBM and 2,169 metres using the cut-and-cover method. The internal diameter of the bored tunnel is 6 m: Each tube will be connected by cross-passages each 250 metres. There are also five underground stations (Sabadell Estacií³, Plaí§a Major, Eix Macií , Plaí§a Espanya and Ca n'Oriac). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=239128-2007, OJ S 197, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail contractacio@gisa.es. Also visit www10.gencat.net/ptop/AppJava/es/actuacions/departament/public/metro/valles/fgc_sabadell.jsp# 42/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 30th November, 2007 for construction management of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by the Catalan railways. Click es/143. Other tenders in E-News Weekly 43/2007. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=244427-2007, OJ S 201, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail contractacio@gisa.es 44/07.The government of Catalonia awarded for EUR218.1 million the extension of its rail line in Sabadell to a joint venture formed by Acciona, Comsa and Acsa Sorigué. The project will add five stations and a rail yard, initially planned next to Ca n'Oriac station. The contract envisions the construction of two parallel tunnels, nearly 5 km in length each, to be built by two 6.8 m-diameter TBMs and the cut-and-cover method. The TBMs will start from the launch shaft near the football field in Ca n'Oriac and will exit at another shaft at Sabadell station's existing surface car park. Sabadell station, the existing end of the line, will be sunk underground. Visit www.acciona.es, www.comsa.com and www.acsa.es 07/08.The construction management of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by the Catalan railways will be performed by GPO, SGS Tecnos and Amberg Engineering. Their contract is worth EUR11.5 million. Visit www.gpo.es, www.es.sgs.com and www.amberg.ch 07/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 16th July, 2008 for work control and construction supervision of the railway line extension in Sabadell. Click es/143. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=136949-2008, OJ S 102, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail esm@gisa.cat 23/08.


Prior information notice of scheduled date for start of award procedures on 25.01.2011 for excavation of FGC Plaza de Catalunya station tunnels in Barcelona. Contract duration 54 months, value EUR77 million. Further information from Elena Sole Minguell at GISA in Barcelona, tel +34 93 44444-44, fax -88, e-mail esole@gisa.cat. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=297590-2010. 41/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.08.2011, for engineering services for electrical, communication and railways installations of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by FGC, the Catalan railways. Contract value EUR310,500, duration 12 months. Bid n. TF-02676.6. Contact Elena Sole Minguell, Gestio d'Infraestructures, SAU, Barcelona, tel +34 934444444, fax +34 934444488, e-mail esole@gisa.cat. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=204433-2011. 28/11.


GPO Ingenieria SA (Barcelona) secured the EUR289,000 contract, VAT not included, for engineering services for electrical, communication and railways installations of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by FGC, the Catalan railways. Bid n. TF-02676.6. Contact Gestio d'Infraestructures, SAU, Barcelona, e-mail fgomez@gisa.cat. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=392154-2011. 03/12.


Emte S.L.U. (Barcelona) secured the EUR9.40 million contract, excluding VAT, for engineering services for electrica and communication installations of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by FGC, the Catalan railways. Contact  Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, attn Asun Aspas Blasco, Barcellona, tel +34 934444444, fax +34 934444488, e-mail maaspas@infraestructures.cat. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=380189-2014. Ref.n. OP. TF-02676.6.1. 46/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.05.2015, for electrical and communication installations in the tunnel from Plaza Major to Cotxeres of the extension to Sabadell of the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by FGC, the Catalan railways. Value of contract EUR9.45 million, excluding VAT. Contact Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, attn Asun Aspas Blasco, Barcelona, tel +34 934444444, fax +34 934444488, e-mail maaspas@infraestructures.cat. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=117679-2015. Ref.n. OP. TF-02676.6.2. 19/15.


Emte, S.L.U. secured the 8.51 million contract, excluding VAT, for electrical and communication installations for the Catalan railway in the tunnel from Plaza Major to Cotxeres which is part of the extension to Sabadell on the Barcelona-Sabadell line operated by FGC. The duration of the contract is 17 months.  Contact Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, e-mail fgomez@infraestructures.cat. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=380761-2015. Ref.n. OP. TF-02676.6.2. 45/15.


Spain, alencian Community - es/142


Open call for tenders, deadline 29th October, 2007 for design of the CV-70 road bypass project between Alcoy and Benidorm in Alicante province, including the Confrides tunnel, 1 km in length. Visit Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=215966-2007, OJ S 176, or contact Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, fax +34 963867349. 40/07.


