- it/207
Closing Date:
22.10.2013 (Tender Closed)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.10.2013, for installation of firefighting equipment in 1,810 m Parco della Reggia tunnel on the SS 7 and 265 bypass between Capua and Maddaloni. Contract value EUR594 264, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 120 days, 30 days of which for design and 90 days for work. Contact Anas, Campania Road department, Bids and contract Office, Naples, tel +39 081 7356111- 229, fax +39 081 621411, 2399679, e-mail Visit Bid code n. NALAV010-13. 38/13.
C.O.M.I. Compagnia Meridionale Impianti Srl (Naples) secured the EUR412,310 contract for installation of firefighting equipment in 1,810 m Parco della Reggia tunnel and for construction of the SS7 and 265 bypass between Capua and Maddaloni. Contact Anas, Campania Road department, Bids and contract Office, Naples, tel +39 081 7356111- 229, fax +39 081 621411, 2399679, e-mail Visit;jsessionid=oyxR481vGtWCG06YwtcGQQ__.ntc-as1-guri2a?atto.dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=2014-03-05&atto.codiceRedazionale=T14BGA3356. Bid code n. NALAV010-13. 13/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.02.2015, for extraordinary maintenance of technological equipment in the Parco della Reggia tunnel (1,810 m) on SS 700 for the achievement of energy savings. Value of contract EUR843,215.10, excluding VAT, duration 180 days. Contact Anas SpA, Campania Road departement, Bid & Contract Office, Naples, tel +39 081 7356111, fax +39 081 621411. Visit;jsessionid=YQKgEOYuEwo2fTOEbiUfVw__.ntc-as1-guri2a?atto.dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=2014-12-19&atto.codiceRedazionale=T14BFM22077 and Ref.n. NALAV041-14, bid code n. 46MS-14. 06/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.02.2015, for extraordinary maintenance of technological equipment in the San Giuseppe tunnel (1,173 m) on SS 7 for the achievement of energy savings. Value of contract EUR666,748.79, excluding VAT, duration 180 days. Contact Anas SpA, Campania Road departement, Bid & Contract Office, Naples, tel +39 081 7356111, fax +39 081 621411. Visit;jsessionid=YQKgEOYuEwo2fTOEbiUfVw__.ntc-as1-guri2a?atto.dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=2014-12-19&atto.codiceRedazionale=T14BFM22077 and Ref.n. NALAV041-14, bid code n. 46MS-14. 06/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.02.2015, for extraordinary maintenance of lighting equipment and refurbishment of ventilation equipment in 3.2 km-long Limina tunnel, on SS 682 Ionio-Tirreno, in Reggio Calabria province. Contract value EUR4,104,135.80, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 365 days. Contact Anas SpA, Calabria Road Deptt, Bids & Contracts Office, Catanzaro, tel 39 0961 531011, fax +39 0961 725106, e-mail Visit Bid Code.n. CZLAV039-14. 06/15.
South Tyrol
- it/206
The JV Collini Lavori SpA (Trento)/Ediltione Srl (Tione di Trento - TN), Costruzioni Casarotto Srl (Villa Agnedo - TN), Misconel Srl (Cavalese - TN) and Garbari SpA (Trento), chose EGIS Structures et environnement SA of Guyancourt (F) and Rocksoil SpA of Bergamo for project and secured the EUR23.14 million contract for design and construction of Pieve di Bono (TN) bypass on SS 237 del Caffaro. The new section includes 1 km Castel Romano tunnel (with 55 m in cut/cover) and its 111 m safety tunnel (with 8 m in cut/cover). Contact Provincia Autonoma di Trento, att.n Angela Gueresi, Trento, tel +39 0461 496444, fax +39 0461 496422. Visit 38/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 15/11/2022, for the rectification and adaptation works of the Ponte Pia tunnel between the km 94.576 -km 96.577 sections of the Caffaro SS 237 (Lot 1). The contract involves the enlargement of a 571 m stretch of the existing tunnel and the construction of a new development tunnel of approximately 1102 m with a new entrance. Value of the contract is EUR 34.41 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 932 days. Contact Provincia autonoma di Trento - Agenzia provinciale per gli appalti e contratti - Servizio appalti, attn dott.ssa Paola Pellegrini, Trento, email Visit Ref.n. AT111106. 40/22.
