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Netherlands, Amsterdam - nl/23


Preinformation procedure for design, build, finance and maintenance contract under a 30-year concession and PPP project for the second Coen tunnel (6 years for design and building and 24 years for maintenance) under the North Sea canal on Amsterdam's orbital highway A10. The project also contains renovation and maintenance of the first tunnel (587 m). The new tunnel will add two new tubes to the existing twin-tube tunnel. A project presentation will be held on 30th June, 2005 at the Sheraton Amsterdam Airport Hotel and Conference Centre, tel. +31 203164300 or visit www.sheraton.nl. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=114564-2005, OJ S 116, or contact Ministry of transport, public works and water management, Zwanenburg, tel. +31 235557264. E-mail m.e.werdmuller-djong@dnh.rws.minvenw.nl 25/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 15th September, 2005 for design, build, finance and maintenance contract under a 30-year concession and PPP project for the second Coen tunnel under the North Sea canal on Amsterdam's orbital highway A10. The project also contains renovation and maintenance of the first tunnel (587 m). The new tunnel will add two new tubes to the existing twin-tube tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141447-2005, OJ S 142, or contact Ministry for transport, public works and water management, Haarlem, tel. +31 235557200. E-mail tender@coentunneltrace.nl 31-32/05.The Coentunnel Company BV consortium, led by Dura Vermeer and made up of VINCI Concessions, VINCI Construction's subsidiaries CFE and Dredging International, Besix, TBI and Arcadis has just been named preferred bidder for the Coen tunnel in Amsterdam. The project, with a total value of approximately EUR500 million, covers the financing, design and construction of a twin-tube immersed road tunnel (3+2 lane) as well as renovation of the existing 590 m twin-tube tunnel and operation of both tunnels for a period of 30 years. The works, which will take five years to complete, will be carried out by a consortium made up of VINCI's subsidiaries VINCI Construction Grands Projets, CFE and DEME, as well as TBI, Dura Vermeer and Besix. The Coen tunnel connects the city centre with northern Netherlands. Visit www.duravermeerinfra.nl, www.vinci.com, www.cfe.be, www.dredging.com, www.deme.be, www.besix.com, www.tbi.nl and www.arcadis.nl 30/07.The Coentunnel Company BV consortium, formed by VINCI Concessions and VINCI Construction's subsidiaries CFE and Dredging International, together with Dura Vermeer, Arcadis, Besix and TBI, signed on 22nd April, 2008 the concession contract for the Coen tunnel in Amsterdam with the Dutch Minister for Water and Public Works. The project, worth over EUR595 million in total, calls for the financing, design and construction of an immersed, 8-lane road tunnel, refurbishment of the existing 600 m tunnel and maintenance of both tunnels for a period of 30 years. The concessionaire will receive an income in the form of an annual payment paid by the concession-awarding authority. The amount will depend on the actual availability of the tunnel infrastructure to users, which connect the centre of Amsterdam with the northern part of the Netherlands. The works will last five years and will be carried out by a consortium made up of VINCI Construction Grands Projets and VINCI Construction's subsidiaries CFE and DEME, along with TBI, Dura Vermeer and Besix. Visit www.vinci.com, www.cfe.be, www.dredging.com, www.duravermeerinfra.nl, www.arcadis.nl, www.besix.com, www.tbi.nl and www.deme.be 18/08.


Netherlands, Flevoland - nl/22

High Speed Railway

Negotiated procedure, deadline 17th March, 2005 for design and build contract of a tunnel under Drontermeer Lake, as part of the Hanze line from Lelystad in Flevoland to Zwolle via Dronten and Kampen. The contract consists of about 4 km of line, of which the tunnel is approximately 1.3 km in length, whereof 800 m is bored. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=027376-2005, OJ S 28, or contact ProRail, Utrecht, fax +31 302356341. E-mail aki@prorail.nl and visit www.aanbesteden.prorail.nl 07/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 29th August, 2005 for engineering and installation of technical equipment for a 1.3 km tunnel, whereof 800 m bored under Drontermeer, as part of the 4 km Hanze line from Lelystad in Flevoland to Zwolle via Dronten and Kampen. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=128055-2005, OJ S 129, or contact ProRail, Utrecht, fax +31 302356341. E-mail aki@prorail.nl 28/05.