Spain, Madrid Region - es/141


Lovat and Construcciones Sando have recently signed a contract for the supply of a refurbished Lovat RME185SE series 20002 earth pressure balance TBM. The 4.7 m-diameter mixed face TBM will be used in the construction of the Coslada sewer tunnel in the suburbs of Madrid. This will be the TBM's third project, following successful drives in North America and more recently on the Olympic power lines in the Lower Lea valley near London. Superficial geology along the 3,650 m-long tunnel alignment consists of man-made fill underlain by quaternary sandy clayey deposits. Fragments of flint overlying tertiary deposits, comprised of highly plastic clays with silty sands and dispersed crystals of gypsum are also expected. At the tunnel horizon, geology along the first drive is expected to be gypsum, and the second drive consisting of clay, sandy clay and fractured gypsum. The TBM will be shipped from its current location to the jobsite in Spain, where it will be fully inspected prior to undergoing a complete refurbishment under Lovat supervision. Tunnelling is expected to commence in early 2008. Visit www.sando.net and www.lovat.com 40/07.


Spain, Catalonia - es/140


Open call for tenders, deadline 21st May, 2007 for concession contract for the design, construction and operation of the transverse road axis C-25 between Cervera and Caldes de Malavella. The project consists in dualling the existing road. The 44.4 km Cervera-Manresa section includes one tunnel. The 43 km Manresa-Vic section includes the 668 m Fontfredra tunnel. The 55.4 km Vic-Caldes de Malavella section includes 12 tunnels, whereof the 1,440 m Joanet tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 21/2004 & 14/2004. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=80363-2007, OJ S 66, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail contractacio@gisa.es 16/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 21st May, 2007 for assessment and supervision for the Cervera-Manresa section on the dualling of the transverse road axis C-25. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=80837-2007, OJ S 66, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail contractacio@gisa.es 16/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 21st May, 2007 for assessment and supervision for the Manresa-Vic section on the dualling of the transverse road axis C-25. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=80838-2007, OJ S 66, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail contractacio@gisa.es 16/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 21st May, 2007 for assessment and supervision for the Vic-Riudellots de la Selva section on the dualling of the transverse road axis C-25. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=80839-2007, OJ S 66, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail contractacio@gisa.es 16/07.Payma Cotas in JV with Cetres Enginyers have been awarded a EUR2.1 million contract to assess and supervise the Cervera-Manresa section on the dualling of the transverse road axis C-25. The 44.4 km Cervera-Manresa section includes one tunnel. Visit www.paymacotas.com 29/07.Cicsa and Typsa received a EUR2.5 million contract to assess and supervise the Manresa-Vic section on the dualling of the transverse road axis C-25. The 43 km Manresa-Vic section includes the 668 m Fontfredra tunnel. Visit www.cicsa.es and www.typsa.es 29/07.Ineco and Euroestudios have teamed up to secure a EUR3.2 million contract to assess and supervise the Vic-Riudellots de la Selva section on the dualling of the transverse road axis C-25. The 55.4 km Vic-Caldes de Malavella section includes 12 tunnels, whereof the 1,440 m Joanet tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 21/2004 & 14/2004. Visit www.ineco.es and www.euroestudios.es 29/07.The Catalan government awarded a EUR692.1 million 35-year concession contract to Cedinsa Concessionaria to design, build and operate the Cervera-Caldes de Malavella section of the transverse road axis C-25 which will link Girona to Lleida without having to drive to Barcelona. Cedinsa Concessionaria includes FCC (27.2%), Caixa de Catalunya (20%), Comsa (17.6%), Copisa (7.6%) and Copcisa (7.6%). The 153 km road C-25 is a dual carriageway motorway only on short sections between Cervera and Oluges and the Manresa and Vic bypass roads. The existing single-carriageway road will be dualled to provide two 3.5 m-wide lanes per direction, an additional lane for heavy vehicles where necessary, 2.5 m-wide outer shoulders, 1.5 m-wide inner shoulders and a 5 to 8 m-wide central separation strip. Altogether, 142.8 kilometres will be dualled and a new 2 km motorway section will also be constructed. Fourteen tunnels will be built. The total length of mined tunnels is 3,653 metres. The total length of cut-and-cover tunnels is 528 metres. The first is on the 44.4 km Cervera-Manresa section. The second, the 668 m Fontfreda tunnel, is situated between Manresa and Vic (43 km). Another 12 tunnels, either mined on in cut-and-cover, are on the 55.4 km Vic-Caldes de Malavella section. Among these is the 1,440 m-long Joanet tunnel. Construction, 50% of which will be subcontracted, is scheduled to commence by year end or early 2008 to end in 2010-11. Visit www.fcc.es, www.comsa.com, www.copisa.com and www.copcisa.com 30/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 20th May, 2008 for quality control for the Cervera-Manresa section on the dualling of the transverse road C-25. Click es/140 for more. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=86771-2008, OJ S 64, or contact GISA, Barcelona, fax +34 934444488. E-mail correu@gisa.es 15/08.