Italy-Trento: Road tunnel construction work
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.5)Main activity
General public services
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
Reference number: AT111106
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45221241 Road tunnel construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:
La gara si svolgerà mediante procedura aperta con il criterio di aggiudicazione dell'offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa, con presentazione telematica su sistema SAP-SRM, della documentazione amministrativa, tecnica ed economica ai sensi della l.p. 2/2020, l.p. 2/2016, dell'art. 30bis e dell'art. 30 co. 5 bis della l.p. 26/93 e con le modalità procedurale dell'art. 62 e del titolo IV, capo V del D.P.P. 11 maggio 2012 n. 9/84/LEG e in particolare della Deliberazione di Giunta Provinciale n. 1994 di data 11/11/2016. Si richiama anche la deliberazione di Giunta Provinciale n. 1612 dd. 16/10/2020.
Il progetto prevede la rettifica del tratto compreso tra le progr. KM 94,576 - 96,577 della S.S. n. 237 del Caffaro, mediante l'allargamento di un tratto di 571 m circa di sviluppo della galleria esistente e la realizzazione di una nuova galleria dello sviluppo pari a circa 1102 m con nuovo imbocco.
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 34 414 482.49 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITH20 Trento
Main site or place of performance:
S.S. 237 del Caffaro tra le progressive Km 94,576 - 96,577.
II.2.4)Description of the procurement:
II.2.5)Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in days: 932
This contract is subject to renewal: no
II.2.10)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11)Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13)Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
II.2.14)Additional information
Importo complessivo di appalto pari a Euro 34.414.482,49 così suddiviso:
a) Euro 33.606.482,49 per lavorazioni soggetti a ribasso;
b) Euro 808.000,00 per oneri della sicurezza non soggetti a ribasso d'asta.
Categoria prevalente OG4. Categorie scorporabili a qualificazione obbligatoria: OG3; OS21, OS12-B e categoria a qualificazione obbligatoria SIOS: OG11.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1)Conditions for participation
III.1.1)Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
List and brief description of conditions:
Si rimanda al bando integrale di gara.
III.1.2)Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
III.1.3)Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure
Open procedure
IV.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 15/11/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
IV.2.6)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 9 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
IV.2.7)Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 17/11/2022
Local time: 09:30
Presso la sala Aste del Servizio Appalti - APAC via Dogana n. 8 - Trento - Italy.
Information about authorised persons and opening procedure:
Ogni concorrente ha facoltà di assistere alla seduta collegandosi da remoto alla piattaforma di videoconferenza "Liifesize" tramite la propria apperracchiatura informatica. A tal fine sono fornite indicazioni nel documento "Istruzioni operative seduta virtuale" allegato al bando integrale di gara e reperibile all'interno della piattaforma SAP-SRM.
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.3)Additional information:
Codice CIG 9417539F05.
La procedura di gara è soggetta ad AVCPASS.
E' prevista la nomina della Commissione Tecnica per l'esame delle offerte tecniche.
La procedura si svolge in modalità telematica attraverso la piattaforma SAP SRM V7, accessibile a questo indirizzo:, previa registrazione.
La documentazione integrale di gara è disponibile all’interno dell’ambiente di gara sul Sistema sap-srm V7.
La determina a contrarre, il bando UE, il bando integrale di gara, il Capitolato Speciale d’Appalto, l’elaborato “Parametri e criteri di valutazione delle offerte”, sono rinvenibili anche sul sito internet: htt:// che rinvia tramite collegamento ipertestuale al sistema informativo contratti della Provincia autonoma di Trento “SICOPAT”.
L’appalto in oggetto costituisce un lotto all’interno di un progetto complessivo pari a Euro 34.414.482,90.-
Per ogni ulteriore informazione si rinvia al bando integrale di gara.