Netherlands, South Holland - nl/21


  The City of The Hague has prequalified seven proponents for construction of the Hubertus tunnel, a 1.6 km twin-tube tunnel for two lanes in each bore. They are Heijmans / Boskalis / Hochtief; De Smet / Van Laere / Spie Batignolles; Koop / Bouygues; consortium Saturn including Dura Vermeer, Walter Bau/Dywidag and Zueblin; consortium Comol including Vinci, CFE, TBI Beton-en Waterbau and Welling; BAM NBM / VHB; and Ballast Nedam / Strukton. Tunnelling method to be probably a slurry shield, although this is left to the contractor's choice. Bored length: 2 x 1,490 m, the rest being in cut-and-cover. Also five cross passages between the two tubes. Bid submission due on 2nd June, 2004 for award on 30th June, 2004. Work to start in September 2004. 18/04.The 1.6 km-long 9.6 m-inner diameter Hubertus tunnel will be built by BAM Civiel, its German affiliate Wayss & Freytag, and Van Hattum en Blankevoort for EUR95 million. This twin bored tunnel will accommodate two lanes per tube, with five cross connections. It is the last missing link on The Hague's north ring road and the longest urban road tunnel in the Netherlands. The tunnel will be excavated by TBM. Completion is scheduled for the spring of 2008. Visit www.bam.nl and www.wf-ib.de 33-34/04.Nebest will supervise the installation of the technical equipment in the 1.6 km-long 9.6 m-inner diameter Hubertus tunnel. Visit www.nebest.nl and www.wf-ingbau.de/en/corecapabilities/projects/hubertustunnel_netherlands.php 09/06.Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 1st September, 2008 for engineering and conceptual design for a new entry into the city of The Hague from the south, called the Trekvliettracé, including a more than 1 km bored tunnel and connecting roads at both ends (Ypenburg and Binckhorst harbour). The contract includes also air and acoustic studies. This is a dual two-lane road with design speed of 70 km/hour. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154832-2008, OJ S 116, or contact City of The Hague, The Hague, fax +31 703536485. E-mail aanbesteden@dsb.denhaag.nl 28/08.


Competitive dialogue, deadline 17.02.2014, for the main contract of the new road in The Hague, named Rotterdamsebaan or Trekvliettrace. The road runs through the municipalities of The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam–Voorburg and connects the intersection A4/A3 at Ypenburg to the Hague centre ring. In the zone Vliet, the road drives underground with a 2,155 m tunnel, 600 m of which in cut/cover. The main contract includes design and construction of the tunnel, access roads and traffic and tunnel installations; and long-term maintenance of the tunnel, traffic and tunnel installations. Duration of contract 228 months from award. Contact Mr J. Van den Bulk, Hague municipality, Hague, e-mail aanbesteden@denhaag.nl. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=429968-2013. Ref. n. 130302. 52/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.09.2014, for maintenance in the bi-tube 1,600 m-long Hubertus tunnel,  TVCC included, and 680 m-long Konings tunnel in The Hague. Contract duration from 05.01.2015 to 30.12.2016. Contact Mr Boudewijn Manuel, City of The Hague, The Hague, tel +31 703532413, e-mail aanbesteden@denhaag.nl. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=264637-2014. Ref. n. 104322. 32/14.


