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Slovakia, Kosice - sk/21


Closing Date: 15.06.2020 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 15/06/2020, for the construction of the R2 Roznava Jablonov nad Turnou highway, including the 4248 m single tube Soroska tunnel, with an escape gallery. Value of the contract is EUR243.15 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1825 days. For tender documents click here where tender must be sent. Contact Narodna Dianicn Spolocnost, attn Lukas Vitek, Bratislava, tel  +421 258311048, email lukas.vitek@ndsas.sk.  For further tender information please  click here, here, here, here and here. Ref.n. 5934. 20/20.


Postponed from 15/06/2020 to 15/07/2020 the deadline  of the open invitation to tender for the construction of the R2 Roznava Jablonov and Turnou highway, including the 4248 m single tube Soroska tunnel, with an escape gallery. Value of the contract is EUR243.15 million, excluding VAT.

The duration of the contract is 1825 days. For tender documents click here where tender must be sent. Contact Narodna Dianicn Spolocnost, attn Lukas Vitek, Bratislava, tel  +421 258311048, email lukas.vitek@ndsas.sk.  For further tender information please  click here. Ref.n. 5934. 25/20.


Slovakia, Presov - sk/20


Closing Date: 27.02.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, closing date 27.02.2018, for the construction of the first 4.3km of the North Bypass R4 for Prestov, including the 1155m bi-tube Bikos tunnel. This will connect the I/68 Sabinov – Presov road and the D1 motorway. Value of the contract is EUR168.98 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1340 days. Contact Narodna Dianicn Spolocnost, Bratislava, attn Lukas Vitek, tel  +421 258311048, email lukas.vitek@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=517099-2017and


Ref.n. OVVO R4 Presov. 06/18.


Slovakia, Presov - sk/19


Closing Date: 29.06.2015 (Tender Closed)

Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 29.06.2015, for the construction of the south-west D1 by-pass of Presov, including the 2 km-long bi-tube Presov road tunnel. Value of contract EUR369,506,890, excluding VAT, duration 49 months from award. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnost, a.s.), attn Lukas Vitek, Bratislava-Ruzinov, tel +421 258311048, e-mail lukas.vitek@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=199022-2015, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190059-2015 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=409968-2014. 26/15.


The consortium led by Eurovia and which includes Doprastav and Metrostav Slovakia has won a €356m (£302m) contract to build a new 8km section of the D1 motorway near Presov, in eastern Slovakia. The motorway will connect Austria to the west and Ukraine to the east.

The contract covers the construction of a 2.2km tunnel, 18 bridges and 6km of noise barriers. Eurovia will be leading the construction work, which will begin this summer and is scheduled to be completed in 2021. Visit http://www.eurovia.com/media/5628017/cp-slovaquie_d1_va.pdf. 16/17.


Slovakia, Nove Mesto/Puchov - sk/17


Award of contract to OHL ZS of Brno, Czech Republic, value EUR264 million excluding VAT, for upgrading of 58.6 km of rail lines Nove Mesto nad Vahom to Puchov to 160 km/h, including new twin-track tunnel between Nove Mesto and Trencianske Bohuslavice. More from Herr Richter at OHL ZS in Brno, tel +420 602781929, e-mail richter@ohlzs.cz and from Jozef Tvrdon at ZSR in Bratislava, tel +421 220297434, e-mail tvrdon.jozef@zsr.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=246678-2009. 37/09.


Slovakia, Mengusovce-Janovce - sk/16


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15th November, 2004 for construction of Mengusovce-Janovce section on motorway D1, including the 2 x 996 m Borik tunnel. The tunnel, which will carry two lanes per tube, will cross the Kozie chrbty mountain range, spreading in a north-west direction from Svit towards Mengusovce. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=159180-2004, OJ S 187, or contact Slovenska sprava ciest, Bratislava, fax +421 255568013. E-mail martin.nemeth@ssc.sk 41/04.


Cengiz Isaat sanayi ve Ticaret AS  from Uskudar, Istanbul, secured the EUR98.55 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the second tube (East Tube) of the 8km  Karavanke/Karawanken tunnel linking the Slovenian A2 and Austrian A11 motorways. Contact  Dars, attn Metka Celestina Cesnovar, Celie, tel +386 13009959, email metka.celestina@dars.si. For tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 000133/2019. 06/20.


Slovakia, Bratislava - sk/15


First $500 million, 10.65 km phase of planned 33.2 km system in design from Janikov Dvor to Trnavske Myto with 4.4 km twin 4.65 m-internal diameter running tunnels in tertiary and quaternary sediments from Chorvatske Rameno to Hlavna Stanica using 5.25 m-diameter slurry shield with disc cutters and crusher. NATM single tube planned for 825 m section in granodiorite north of river between Hlavna Stanica and Trnavske Myto. Depths of 13 m to 24 m, with 17 m cover beneath River Danube. Six cut-and-cover stations. Design consultant Dopravoprojekt AS and main contractor Metro Bratislava AS. Visit www.dopravoprojekt.sk November 2000.