The Consortium P.A.C. SpA from Bolzano (leader) , S.I.E.I.-Società Impianti Elettrici Industriali Srl from Quinto Vicentino (Vicenza) e Bouygues E&S Italia SpA from Milan have secured the EUR 34.41 million contract, excluding VAT, for the rectification and adaptation works of the Ponte Pia tunnel between the km 94.576 -km 96.577 sections of the Caffaro SS 237 (Lot 1). The contract involves the expansion of a 571 m stretch of the existing tunnel and the construction of a new tunnel of approximately 1102 m with a new entrance. Works will start at the end of summer-beginning of Autumn with a three year duration. Contact Provincia autonoma di Trento - Agenzia provinciale per gli appalti e contratti - Servizio appalti, attn dott.ssa Paola Pellegrini, Trento, email Visit Ref.n. AT111106. 34/23.
The Joint Venture P.A.C. SpA from Bolzano, S.I.E.I. Srl from Quinto Vicentino and Bouygues E&S Italia SpA from Milan secured the EUR32.37 million contract, excluding VAT, for the rectification and adaptation works of the Ponte Pia tunnel between the km 94.576 -km 96.577 sections of the Caffaro SS 237 (Lot 1). The contract involves the enlarging of a 571 m stretch of the existing tunnel and the construction of a new tunnel of approximately 1102 m with a new entrance. Contact Provincia autonoma di Trento - Agenzia provinciale per gli appalti e contratti - Servizio appalti, Trento, email Visit Ref.n. AT111106. 41/23.
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Ricci Guido Srl of Castel di Sangro (AQ) secured the EUR1,168,082 contract for the structural refurbishment of the Le Piane (1,919 m ) and San Silvestro (3,623 m) tunnels on SS 174 Pescara Ring Road. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department for Abruzzo, Bid and Contract Office, L’Aquila, tel +39 0862 305101, fax +39 0862 305260, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. 30/2013. 42/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.04.2014, for the EUR826,609.21 contract for restoration of technical systems in Le Piane (1,919 m ), San Silvestro (3,623 m) and I Pianacci (1,823 m) tunnels on SS 174 Pescara Ring Road. Duration of contract 95 days. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department for Abruzzo, Bid and Contract Office, L’Aquila, tel +39 0862 305101, fax +39 0862 305260, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. AQLAV002-14. 13/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 01/02/2023, for scheduled maintenance of painting work for the technical and functional improvement of safety conditions in road traffic tunnels along the SS 17 of the Abruzzo Apennines from km101+300 to km151+035. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR1.47 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 180 days. Contact Anas Spa, attn Eng. Bosio, L’Aquila, email Visit Bid n. AQLAV014-22. 01/23.
- it/204
Closing Date:
23.09.2013 (Tender Closed)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.09.2013, for structural refurbishment in 1 km-long Ortolano tunnel on SS 80 Gran Sasso d’Italia. Value of contract EUR1,654,704.12, excluding VAT, duration 150 days. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department for Abruzzo, Bid and contract Office, L’Aquila, tel +39 0862-305101, fax +39 0862-305260, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. AQLAV029-13. 35/13.
Di Marino Srl secured the EUR1,157,605 contract for structural refurbishment in 1 km-long Ortolano tunnel on SS 80 Gran Sasso d’Italia. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department for Abruzzo, Bid and contract Office, L’Aquila, tel +39 0862-305101, fax +39 0862-305260, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. AQLAV029-13. 42/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.06.2015, for extraordinary maintenance, upgrading and new lighting equipment of 355 m-long Piaganini tunnel on SS80. Value of contract EUR792,000, excluding VAT, duration 120 days. Contact Anas, Abruzzo Road Dept, L’Aquila, tel +39 0862 305101, fax +39 0862 305260, e-mail Visit Ref. N.AQLAV015-15. 21/15.
- it/203
Closing Date:
09.10.2013 (Tender Closed)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.10.2013, for technological equipment in the 1.5 km-long Casacastalda tunnel and the interchange lighting on SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2. Value of contract EUR5.28 million, excluding VAT, duration 150 days after award. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department of Umbria, Bid and contract office, Perugia, tel +39 0755749205, fax +39 0755749216, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. PG02/13. 35/13.
Awarding procedure discontinued for the open invitation to tender, deadline 09.10.2013, for technological equipment in the 1.5 km-long Casacastalda tunnel and the interchange lighting on SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department of Umbria, Bid and contract office, Perugia, tel +39 0755749205, fax +39 0755749216, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. PG02/13. 02/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.03.2014, for technological equipment in the 1.5 km-long Casacastalda tunnel and the interchange lighting on SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2. Value of contract EUR5.16 million, excluding VAT, duration 150 days after commissioning. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department of Umbria, Bid and contract office, Perugia, tel +39 0755749205, fax +39 0755749216, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. PG02/14. 09/14.