Traffic Service Nederland of Rotterdam secured the contract for the installation of temporary road signs during scheduled maintenance in the bi-tube Konings (680 m) and Hubertus (1,600 m) tunnels in The Hague. Contact Mr Boudewijn Manuel, City of The Hague, The Hague, tel +31 703537391, e-mail aanbesteden@denhaag.nl. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=300762-2014. Ref. n. 2014.091.001 and 140171. 36/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.10.2015, for supply, management and maintenance of the IVA system in 2015 for two tunnels the 1,600 m-long Hubertus and the 680 m-long Konings tunnel in The Hague. For information visit https://www.tenderned.nl:443/tenderned-web/aankondiging/detail/samenvatting.xhtml?aankondigingId=64642. Contact - Mr Farid el Moussaoui, City of The Hague, The Hague, tel +31 613014960, e-mail aanbesteden@denhaag.nl. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=320433-2015. Ref. n. 140357A. 38/15.


Competitive dialogue, deadline 31/01/2023, for the refurbishment of the Hubertus tunnels and viaducts. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract will be 210 months. Contact City of The Hague, attn Sjoerd van den Aarssen, The Hague, tel +31 613716354, email aanbesteden@denhaag.nl. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=692621-2022. Ref.n. 210180. 50/22  


Nederland-'s-Gravenhage: Tunnelbouwwerkzaamheden

2022/S 240-692621

Aankondiging van een opdracht


Richtlijn 2014/24/EU

Afdeling I: Aanbestedende dienst

I.1)Naam en adressen
Officiële benaming: Gemeente Den Haag
Nationaal identificatienummer: 221909103
Postadres: Spui 70
Plaats: Den Haag
NUTS-code: NL Nederland
Postcode: 2511 BT
Land: Nederland
Contactpersoon: Sjoerd van den Aarssen
E-mail: aanbesteden@denhaag.nl
Telefoon: +31 613716354
Hoofdadres: http://www.denhaag.nl
Adres van het kopersprofiel: https://www.denhaag.nl/nl/in-de-stad/ondernemen/zaken-doen-met-de-gemeente.htm
De aanbestedingsstukken zijn rechtstreeks, volledig, onbeperkt en gratis beschikbaar op: https://www.tenderned.nl/aankondigingen/overzicht/282035/details
Nadere inlichtingen zijn te verkrijgen op het hierboven vermelde adres
Inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming moeten worden ingediend via elektronische weg op: https://www.tenderned.nl/aankondigingen/overzicht/282035/details
Inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming moeten worden ingediend het hierboven vermelde adres
I.4)Soort aanbestedende dienst
Regionale of plaatselijke instantie
Algemene overheidsdiensten

Afdeling II: Voorwerp

II.1)Omvang van de aanbesteding

Renovatie Hubertustunnel

Referentienummer: 210180
II.1.2)CPV-code hoofdcategorie
45221247 Tunnelbouwwerkzaamheden
II.1.3)Type opdracht
II.1.4)Korte beschrijving:

De realisatie van het Werk bestaat uit het renoveren van de Hubertustunnel en de Hubertusviaducten. Voor beide objecten is Opdrachtnemer verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerp en de realisatie daarvan.

In hoofdlijnen bestaat de scope voor het renoveren van de Hubertustunnel uit:

• Het vervangen van het besturings- en bewakingssysteem;

• Het vervangen van de systemen in de Hubertustunnel die end of life zijn;

• Het beperkt aanpassen van systemen die niet voldoen aan de Landelijke Tunnelstandaard;

• Het frezen van de tunnelwanden;

Renovatie Hubertusviaducten

De minimaal uit te voeren werkzaamheden aan de twee ongelijkvloerse kruisingen bestaan op hoofdlijnen uit:

• Het vervangen van beschadigde opleggingen;

• Het herstellen van betonschades;

• Het herstellen van de bestaande hekwerken;

• Het treffen van een voorziening om te voorkomen dat auto’s door het hekwerk rijden;

• Het herstellen van de middenberm middels een lage barrier;

• Het aanbrengen van (deels) nieuwe deklagen asfalt.