Spain, Aragon - es/139


Open call for tenders, deadline 8th May, 2007 for feasibility study for the 30 km Huesca-Jaca railway bypass through Sierra Caballera, including a 10 km tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=69332-2007, OJ S 56, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 91 5978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 14/07.


Spain, Valencian Community - es/138


Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd April, 2007 for design studies of a 1.2 km in Cullera under the Oro mountain, to link the coast with road N-332 and El Saler road. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=56795-2007, OJ S 46, or contact Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, fax +34 963867349. 13/07.The design of a 1.2 km tunnel to cross the Cullera mountain and shorten the distance between the N-332 and the beaches has been commissioned to Iva Leying for EUR399,000. The company has seven months to complete the designs of the tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 6/2008. Visit www.iva-leying.es 06/08.


Spain, Madrid - es/137

Suburban Railway

Open call for tenders, deadline 27th December, 2006 for construction of the suburban railway access to Madrid Barajas airport. The project encompasses a 8.8 km line between Chamartin station and terminal T-4 of the airport, that will provide a fast connection in five minutes between both points. The contract forms the main part of the access (6.9 km) and complements the 1.9 km section that ADIF has under construction as part of the refurbishment of Chamartin station. The existing Hortaleza dual track, about 3 km long, will have to be doubled up to the M-40 junction. The underground access to Barajas, which is 3.950 m long, starts from the M-40. After Valdebebas Park, the path reaches in tunnel the future station at the new terminal T-4. Read E-News Weekly 44/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=227036-2006, OJ S 212, or contact the Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 49/06.A JV formed by Ferrovial Agroman and Azvi has clinched a EUR109.5 million deal to build a new suburban line to Madrid Barajas airport. The time frame for construction is 34 months. The length of the new airport access, between Chamartin station and Terminal T-4, will be 8.8 km. The contract represents the main part of the line, 6.9 km in all, and complements the contract currently implemented by ADIF in the first 1.9 km, as part of the complete refurbishment of the north area at Chamartin station. The new infrastructure is divided in two sections. The first section will quadruplicate the twin-track railway in Hortaleza, on an approximate length of 2,200 metres running from the junction with the upgrading works commissioned by ADIF in the north area of Chamartin station to the crossing with the M-40 motorway. On this section, a station will be built in Manotera, at the crossing of the new suburban line with the Pinar de Chamartin-Sanchinarro-Las Tablas tram line. The station will also make the area more accessible and provide and intermodal interchange between the two transport means.The second section is a new dual track, fully underground. The tunnel length is 4.7 kilometres, whereof 2 km will be built using cut-and-cover methods and 2.7 km mining method. On this section there will be a crossing under the Valdebebas Park roundabout and a station in Valdebebas. It is a subterranean station situated in the area concentrating an extension of the Juan Carlos I trade fair, the Real Madrid sports facilities and the Campus of Justice. After Valdebebas Park, the line crosses in tunnel the La Plata stream. There, channelling of the waters is planned to facilitate the crossing. From there on, the line will travel in a mined tunnel, until the crossing with the north-south axis and the airport authority's land, connecting finally from south with diaphragm walls already built at the south head of Barajas station. Visit www.ferrovial.com and www.azvi.es 11/07.GPO Ingenierí­a secured a EUR2.3 million contract for on-site supervision for the suburban rail line to Madrid Barajas airport. Click es/137. Visit www.gpo.es 12/07.GPO Ingenierí­a scooped a contract to supervise and manage the construction of a railway access to Madrid Barajas airport. GPO's tasks consist in supervising and controlling the works, until the end of the project scheduled in end 2009. The 8.8 km scheme from Chamartin station to Terminal T4 includes a 4.7 km tunnel and three stations. The project's cost amounts to EUR162 million. The new line will connect Madrid's city centre with Terminal T4 in 11 minutes from Chamartin, included stops in the stations. Click es/137. Visit www.gpo.es 28/08.