The JV Dervit SpA/Visco Daniele & Raffaele Snc of Roccadaspide (SA) secured the EUR2.77 million contract for technological equipment in the 1.5 km-long Casacastalda tunnel and the interchange lighting on SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2. Contact Anas Spa, Road Department of Umbria, Bid and contract office, Perugia, tel +39 0755749205, fax +39 0755749216, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. PG02/13. 14/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 25/09/2019, for the doubling of the Valfabbrica-Schifanoia section (km 16+224 – km 19+354) on the SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2, including Picchiarella (874 m) and Casacastalda (1.545 m) tunnels. Value of the contract is EUR109.17 million, excluding VAT, duration 1290 days. Contact Anas Spa, attn Eng Achille Devitofranceschi, Rome, email For tender documents please click here. Bid Code n. PG 18/19. 29/19.
The joint venture Valfabbrica 2020, including Donati (Rome) and BESIX (Brussel), secured the EUR81.52 million contract, excluding VAT, for the doubling of the Valfabbrica-Schifanoia section (km 16+224 – km 19+354) on the SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2, including Picchiarella (874 m) and Casacastalda (1.545 m) tunnels. Contact Anas Spa, Rome, email For further information click here and here. Bid Code n. PG 18/19. 46/20.
The joint venture Valfabbrica 2020, including Donati SpA (Rome) and BESIX (Brussel), secured the EUR 81.52 million contract, excluding VAT, for the doubling of the Valfabbrica-Schifanoia section (km 16+224 – km 19+354) on the SS 318 Valfabbrica, lot 5, phase 2, including Picchiarella (874 m) and Casacastalda (1.545 m) tunnels. Contact Anas Spa, attn Eng Alessandro Micheli, Rome, email For further information click here, here and here. Bid Code n. PG 18/19. 46/20.
- it/202
Closing Date:
07.11.2013 (Tender Closed)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.11.2013, for detailed design and construction of Torino-Ceres line of RFI Corso Grosseto network including stops at Grosseto and Rebaudengo. Further information, specs and docs from SCR Piemonte in Torino, tel +39 0116548347, fax +39 0116599161, e-mail, to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 08.10.2013. Visit 34/13.
Deadline postponed from 07.11.2013 to 02.12.2013 for open invitation to tender for detailed design and construction of Torino-Ceres line of RFI Corso Grosseto network including stops at Grosseto and Rebaudengo. Further information, specs and docs from SCR Piemonte in Torino, tel +39 0116548347, fax +39 0116599161, e-mail, to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 04.11.2013. Visit 41/13.
The JV Itinera SpA/CCC Soc Cooperativa secured the EUR101 million contract, excluding VAT, for detailed design and construction of Torino-Ceres line of RFI Corso Grosseto network, including stops at Grosseto and Rebaudengo. Contact SCR Piemonte in Torino, tel +39 0116548347, fax +39 0116599161, e-mail Visit 37/14.
- it/201
LNG tanks
Closing Date:
26.08.2013 (Tender Closed)
Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 26.08.2013, for design, supply and construction of two wells and related reinforced concrete diaphragms for two underground tanks at LNG regasification terminal in Porto Empedocle, Agrigento, Sicily. Further information, specs and docs from ENEL in Rome, e-mail, to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit NUTS-Code ITG14. 30/13.
Additional information about the invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 26.08.2013, for design, supply and construction of two wells and related reinforced concrete diaphragms for two underground tanks at LNG regasification terminal in Porto Empedocle, Agrigento, Sicily. Further information, specs and docs from ENEL in Rome, e-mail, to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit NUTS-Code ITG14. 31/13.