II.1.5)Geraamde totale waarde
II.1.6)Inlichtingen over percelen
Verdeling in percelen: neen
II.2.2)Aanvullende CPV-code(s)
45300000 Installatiewerkzaamheden in de bouw
II.2.3)Plaats van uitvoering
NUTS-code: NL332 Agglomeratie ’s-Gravenhage
Voornaamste plaats van uitvoering:


II.2.4)Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:

De realisatie van het Werk bestaat uit het renoveren van de Hubertustunnel en de Hubertusviaducten. Voor beide objecten is Opdrachtnemer verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerp en de realisatie daarvan.

In hoofdlijnen bestaat de scope voor het renoveren van de Hubertustunnel uit:

• Het vervangen van het besturings- en bewakingssysteem;

• Het vervangen van de systemen in de Hubertustunnel die end of life zijn;

• Het beperkt aanpassen van systemen die niet voldoen aan de Landelijke Tunnelstandaard.

• Het frezen van de tunnelwanden

Meer specifiek gaat het hier minimaal om het vervangen dan wel aanpassen van de volgende systemen:

- Verlichting verkeersbuis; de tunnelverlichting dient vervangen te worden door LED verlichting. Daarnaast dient ook de aansturing van de verlichting vervangen te worden.

- Verlichting vluchtwegen; zowel de verlichting zelf als de aansturing daarvan dient aangepast te worden.

- Rij vergrendelbare vluchtdeuren; de deurvergrendeling dient vervangen te worden.

- Vloeistofafvoersysteem; het vloeistofafvoersysteem blijft grotendeels behouden. Er zijn aanpassingen voorzien in de niveauregeling en aansturing van de pompen.

- Ventilatie verkeersbuis; de ventilatoren dienen vervangen te worden, in elke buis wordt 1 cluster verschoven ten opzichte van de bestaande situatie. In dwarsverbinding 00 dient een overdrukventilator aangebracht te worden.

- Verkeerssystemen: de systemen SDS, de afsluitbomen, de rijstrooksignalering en verkeerslichten dienen vervangen te worden

- Brandblusvoorzieningen: het bestaande systeem blijft grotendeels behouden. Er zijn aanpassingen in de aansturing van de brandbluspompen en diverse aanpassingen in de hulpposten nodig.

- Communicatiesystemen; de systemen CCTV en omroepsysteem dienen vervangen te worden. De systemen C2000/HF, intercom en noodtelefoon dienen aangepast te worden.

- Gebouwinstallaties; de systemen brandmeldinstallatie, klimaatinstallatie, toegangssysteem en inbraaksysteem dienen vervangen te worden. Er dient een waarschuwingsinstallatie aangebracht te worden. Bij de volgende systemen zijn aanpassingen voorzien: licht en krachtinstallatie.

- Besturing en bewaking; het besturings- en bewakingssysteem dient volledig vervangen te worden en te voldoen aan de Haagse Tunnelstandaard.

- De accupakketten bij de no break dienen zodanig te worden uitgebreid dat de kritische

verbruikers van de tunnel 60 minuten van spanning kunnen voorzien in plaats van 15 minuten.

Renovatie Hubertusviaducten

De minimaal uit te voeren werkzaamheden aan de twee ongelijkvloerse kruisingen bestaan op hoofdlijnen uit:

• Het vervangen van beschadigde opleggingen;

• Het herstellen van betonschades;

• Het herstellen van de bestaande hekwerken;

• Het treffen van een voorziening om te voorkomen dat auto’s door het hekwerk rijden;

• Het herstellen van de middenberm middels een lage barrier;

• Het aanbrengen van (deels) nieuwe deklagen asfalt.

