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Bucharest subway approved


The European Commission has approved a EUR409.5 million investment from the Regional Development Fund (FEDR) for Romania's Eroilor-Drumul Taberei subway route currently in development.

The new line will connect downtown Bucharest to the southwestern part of the city, and should be completed by the second quarter of 2016. By 2020, Metrorex estimates it will have invested EUR900 million in the capital’s subway system, EUR600 million of which from the EU.

The pre-1990 designs showed the underground system on two axes, north-south and east-west, with a circular line connecting all four terminal stations. Click ro/13 for tunnelbuilder.archive. Visit http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/hahn/headlines/news/detail/index_en.cfm?LAN=EN&id=1494&lang=en. 25/14.