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Italy - Castelbello-Colsano Ring Road

The construction of the new 3.36 km ring road between Castelbello and Colsano is ongoing. So far 1260 m of the 2494 m long Castelbello tunnel has been completed. The excavation has been carried out using the drill & blast method which enabled them to  advance 8 m/day. To date, approximately 139,000 cubic meters of spoil have been extracted. The tunnel will be equipped with 4 escape routes and 4 emergency areas, as well as a ventilation  system and its lanes will be made of concrete to ensure better visibility. The tender process for the technical systems of the Castelbello-Colsano ring road (Lot 2) is now underway. Once completed, the Castelbello tunnel will be the second longest in South Tyrol after the 2856 m  Laives tunnel. The ring road will be opened from Summer 2022.  

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