De onderstaande criteria
Kwaliteitscriterium - Naam: Kwaliteit / Weging: 25
Prijs - Weging: 75
II.2.6)Geraamde waarde
II.2.7)Looptijd van de opdracht, de raamovereenkomst of het dynamische aankoopsysteem
Looptijd in maanden: 210
Deze opdracht kan worden verlengd: neen
II.2.9)Inlichtingen over de beperkingen op het aantal gegadigden dat wordt uitgenodigd
Beoogd aantal gegadigden: 5
II.2.10)Inlichtingen over varianten
Varianten worden geaccepteerd: neen
II.2.11)Inlichtingen over opties
Opties: ja
Beschrijving van opties:

Zie Aanbestedingsdocumenten.

II.2.13)Inlichtingen over middelen van de Europese Unie
De aanbesteding houdt verband met een project en/of een programma dat met middelen van de EU wordt gefinancierd: neen
II.2.14)Nadere inlichtingen

Afdeling III: Juridische, economische, financiële en technische inlichtingen

III.1)Voorwaarden voor deelneming
III.1.1)Geschiktheid om de beroepsactiviteit uit te oefenen, waaronder de vereisten in verband met de inschrijving in het beroeps- of handelsregister
Lijst en beknopte beschrijving van de voorwaarden:

- Uniform Europees Aanbestedingsdocument (UEA),

- Verklaring Sanctiepakket Russische federatie

III.1.3)Technische en beroepsbekwaamheid
Lijst en beknopte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria:

- Referentieverklaringen

Afdeling IV: Procedure

IV.1.1)Type procedure
Concurrentiegerichte dialoog
IV.1.3)Inlichtingen over een raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
IV.1.8)Inlichtingen over de Overeenkomst inzake overheidsopdrachten (GPA)
De opdracht valt onder de GPA: ja
IV.2)Administratieve inlichtingen
IV.2.2)Termijn voor ontvangst van inschrijvingen of deelnemingsaanvragen
Datum: 31/01/2023
Plaatselijke tijd: 12:00
IV.2.3)Geraamde datum van verzending van uitnodigingen tot inschrijving of deelneming aan geselecteerde gegadigden
Datum: 10/03/2023
IV.2.4)Talen die mogen worden gebruikt bij het indienen van inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming:
IV.2.6)Minimumtermijn gedurende welke de inschrijver zijn inschrijving gestand moet doen
Looptijd in maanden: 3 (vanaf de datum van ontvangst van de inschrijving)

Afdeling VI: Aanvullende inlichtingen

VI.1)Inlichtingen over periodiciteit
Periodieke opdracht: neen
VI.2)Inlichtingen over elektronische workflows
Elektronische facturering wordt aanvaard
Er wordt gebruikgemaakt van elektronische betalingen
VI.3)Nadere inlichtingen:
Officiële benaming: Rechtbank Den Haag
Postadres: Prins Clauslaan 60,
Plaats: Den Haag
Postcode: 2595 AJ
Land: Nederland
E-mail: voorlichting.rb.den.haag@rechtspraak.nl
Telefoon: +31 703813131
Internetadres: http://www.rechtspraak.nl/Organisatie/Rechtbanken/Den-Haag/Contact/Pages/default.aspx
Precieze aanduiding van de termijn(en) voor beroepsprocedures:

20 kalenderdagen

VI.4.4)Dienst waar inlichtingen over de beroepsprocedures kunnen worden verkregen
Officiële benaming: Rechtbank Den Haag
Postadres: Prins Clauslaan 60
Plaats: Den Haag
Land: Nederland
E-mail: voorlichting.rb.den.haag@rechtspraak.nl
Internetadres: http://www.rechtspraak.nl/Organisatie/Rechtbanken/Den-Haag/Contact/Pages/default.aspx
VI.5)Datum van verzending van deze aankondiging:


Netherlands, Voorburg - nl/20


Restricted tenders invited, deadline 25/01/2001, for construction of tramway tunnel for Stadsgewest Haalanden, fax +31 703 129016. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int 03/01.