- it/200
Ring road
Closing Date:
06.05.2013 (Tender Closed)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.05.2013, for the updating of technological, lighting and ventilation systems in Vomero, Svincolo Arenella, M. S. Angelo and Solfatara tunnels on the ring road of Naples. Value of contract EUR9.72 million, excluding VAT, duration 300 days after award. Contact Tangenziale di Napoli SpA, Centro Direzionale, Naples, tel. +39 0817254328, fax +39 0817254379, e-mail Visit 11/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.05.2013, for the updating of technological, lighting and ventilation systems in Vomero, Svincolo Arenella, M. S. Angelo and Solfatara tunnels on the ring road of Naples. Value of contract EUR9.72 million, excluding VAT, duration 300 days after award. Contact Tangenziale di Napoli SpA, Centro Direzionale, Naples, tel. +39 0817254328, fax +39 0817254379, e-mail Visit 11/13.
Soitek Impianti Tecnologici Srl of Agrigento secured the EUR 5.38 million contract, excluding VAT, for the updating of technological, lighting and ventilation systems in Vomero, Svincolo Arenella, M. S. Angelo and Solfatara tunnels on the ring road of Naples. Contact Tangenziale di Napoli SpA, Centro Direzionale, Naples, tel +39 0817254328, fax +39 0817254379, e-mail Visit 17/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.02.2016, for electrical, lighting, ventilation and special systems in the 1 km twin tube tunnels on the new section to link the ring road in Naples (Campana Road) with the coastal road and Pozzuoli harbor. Value of contract EUR6.06 million, excluding VAT, duration is 210 days after the award. Contact Copin Due SpA, att.n ing. Marco Porta, Pozzuoli (NA), tel +39 0815263517, fax +39 0815261524, e-mail Visit 51/15.
Postponed from 08.02.2016 to 10.03.2016 the deadline for the open invitation to tender, for electrical, lighting, ventilation and specialised systems in the 1 km twin tube tunnels. Which are part of the new section of the link to the ring road in Naples called the Campana Road. Value of the contract is EUR6.06 million, excluding VAT, and the duration is for 180 days after the award. Contact Copin Due SpA, att.n ing. Marco Porta, Pozzuoli (NA), tel +39 0815263517, fax +39 0815261524, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 64456037DB. 03/16.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 01/02/2021, for maintenance of toll collections, lighting, tunnel, telecommunication and electrical systems on the Naples’s ring road. Value of the contract EUR750,202.74, excluding VAT, duration will be 36 months. Contact Tangenziale di Napoli SpA, Naple, tel +39 081-7254111, fax +39 081-5625793, email For further on the tender click here. Ref.n. 85584364CF. 53/20.
BRT – Broadcast Radio Transmission Srl from Naples secured the EUR 588,406.54, excluding VAT, for maintenance of toll collections, lighting, tunnel, telecommunication and electrical systems for the Naples’s ring road. Contact Tangenziale di Napoli SpA, Naple, email Visit Ref.n. 85584364CF. 01/22.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/12/2022, for the upgrading of equipment and for structural improvement of the tunnels on the Naples’s ring road, located on the A56 motorway. For tender documents please click here. Value of the contract will be EUR 13.70 million, excluding VAT, duration of the contract will be 48 months. Contact Tangenziale di Napoli SpA, Naple, tel +39 081-7254111, fax +39 081-5625793, email For further on the tender click here. Visit Ref.n. 280 - Tender_431. 44/22.
Italy-Naples: Road tunnel construction work
2022/S 210-599891
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.5)Main activity
General public services
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
lavori di adeguamento impiantistico (al D.Lgs 264/2006) e di miglioramento strutturale delle gallerie della Tangenziale di Napoli, ubicati sull’Autostrada A56.
