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Sweden, Västra Götaland County - se/27


Negotiated procedure, deadline 18th February, 2002 for the construction of a double tunnel, 2.3 km for the west tube and 1.2 km for the east tube, on the northern line between Gothenburg and Norway. VBB Viak worked as consulting engineers on the project. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 10, document 7689-2002 or contact Banverket, Gothenburg, fax +46 31103251. E-mail regionvastra@banverket.se 04/02.NCC has been commissioned by Banverket, the Swedish railway administration, to build a tunnel in the bedrock between Oxnered and Trollhattan, western Sweden. The order is worth SEK355 million.The assignment will involve the construction of a 3.6 km double-track bedrock tunnel and two parallel evacuation tunnels with separate exits that will have a combined length of 2 km. A total of approximately 500,000 cubic metres of rock will be blasted. The rock quality in the area is such that a portion of the excavated rock will be used as macadam for the railway tracks. The selected method is drill-and-blast. Continuous pre-injection will be conducted to reduce leakage of groundwater into the tunnel. Cement-based substances will be used for this process. Work to begin in October 2002 with an estimated construction period is about 2.5 years. Visit www.ncc.info and www.banverket.se 44/02.The 108 sq m single-tube, twin-track running tunnel is being excavated by NCC using drill/blast on a north-south alignment in granite gneiss from four faces, using three Atlas Copco three-boom drillrigs. Full-circle cement pregrouting is being carried out from 30 off 20 m-long holes drilled ahead of each face, under the protection of which 15 m increments are advanced using Dyno emulsion. One complete cycle/week/face is being achieved. Water ingress limit of 3.5-2.5 lit/min/100 m of tunnel imposed by client Banverket. The 2.2 km-long x 27 sq m rescue tunnel is being excavated simultaneously. More from goran.manell@ncc.se or visit www.boomer-rig.com 10/04.Banverket, the Swedish rail administration, has awarded Bergab a SEK6.1 million contract to act as chief manager for the 7.6 km Hede-í„lvängen railway section on the line from Göteborg to Trollhättan (75 km) and to Norway, a project named the Väner rail line, which includes the 1.8 km Kattleberg twin track tunnel. Banverket Projektering will be the deputy chief manager for SEK5.8 million. The Vänern rail route to Norway is being expanded to a two-track railway dimensioned for speeds of up to 250 km/h. The entire route from Göteborg to Trollhättan will be completed by 2012. Visit www.bergab.se and www.banverket.se/sv/Banverket-projektering.aspx 41/08.