Netherlands, Sophia - nl/19

Papendrecht Rail Freight

  Part of Betuwe line (see nl/11). Tubecon consortium will start construction in April, 2000 using Herrenknecht 10 m-diameter EPB for 2 x 4 km bores in clays and peaty layers. Overall length of tunnel 8 km to include 2 km-long cut-and-cover sections at each end. Slightly heavier segments than elsewhere on Betuwe line, but 8.65 m inside diameter similar to Botlek to accommodate stacked container traffic. Visit www.herrenknecht.com February 2000.  Herrenknecht advises that its 9.785 m-diameter Mixshield S-150 will be equipped with the revolutionary sonic software probing (SSP) system, a seismic forecasting process that uses sensors installed to the cutting wheel to emit soundwaves into the strata ahead of the machine and receive the reflected signals. The sensors are countersunk into the steel of the spokes and are designed to withstand pressures of up to 6 bar. The data is processed onboard by three high-performance PCs which reproduce a 3-D screen image of the ground up to 40 m ahead. The TBM is being assembled at the launch shaft and boring is scheduled to start in May, 2000. The reception shaft at Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht is still under construction. Contact through www.herrenknecht.com March 2000.


Netherlands, Westerschelde - nl/18

Marine Highway

  Twin tube 6.6 km-long undersea highway tunnel using two 11.3 m-diameter Herrenknecht Mixshields from an artificial polder at Terneuzen on the south side to 20 m-deep concrete caissons at Ellewoutsdijk on the north side. Face supported by water/bentonite mix and all spoil is pumped to surface separation plant. Much of the tunnel will be in the very dense Boom clay which varies in thickness between eight and 38 m in the middle of the Schelde, but sand above and below this stratum is of variable quality, sometimes containing glauconite. At deepest point tunnel is 65 m below sea level, and machines are designed to work up to 8.5 bar. Two pressure chambers on each TBM allow transfer of divers by transport capsule from a pressurised habitat at surface to the face for continuous operations, saturation diving over long periods if necessary. Interlocking gasketed lining of 7 segments and key. 26 cross-passages planned at 250 m intervals where five-ring special sections are being installed on advance and freezing will be necessary. Service duct installed at floor level and invert backfilled on advance. Rear 160 m of TBM gantry supported by roller brackets installed to sidewall. Two Schoma locos required on each material train to cope with 4.5% gradient at entrance ramp. TBMs have advanced 600 m in east tube and 500 m in west tube. Contracting jv KMW are to design, construct and maintain tunnel for first 10 years of operation. Opening date March, 2003. Visit www.westerscheldetunnel.nl for further information. February 2000.The record-breaking saturation diving operation conducted at 6.5 bar pressure to install 12 larger profile cutters on each of the TBMs has been successful and both machines are boring again. The changeover took six working days for each machine, and 11 days including decompression. See Hall of Fame entry or visit www.herrenknecht.de August 2000.   KMW reports both TBMs 2 km into 6.6 km drives following recent installation of profile cutters by divers when excessive pressure in waterbearing sands caused distortion to shields. Now advancing at 14 rings/day in Boom clay without difficulty. Visit www.westerscheldetunnel.nl and www.herrenknecht.de December 2000.   The two Herrenknecht Mixshields excavating the Westerschelde tunnel are reported to break record after record. 'Sara', the machine boring the east tube, has recorded an advance of 32 metres in just 24 hours. Only 724 metres are still to go to reach Zuid-Beveland. 'Neeltje Suzanna' only has to bore 210 metres and is expected to arrive in Ellewoutsdjik at the end of January, 2002. Visit www.westerscheldetunnel.nl and www.herrenknecht.com 03/02.   'Sara', the second Herrenknecht Mixshield has completed on 12th February the east bore of the Westerschelde tunnel project following 'Suzanna' which reached its final destination on the west tube three weeks before. See Hall of Fame entry or visit www.herrenknecht.com and www.westerscheldetunnel.nl 09/02.  Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands inaugurated the Dutch longest road traffic tunnel on 14th March. The Zeeuwsch Vlaandren province is cut off from the other parts of the Netherlands by the Westerschelde port entrance to Antwerpen. The new link will provide a faster and more economical route for around 27,000 vehicles a day between Ellewoutsdijk in Zuid-Beveland and Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen near Terneuzen. Central Zeeland and Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen will be permanently linked together. The tunnel is a 6.6 km-long undersea highway tunnel consisting of two tubes, each with two 3.5 m-wide lanes, with 26 cross passages every 250 m. The builders are KMW (Kombinatie Middelplaat Westerschelde), a JV of Philipp Holzmann, Wayss & Freytag, Franki, BAM Infrabouw, Heijmans and Voormolen. 'Sara' and 'Suzanna', two Herrenknecht Mixshields, 11.3 m in diameter, started from an artificial polder at Terneuzen and bored through to 20 m-deep concrete caissons at Ellewoutsdijk. The bulk of the tunnel is running at up to 60 m below sea level, making it the deepest ever to be driven. Both tubes have a concrete lining of 53,000 segments. The €726 million tunnel is open to road users since 15th March. Visit www.westerscheldetunnel.nl and www.herrenknecht.com 12/03.