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45221241 Road tunnel construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 13 700 000.00 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITF33 Napoli
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 13 700 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 16/12/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
- it/199
ISECO S.r.l. of Rome secured the EUR580,284 contract for equipment maintenance in tunnels and open air sections of Grande Raccordo Anulare and Rome-Fiumicino Airport Motorway. Contact Anas SpA, Lazio Road Department, U.O. Bids and Contracts, Rome, tel +39 06 722911. Visit Bid Code n. 01-2013. 10/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.01.2013, for equipment maintenance in tunnels and open air sections of Grande Raccordo Anulare and Rome-Fiumicino Airport Motorway. Value contract EUR790,000 Euro, duration to 31.12.2013. Contact Anas SpA, Lazio Road Department, U.O. Bids and Contracts, Rome, tel +39 06 722911. Visit Bid Code n. 01-2013. 02/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.04.2015, for the upgrading of technological equipment in Appia Antica tunnel of Grande Raccordo Anulare (A90), Rome. Value of contract EUR7.34 million, excluding VAT, duration 365 days from award. Contact Anas SpA, Lazio Road Department, Rome, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 06-15 - RMLAV009-15. 12/15
invitation to tender, deadline 01.07.2015, for lighting refurbishment design on
motorways A90 (Grande Raccordo Anulare) and A91 (link between Rome and
Fiumicino Airport). The contract includes safety implementation for equipment –
1 tranche. Value of contract EUR12.22 million, excluding VAT, duration 180 days
from award. Contact Anas, Direzione Generale, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39
044462009, e-mail Visit
and Ref. N. RM01/15. 21/15.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 15.12.2016, for a framework agreement for delivery and installation of Smart Road technological equipment on the A90 and A91 motorways. Value of contract EUR30 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 48 months. Contact Anas Spa, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224, e-mail Visit and Ref.n. RM 58/16. 46/16.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.05.2017, for ordinary maitenance, and 24/7 aid service for roads etc that are part of the Grande Viabilità. Contract includes tram alignment and main infrastructures (bridges, tunnels, viaduct etc.) in Rome. The value of the contract is EUR77.89 million, excluding VAT. The contract is composed of 12 lots. Contact Roma Capitale, Roma, email Visit 14/17.
S.I.C.I. Srl from Naples secured the EUR14 million contract, excluding VAT, for the extra maintenance work on technological equipment in tunnels on the A90 motorway (Grande Raccordo Anulare) in Rome. Contact Anas, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224, email Visit Ref. n.133 - RM 07/16. 30/17.
- it/198
Qualification system without call for competition to create the list of qualified companies for the design and construction of technical systems for emergencies in operational railway tunnels. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, att.n bids & contract office, FNM SpA, Milano, tel +39 0285114513, fax +39 0285114621, e-mail Visit 07/13.
Qualification system without call for competition to create the list of qualified companies for civil works in operational railway tunnels. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, att.n bids & contract office, FNM SpA, Milano, tel +39 0285114513, fax +39 0285114621, e-mail Visit 07/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.05.2014, for all work and supplies necessary to build railway connection T1-T2 Malpensa Lot 2 and its final design. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 30.04.2014. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, att.n Sarah Laquagni, bids & contract office, Milano, tel + 39 0285114250, fax +39 0285114621. Tenders to be sent to Ferrovienord SpA, office of Protocol, Milano, tel +39 0285114476, fax +39 0285114708. Visit Ref. n. CIG 56959048AB. 15/14.
Itinera Spa at Tortona (AL) secured the EUR 40.09 million contract for all work and supplies necessary to build railway connection T1-T2 Malpensa Lot 2 and its final design. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, att.n Sarah Laquagni, bids & contract office, Milano, tel + 39 0285114250, fax +39 0285114621. Visit Ref. n. CIG 56959048AB. 50/14.
Impresa Luigi Notari SpA at Milan secured the EUR17,643,000 contract, excluding VAT, for works and supplies for the maintenance of civil works in the tunnels belonging to the Regional Offices of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA. Contact RFI SpA, Purchasing Department, att.n Edgardo Greco, Rome, tel +39 0647308900, fax +39 0647308821, e-mail Visit Bid n. DAC0.2015.008 – MILANO Lot 2. 44/15.
Ceprini Costruzioni Srl at Monterotondo secured the EUR17,224,800 contract, excluding VAT, for works and supplies for the maintenance of civil works in the tunnels belonging to the Regional Offices of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA. Contact RFI SpA, Purchasing Department, att.n Edgardo Greco, Rome, tel +39 0647308900, fax +39 0647308821, e-mail Visit Bid n. DAC0.2015.008 – MILANO Lot 1. 44/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 22/06/2020, for the supply and installation
of the SIL4 STES (earthing and safety systems) in the 3.3km Castellanza tunnel.
For tender documents
The value of the contract is EUR850,501.43 excluding VAT. Contact Ferrovienord
SpA, attn Mrs Sarah Laquagni, Milan, tel + 39 0285114250, email acquisti.forniture.fnm@legalmail.
