The following groups of contractors and consultants have qualified to supply offers and compete to build the new E6 Storhove - Oyer.
- AF Gruppen - Norconsult
- Arbeidsfellesskap Bertelsen & Garpestad AS & Metrostav - ÅF Engineering AS (AFRY)
- COMSA S.A.U. - SWS Engineering S.p.A
- Arbeidsfellesskap Implenia Norge AS & Roadbridge Holding Ltd - Sweco Norge AS
- NCC Norge AS - Multiconsult AS - NCC AB
E6 Storhove - Oyer is part of the E6 Moelv - Oyer section. The project is 9.6 km long and has an estimated construction cost of EUR129.08 million (NOK 1.3 billion), excluding VAT. There are plans to maybe build a four-lane road in addition to an approx. 2.6 km long two-run tunnel.
The zoning plan for the stretch is expected to be adopted around the summer of 2020. It is a BVP acquisition with concretization phase and collaboration, and the contract is executed with a total contract NS 8407.
It is expected that the choice of contractor will take place in April / May 2020, while the construction start is estimated to end 2020. Click no/90 for tunnelbuilder tender archive. Visit and 08/20.