On the 21/04/2021 the TBM Donnie - 115 m in length and 1,000 t weight - broke through successfully completing the first half - 5,473 m (17,956 ft) - of the Coxwell Bypass Tunnel (CBT) in Toronto, Ontario. The TBM, manufactured by Lovsuns, has to dig the 6.3-m diameter and 10.5-km long tunnel, approximately 50 m deep, from the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (ABTP) to Coxwell Ravine Park and parallel to the Don River. The CBT is being carried out by consortium North Tunnel Constructors ULC a Nova Scotia company jointly owned by Jay Dee Canada ULC, Michels Canada Company and C and M McNally Engineering Corp.) It’s the first of three tunnels planned as part of the 22-km Don River and Central Waterfront Wet Weather Flow Project. Click here for a background about the Coxwell Bypass Tunnel and the Don River and Central Waterfront project and visit http://www.toronto.ca/drcw-project, https://jaydee.us/ , https://www.michelscanada.com/ and
http://mcnally.ca/ . 16/21.