The combination Croon-BAM-Mobilis of Delft secured the contract for maintenance to the bi-tube 6.6 km-long Westerschelde tunnel and its access roads for the period 2013–2033. The contract will begin on 14.03.2013, exactly 10 years after the official opening of the Westerschelde. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=008299-2013. 03/13.


Netherlands, Rotterdam - nl/17

Botlek Rail Freight

    First tube of 1.74 km Botlek tunnel nearly complete with Herrenknecht 9.75 m-diameter foam-assisted EPB reaching reception pit on 3rd February, 2000 after trouble-free run with no cutter changes. Spoil from auger can be removed by belt or twin Putzmeister pumps according to consistency. All spoil is mixed with water behind the machine and pumped to surface for separation in ponds and local disposal. Segment moulds for 7+1 1.5 m x 400 mm-thick gasketed rings engineered by Wayss & Freytag who are a member of the BTC contracting consortium. Best week of 72 rings when operating 24 h/day for three weeks beneath waterway. Best 24 h day of 17 rings. TBM will exit through prepared soft concrete block under 30 m groundwater pressure and will then be dismantled and taken back to start shaft for second run. First use of EPB in Netherlands. Visit www.herrenknecht.com or www.betuweroute.nl or contact info@bnbw.ballast-nedam.nl February 2000.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 17.10.2014, for the asset management of technical installations in the tunnels Botlek (3 km), Sophia (8 km), De Giessen (1.8 km), Pannerdensch kanaal (2.6 km) and Zevenaar (2.3 km) on the Betuweroute, a 160 km-long double-track freight railway linking the Mainport Rotterdam with Zevenaar on the Dutch/German border. Electronic access to information: https://www.tenderned.nl:443/tenderned-web/aankondiging/detail/samenvatting.xhtml?aankondigingId=41847. Contact Keyrail, attn G. J. Braas in Zwijndrecht, tel +31 882333100, e-mail info@keyrail.nl. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=308180-2014. 37/14.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 29.09.2014, for replacing CCTV in Betuweroute tunnels. Electronic access to information, electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate from https://www.tenderned.nl:443/tenderned-web/aankondiging/detail/samenvatting.xhtml?aankondigingId=42180. Duration of contract from 01.01.2015 to 01.06.2015. Contact ProRail, attn Dick Loon, Utrecht, fax +31 882311895, e-mail aanbestedingen@prorail.nl.  Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=315321-2014. 38/14.


