The conference dates are 11th & 12th April 2019 and its being run by Enigma Cg.
With over 25 live tenders for construction/development of
new tunnels in just Spain, Switzerland Italy and Belgium, it is safe to say
that tunnel construction/ development is growing at a very fast rate.
EnigmaCG’s 4th Annual Conference on Innovation in Tunnels:
Construction, Maintenance, Safety & Fire Protection touches on all aspects
of a tunnel.
Innovation and the emerging of new technologies that go along with
a tunnel will always be highly sought after to ensure that not just newly
developed but also existing tunnels adhere to these best practices.
To further increase awareness of the issues surrounding
Tunnels - Construction, Maintenance, Safety & Fire Protection, we are
delighted to extend to you and your organisation an introductory price of 499
Euro per delegate if you register by 30th November 2018. Drop an email to to enjoy the special rates. 45/18.