For further tender information please click here and here .
Ref. n. 0032-2020. 16/20.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/09/2020, for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the fire protection and firefighting systems on the entire railway network, Milan branch and Iseo branch, including the emergency service. For tender documents click here where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR1.85 million, excluding VAT.
Duration contract 1825 days. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, attn Mrs Sarah Laquagni, Milan, tel + 39 0285114250, fax +39 0285114621, email For further tender information please click here. Ref. n. Proc. 0361-2020 CIG 8353641A9F. 28/20.
Consorzio Duma from Bologna secured the EUR655,001.43 contract, excluding VAT, for the supply and installation of the SIL4 STES (earthing and safety systems) in the 3.3km Castellanza tunnel. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, attn Mrs Sarah Laquagni, Milan, tel + 39 0285114250, email acquisti.forniture.fnm@legalmail. For further tender information please click here. Ref. n. 0032-2020. 09/21.
Air fire SpA from Rome secured the EUR1.41 million contract, excluding VAT, for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the fire protection and firefighting systems on the entire railway network, Milan branch and Iseo branch, including the emergency service. Contact Ferrovienord SpA, attn Mrs Sarah Laquagni, Milan, tel + 39 0285114250, email For further tender information please click here. Ref. n. Proc. 0361-2020 CIG 8353641A9F. 11/21.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 24/01/2022, for the supply and installation of the STES systems for earthing in the Busto Arsizio, Ferno and Domodossola tunnels. For tender documents, please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR3.36 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 1460 days. Contact FerrovieNord SpA, attn Sarah Laquagni, Milan, tel +39 0285114250, fax +39 0285114621, email Visit and Ref.n. 0659-2021. 03/22.
Italy-Milan: Railway equipment
Notice for changes or additional information
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU
Section I: Contracting authority/entity
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
Reference number: 0659-2021
II.1.2)Main CPV code
34940000 Railway equipment
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
VI.6)Original notice reference
Section VII: Changes
VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: II.2.4
Instead of:
Importi contrati applicativi:
1°contratto applicativo: € 2.214.516,87 oltre IVA, così suddiviso:
• € 2.191.189,28 oltre IVA per l’esecuzione delle forniture comprensive di posa;
• € 23.327,59 oltre IVA per oneri di progettazione;
2° contratto applicativo: € 1.131.128,95 oltre IVA, così suddiviso:
• € 1.117.349,02 oltre IVA per l’esecuzione delle forniture comprensive di posa;
• € 13.779,93oltre IVA per oneri di progettazione.
Il valore stimato dell’Accordo Quadro è pari ad € 3.357.720,54, di cui € 12.074,72 oltre IVA quali oneri per la sicurezza non soggetti a ribasso.
Importi contratti applicativi:
1°contratto applicativo: € 2.222.509,25 oltre IVA di cui € 7.992,38 oltre IVA quali oneri per la sicurezza non soggetti a ribasso.
2° contratto applicativo: € 1.135.211,29 oltre IVA di cui € 4.082,34 oltre IVA quali oneri per la sicurezza non soggetti a ribasso.
Section number: III.1.3
Instead of:
Si rimanda al disciplinare di gara.
i) Aver fornito e installato almeno un impianto SIL 4;
ii) Con riferimento ai materiali oggetto della fornitura, l’operatore economico dovrà anche presentare la documentazione descritta nella tabella di cui all’art. 6 punto d) del documento di gara “Disciplinare di gara rev.01.”.
Section number: IV.2.2
Instead of:
Date: 17/12/2021
Local time: 09:00
Date: 24/01/2022
Local time: 12:00
Section number: IV.2.7
Instead of:
Date: 20/12/2021
Local time: 10:00
Date: 27/01/2022
Local time: 10:00
VII.2)Other additional information:
I documenti di gara “Disciplinare di gara” e “Modello DGUE” sono integralmente sostituiti dai documenti “Disciplinare di Gara - Rev.01.” e “Modello DGUE - Rev.01”.
È previsto il sopraluogo obbligatorio da svolgersi secondo le modalità indicate all’art. 9.2.7. del documento “Disciplinare di Gara - Rev.01”.