Postponed from 29.09.2014 to 07.10.2014 the deadline of the restricted invitation to tender for replacing CCTV in Betuweroute tunnels. Electronic access to information, electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate from https://www.tenderned.nl:443/tenderned-web/aankondiging/detail/samenvatting.xhtml?aankondigingId=42180. Duration of contract from 01.01.2015 to 01.06.2015. Contact ProRail, attn Dick Loon, Utrecht, fax +31 882311895, e-mail aanbestedingen@prorail.nl.  Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=320133-2014. 39/14.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 28.05.2018, for the design, monitoring, installation and maintenance of a monitoring system for the Sophia tunnel on the Betuweroute in Rotterdam. For electronic access to information, electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate from https://www.tenderned.nl/tenderned-web/aankondiging/detail/publicatie/akid/169e18849d17f51420e977e75c27af29.

 Duration of contract from 19.10.2018 to 19.10.2013. Contact ProRail, attn Wing Yee Man, Utrecht, email aanbestedingen@prorail.nl.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185361-2018.

Ref.n. R-485900.  17/18.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 02/04/2024, for the supply and replacement of old technical installations in the tunnels Botlek (3 km), Sophia (8 km), De Giessen (1.8 km), Pannerdensch kanaal (2.6 km) and Zevenaar (2.3 km) on the Betuweroute, a 160 km-long double-track freight railway linking the Mainport Rotterdam with Zevenaar on the Dutch/German border. Duration of the contract is from 21/08/2024 to  01/07/2026. Click here for bid/tender documents and where request of participations must be sent. Contact ProRail B.V., attn Hassan Ait El Houssi, Utrecht, tel +31 0882311746, email aanbestedingen@prorail.nl. Visit  https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/127646-2024. Ref.n. K-006146. 10/24.


Netherlands, Anvers-Amsterdam - nl/16

Groene Hart

  Design and construction contract value $430 million awarded to Bouygues/Koop for 8 km-long, 14.9 m-diameter single-bore, twin-track tunnel below the water table in sand and alluvium using NFM Slurry TBM to be delivered in 2001. This will probably be the largest TBM built to date. Contract duration 5.5 years for railway commissioning in May, 2005. Visit www.framatome.fr January 2000. NFM has described its 14.87 m-diameter slurry TBM with installed power of 8 MW of which 3.5 MW will be for rotation of the cutterhead. The machine will be 12.2 m long and will weigh 1,900 t. The segments will weigh 15 t apiece and the lining will have internal diameter of 13.3 m. The drive will be in sand with clay lenses and peat at depths of 16-30 m with a maximum water table of 35 m. Maximum advance rate will be limited by the slurry plant capacity at 4 cm/min. The forward backup trailer will weigh 700 t and the rear backup 450 t. A 70 m-long beam between the gantries will allow space for backfilling of the invert. Manufacture will be completed by December, 2000 and commissioning should take place in Spring, 2001. Visit www.framatome.fr Sept 2000.


Netherlands, Amsterdam - nl/15


New 8.5 km line under consideration between central station and IJ Burg with 1.5 km tunnel to be in service by 2002. December 1999.   Open invitation to tender for construction of tram tunnel, deadline 15th May, 2000. Contact the project bureau in the first instance, fax +31 205 565 700 or visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int May 2000.  Two invitations to tender for construction work on IJ tramway tunnels: contract 2000/S 140-091914, deadline 5th September, 2000, fax +31 (0)20 5565700; contract 2000/S 141-092577, deadline 12th September, 2000, fax +31 (0)20 556 5707. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int August 2000.


Netherlands, Aalsmer - nl/14


Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd April, 2005 for design and construction of the 7 km Aalsmeer-Uithoorn road section, including a 1 km tunnel, whereof 700 m is bored and 300 m in cut-and-cover, as part of road N201. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189441-2004, OJ S 220, or contact Provincie Noord-Holland, fax +31 235145050. E-mail n201@noord-holland.nl 47/04.


Contract value EUR9.987 million excluding VAT awarded to MNO Vervat-Wegen BV for construction of bus lane along N201 including 1 km-long tunnel. Completion projected for 24.12.2010. More from E H Brandt in Overveen, tel +31 235143204, e-mail aanbestedingen@noord-holland.nl or visit www.mno.nl. 50/09.