Slovakia, Zilina - sk/14



The Slovak government has awarded to the consortium composed of FCC Construccií³n SA, Alpine Bau GmbH, Hochtief PPP Solutions GmbH and Carpatian Western Motorway Investors Company, the construction and operation of various sections of the motorway D1, along Hricovské Podhradie e Dubna Skala, northern Slovakia, near the city of Zilina. The total length of 25 km includes over 10 km of tunnels, of which 7.46 km-long ViÅ¡nové tunnel is the longest. Contract value EUR1.9 billion includes maintenance for 30 years. Click here for tunnel map. Visit www.ndsas.sk, www.fccco.es, www.alpine.at and www.hochtief-pppsolutions.com. 05/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.01.2012, for construction of 15 km of D1 motorway between Hubova and Ivachnova, near Ruzomberok, in Zilina region including 2,026 m-long Cebrat tunnel. Contract value EUR465.7 million excluding VAT. Time limit for accessing documents 31.10.2011. Further information, specs and docs from Ing. Adriana Drevova, Nds AS, Bratislava, tel. +421 2583110-50, fax -56, e-mail adriana.drevova@ndsas.sk, to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=319284-2011. 42/11.


The consortium composed of four partner companies: Doprastav (32 percent), Vahostav (32 percent), Strabag s.r.o. (32 percent) and Metrostav (4 percent) has signed the EUR427 million contract to build the 11 km-long section between Hricovske Podhradie and Lietavska Lucka of the D1 motorway in northern Slovakia. The contract comprises eleven bridges and two tunnels, Ovciarsko (2,367 m) and Zilina (687 m), as well as all access roads. Construction will take 48 months. Read the press release. Visit www.ndsas.sk/useky-hricovske-podhradie---lietavska-lucka/44223s469c and www.strabag.com. 51/13.


Pre-information notice for supervision services during construction of Lietavska Lucka–Visnove–Dubna Skala section, highway D1. Value of contract EUR12,999,731.98, excluding VAT. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnost, a.s.), attn Alena Stukova, Bratislava-Ruzinov, tel +421 258311055, e-mail alena.stukova@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=217679-2015. 26/15.


The JV Skanska SK as (Bratislava), Skanska as (Prague 8), Skanska Społka Akcyjna (Warsaw) secured the EUR 254.84 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the 13.43 km motorway D1 Lietavska Lucka Visnove Dubna Skala, including the 7.5km Visnove tunnel. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnosť, a.s.), attn Lukas Vitek, Bratislava, tel +421 258311048, email  lukas.vitek@ndsas.sk. For further on the TED tender, please click here. 21/21. 



Competitive dialogue, deadline 11/05/2020, for the construction of the 13.43 km motorway D1 Lietavska Lucka Visnove Dubna Skala, including the 7.5km Visnove tunnel. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 260.92 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1095 days. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnosť, a.s.), attn Lukas Vitek, Bratislava, tel +421 258311048, email  lukas.vitek@ndsas.sk. For further on TED tender, please click here, here, here and here. 18/20. 


Competitive dialogue, deadline 25/10/2022, for the design and implementation of technological equipment of the 7.5km Visnove tunnel, including the information system of the D1 Lietavska Lucka – Visnove - Dubna Skala highway section. Click here for tender documents and  here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR71.46 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 730 days. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnosť, a.s.), attn Maria Kokindova, Bratislava, tel +421 258311120, email  maria.kokindova@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=411140-2022. Ref.n. 10301/2022/04. 30/22. 



Postponed to 30/11/2022 the deadline of the competitive dialogue for the design and implementation of technological equipment of the 7.5km Visnove tunnel, including the information system of the D1 Lietavska Lucka – Visnove - Dubna Skala highway section. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 71.46 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 730 days. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnosť, a.s.), attn Maria Kokindova, Bratislava, tel +421 258311120, email  maria.kokindova@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=632208-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=573889-2022. Ref.n. 10301/2022/04. 46/22.  



Postponed to 22/12/2022 the deadline of the competitive dialogue for the design and implementation of technological equipment of the 7.5km Visnove tunnel, including the information system of the D1 Lietavska Lucka – Visnove - Dubna Skala highway section. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 71.46 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 730 days. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnosť, a.s.), attn Maria Kokindova, Bratislava, tel +421 258311120, email  maria.kokindova@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=690089-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=669624-2022. Ref.n. 10301/2022/04. 50/22.   