JV FCC, S.A./Conservacií³n y sistemas, S.A./Ricelec, S.L secured the EUR5,224,362 contract for control, safety and signalling equipment for Barajas airport tunnels in Madrid. Contact AENA (Aeropuertos Espaí±oles y Navegacií³n Aérea) Madrid, tel +34 9132127-10, fax -12, e-mail eescudero@aena.es. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079893-2010. 14/10.


Spain, Malaga - es/136

Ring Road

Open call for tenders, deadline 27th November, 2006 for construction of the AP-7 highway-Road MA-417 section on the new second ring road, west of Malaga. The 6.1 km section will carry three lanes per direction. The project requires a 1,250 m tunnel under Mijas mountain. Read E-News Weekly 23/2005 & 3/2005. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=218180-2006, OJ S 205, or contact SEITT, Madrid, fax +34 915916630. E-mail jmdorrego@seitt.es 46/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 27th December, 2006 for work control and site supervision during construction of the AP-7 highway-Road MA-417 section on the new second ring road, west of Malaga. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220831-2006, OJ S 207, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915978537 or 915978470. Correo electrí³nico cpublic@mfom.es 46/06.Construction of the section of Malaga's west ring road between motorway AP-7 and the connection with road MA-417 has been awarded to Ferrovial Agroman for EUR114 million. The construction period is 29 months. The 6 km-long section includes a 1,250 m-long tunnel. Visit www.ferrovial.com 06/07.Euroconsult received a EUR3.4 million contract for work control and on-site supervision during construction of the AP-7 highway-Road MA-417 section on the new second ring road, west of Malaga. The 6 km-long section includes a 1,250 m-long tunnel. Visit www.euroconsult.es 17/07.


Spain, Madrid - es/135


Ineco secured a EUR590,000 contract for conceptual design for the extension of suburban rail line C-5 from Mostoles to Navalcarnero. The path of this train, an hybrid between a suburban line and a light rail, will not be really an extension of Line C-5 since it will start from Mostoles Central, connecting with the Metrosur line. This extension to Navalcarnero will travel below ground on 3 km in Mostoles, about 75% of the route, and will include four new stations. New underground stations will be built in Mostoles Central, Mostoles El Soto and at the future stop at the Logistic Platform. Visit www.ineco.es 45/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 25th June, 2007 for concession contract for the design, construction and operation of the new railway line from Mí³stoles Central to Navalcarnero, south of Madrid. The 15 km-long line will serve six stations, with reservation for a seventh, and 46% of it will run below ground. The line starts in Mostoles Central, where a new subterranean station will be built to connect suburban line C-5 with Line 12 Metrosur. Then it continues underground to the new Mostoles El Soto station, then leaves the urban area to pass beneath motorway A-5 and arrives at grade in the future Puerta del Atlantico station, that will provide service to a logistics platform. From that point, the line runs parallel to the Extremadura motorway before going underground to avoid Parque Coimbra. This new tunnel of more than three kilometres in Parque Coimbra's area will also make it possible to build another station, if the demand arises. Once more, the line will return to the surface and cross the Guadarrama river on a 525 m-long viaduct. Finally, the trains arrive in Navalcarnero, where two stations will be built, the first in the outskirts and the second in the city centre. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107088-2007, OJ S 87, or contact Mintra, Alcorcí³n, fax +34 914880598. E-mail carmen.sierra@mintramadrid.es 20/07.Notice of public works concession, deadline 9th November, 2007 for supervision consultancy for the public works concession contract as well as construction and rolling stock supervision for the new Mí³stoles-Navalcarnero railway. The line starts in Mí³stoles Central and connects with the Metrosur line 12 of the Madrid metro. It includes a 3 km tunnel in Mí³stoles and three new underground stations. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=237040-2007, OJ S 195, or contact Mintra, Alcorcí³n, fax +34 914880598. E-mail maite.martin@mintramadrid.es 42/07.Construction of the 15 km railway line that will link Mí³stoles and Navalcarnero has been commissioned to OHL for EUR362.3 million and a time frame of 30 months. The Mí³stoles-Navalcarnero line will run underground on 46% of its alignment and will serve seven stations: four in Mí³stoles, one in Arroyomolinos and the last two in Navalcarnero. OHL will operate the line for 20 years. Visit www.ohl.es and www.ohlconcesiones.com 52/07-01/08.
