As from December 2015 CEAR has now been awarded containerized Transformer Substation (model CTE-IAC) certification for an internal arc of 20kA / 1sec. Which is in line with IEC 62271-202 and IEC 62271- 200. The first test, “type A”, certifies the protection of the operators inside the cabin, while the second test “type B”, certifies the protection of the general public. This guarantees cabin safety for the internal arc fault up to 20 KA for 1 sec. This allows for and helps with operational safety which has is extremely important in the workplace environment. Tests have shown that operators working inside and outside of the cabin are protected.
CEARs substations have now been designed and tested to class AB (IAC-AB-20kA-1sec) enabling for protection for industrial operators and in general for public service utilities.
By having the ability to provide this application it helps to focus on operational safety which has become extremely important in the workplace environment. The tests ensure that operators that are working in a substation can be seen inside and outside of the cabin.
Tests have been done by IPH, a world renowned German certification body for the electrical engineering sector. To view the reports in full please click here TC-03516-15-0759.
Costruzioni Elettotecniche CEAR srl an Italian company has thirty years experience working in the tunnelling and construction sectors offering a complete range of products in electrical distribution, automation and auxiliary electrical equipment. Visit CEAR at or view their company profile 07/16.