Postponed from 22/12/2022 to 31/01/2023 the deadline of the competitive dialogue for the design and implementation of technological equipment of the 7.5km Visnove tunnel, including the information system of the D1 Lietavska Lucka – Visnove - Dubna Skala highway section. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 71.46 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 730 days. Contact NDSAS (Narodna dialnicna spolocnosť, a.s.), attn Maria Kokindova, Bratislava, tel +421 258311120, email  maria.kokindova@ndsas.sk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=714437-2022. Ref.n. 10301/2022/04. 01/23.  



Slovakia, Bratislava - sk/13


  Tendering for 1.5 km-long twin-tube Sitina D2 tunnel in faulted granite due year 2000. Consultant Terraprojekt for Slovak Roads Administration. August 1999.  A Skanska / Taisei Corporation joint venture has won the contract to build the Sitina twin tunnel in Bratislava for Slovenska sprava ciest, the Slovakian road administration. The tunnel will link the highways D1 to Brno and D2 to Vienna. The two tunnel tubes will each be 1,450 m in length. The project also includes three multi-level interchanges, connecting roads and six bridges. The contract is valued at SKr770 million. The project will be carried out by Skanska's Czech subsidiary, Skanska CZ, in a 50/50 consortium with Taisei. The tunnel construction is being financed through loans from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). Work will begin in April, with completion scheduled for March 2007. NATM to be used. Visit www.skanska.com, www.taisei.co.jp/english/index.html and www.ssc.sk 14/03.Twin-tube Sitina tunnel being driven as top heading and bench in tectonically disrupted crystalline rocks consisting of biotite and mica granodiorites with some granite and pegmatite veins by subcontractor Bespa. Full excavation sections up to 100 sq m with 25-54 m between axes. Five crosspassages to be excavated. False tunnels well advanced at north end. Atlas Copco drillrigs and Meyco Potenza shotcrete jumbos. Visit www.banske-stavby.sk and www.boomer-rig.com 49/04.Contracting jv of Skanska and Taisei, with Banske Stavby subsidiary Bespa as subcontractor driving 1.4 km-long twin-tube Sitina tunnel on motorway D2 on curved alignment at up to 100 sq m section in crystalline rock. NATM techniques in five classes, using drill/blast for classes 1-3 and mechanical excavation with invert arch for classes 4-5. Umbrella drilling throughout alignment using Boodex and Symmetrix systems due to shallow overburden and blocky ground. Visit www.banske-stavby.sk and www.atlascopco.com 18/05.


Slovakia, Bratislava - sk/12

Light Metro

Revival of pre-partition scheme for 9.7 km automated system costing $450 million from Petrzalka across the Danube river to the city centre for completion 2003. Possible extensions already on the drawing board: 3.9 km to Ruzinov; and 18.9 km from Dubravka to Raca. December 1997.


Slovakia, Branisko - sk/11


  Pilot drives for twin-tube 4.8 km Branisko and 2.185 km Ovoiarsko road tunnels under way, and site investigation in progress for 7.4 km Visonovo Martin tunnel, longest in country. May 1998.  On D1 highway from Bratislava to Jilina in north central region, first of two 4.8 km tubes has been completed and concrete lining is in progress using formworks. Four Atlas Copco Boomer 352s were employed in south tube, two in top headings and two on benches, for a full arched section of 96 sq m in granite with primary support of bolts and shotcrete. Original pilot drive retained for use as emergency escape route until north tube is driven, possibly in 2010. The 20-year plan for Slovakia shows a demand for 21 tunnels with a total length of 42.3 km. December 1999.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/02/2020, for the upgrading of fixed firefighting equipment in the 4,975 m Branisko tunnel  on D1 highway from Beharovce to Fricovc. For tender documents please click here  where tenders have to be sent. Value of the contract is EUR1,545,000, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 24 months. Contact Narodna dialnicna spolocnost AS, attn Andrea Szollosyova, Bratislava, tel +421 258311763, email andrea.szollosyova@ndsas.sk.  For further tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 60302/2019/11.  05/20.


Deltech AS from  Liptovsky Mikulas secured the EUR3.75 million contract,

excluding VAT, for the upgrading of Closed-circuit television equipment in

the 4,975 m Branisko tunnel  on D1 highway from Beharovce to Fricovc.

Contact Narodna dialnicna spolocnost AS, attn Eng, Karol Bartalos,

Bratislava, tel +421 258311730, email karol.bartalos@ndsas.sk.  For tender information please click here . f.n. 60303/2015/58.  09/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 14/03/2025, for maintenance, technical inspections and repair of the Branisko (4975 m) and Sibenik (588 m) tunnels and of technological equipment on the Janovce Svinia section of the D1 motorway. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders have to be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 15.01 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 4 years. Contact Narodna dialnicna spolocnost AS, attn Ing Katarina Andrascikova, Bratislava, tel +421258311580, email katarina.andrascikova@ndsas.sk. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/ 98295-2025. Ref.n. 23/10301/2024. 08/25.
