NASTT’s No-Dig Show - Postponed
Due to the COVID-19 response situation going on throughout the United States and Canada, the 2020 NASTT’s No-Dig Show, originally scheduled for April 5-9 in Denver, Colorado, has been postponed. Visit
Tunnel Safety & Ventilation Conference - Postponed
In light of the COVID-19 situation the 10th International Conference Tunnel Safety & Ventilation has been postponed from 21-22/04/2020 to 01-03/12/2020. Visit
Expominas - Postponed
The International Fair on mining sector originally scheduled for April15-17 in Quito (Ecuador) has been postponed due to the COVID-19. Visit
EnigmaCG’s 6th Annual Conference on Innovation in Tunnels - Postponed
The 6th Innovation in Tunnels originally scheduled on 01-02/04/2020, in recognition to the growing health risks worldwide as well as the imposed travel bans in the EU related to the COVID-19 virus, has been postponed towards the end of 2020. Visit 14/20.