Sweden, Halland and Scania - se/26


  Negotiated contract for technical consulting to complete the 16 km Hallandsí¥s tunnel. Work was stopped in 1997 while 5.5 km had been bored. Tunnelling planned to resume in autumn 2002 and to last 5 years. Banverket considers TBM excavation as the best option due to less water leakage but final decision to be made by the contractor that will be chosen early 2002. Whatever the method is, Banverket demands the remaining 11.5 km to be lined. Cost estimated at SKr4-4.5 billion. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int, document S 218-150308 or contact Banverket, Bí¥stad, fax +46 431 442027. Also visit www.banverket.se/hallandsas 48/01. Cowi has signed a DKK10 million contract to supervise the TBM which will drill under high water pressures through the Halland Ridge. Cowi will also supervise the concrete segmental lining to keep the tunnel waterproof and dry. The first attempt in 1993 ended when the TBM was stopped because it had stuck in soft rock. The second attempt, using the drill/blast method, resulted in water ingress and a serious groundwater contamination by a poisonous chemical grout used to prevent water ingress. The project expects to receive environmental approval before the summer. The tunnel will cost about SEK6.5 billion. Visit www.cowi.dk and www.banverket.se 24/02.The Swedish Rail Administration has awarded the contract to complete construction of the 8.6 km tunnel through the Hallandsí¥s Ridge between Bí¥stad and Förslöv to a consortium of Skanska and Vinci. The contract is valued at approximately SEK3.7 billion (€406 million). Skanska's share is 60% and Vinci's 40%. One-third of the 8.6 km tunnel has already been built.The contract is conditional on the Swedish environmental court approving a water leakage request and a building permission from the municipality of Bí¥stad. Skanska began work on the tunnel in 1992 but the project was stopped in 1997 after some 2,000 tons of a caulking product containing acrylic acid leaked and contaminated the groundwater. Skanska and two of its executives were found guilty of negligence by a Swedish court in January. Since 1997 however, Skanska has worked intensely to develop its environmental expertise and quality work. This has resulted in Skanska being the first international construction group to be certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard. Construction will be carried out using a TBM and lining with precast concrete segments, a method not used previously in Sweden. It is expected to start in spring 2003. Visit www.banverket.se, www.skanska.se/projekthallandsas and www.vinci.com 46/02.The inner diameter of the Hallandsas tunnel is 9.04 m and outer diameter is 10.12 m. Very varied geology, mainly gneiss but also amphibolites and dolerites. The weathering and fracturing scales are going respectively from fresh to completely weathered and from low to highly fractured. High water inflow is expected. The maximum allowed average water inflow, during 30 days, is 100 l/sec. The Skanska / Vinci JV will use an Herrenknecht hard rock TBM with two different operating modes, open and closed mode (slurry mode). The diameter of the cutting head is 10.6 m. The shield weighs 1,200 tons and is 12 m long. The back-up is 200 m long. 19,000-ton thrust available. Designed to withstand 15 bar water pressure and to excavate under 8 bar and exceptionally under 13 bar pressure. The TBM is equipped with pre-drilling equipment to do probe drilling and grouting through the shield or the cutter head. The tunnel will be lined with 54 cm-thick concrete rings consisting of eight 2.2 m-long segments. Backfilling with mortar or pea gravel. Belt conveyor working during open mode excavation and a slurry system for the closed mode operation. The TBM will be assembled within an assembly chamber, 16 m wide x 18 m high x 30 m long, to be excavated by the drill/blast method. Cross passages at every 500 m maximum, also excavated by drill/blast. There will also be a disassembly chamber at the end of the tunnel. Half way on the alignment, there is a 900 m-long access tunnel built in the nineties by the former contractor to speed up the drill/blast progress used then. This access will be used for maintenance of the TBM. The TBM is planned to start in the late summer 2005 and completion is August 2010. Visit www.banverket.se/templates/NyheterTH____2835.asp and www.herrenknecht.com 26/04.Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 26th June, 2008 for a TBM inspector for the Hallandsí¥s project. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154895-2008, OJ S 116, or contact Banverket, Gävle, fax +46 26144042. E-mail upphandling.gavle@banverket.se 26/08.Sweco Infrastructure pocketed a contract to be TBM inspector for the Hallandsí¥s project. Visit www.swecogroup.com 38/08.The Skanska-led consortium Skanska-Vinci HB's contract to construct the dual-track Hallandsí¥s railway tunnel on the west coast line has been extended. Skanska's share of the increased contract amounts to SEK600 million. The customer is Banverket, the Swedish railway administration. The new contract is due to the complicated rock structure at Hallandsí¥s, which could not be foreseen. As a result, tunnel drilling equipment is wearing more than anticipated, while progress is taking longer. Approximately 57% of the main tunnel is now constructed and Skanska-Vinci's portion of the work is expected to be completed in 2014. The Skanska-Vinci joint venture considers to have a functioning technical solution and that the project can be executed in an environmentally safe manner. Click here. Visit www.banverket.se/hallandsas 42/08.


Sweden, Gothenburg - se/25

Light Rail

Twin tunnels, 1.1 km 40 sq m, drilled/blasted in rock between Södra vägen and Chalmers to be completed end of the year on the Kringen project. Contractor is Selmer Skanska and client is Trafikkontoret. Visit www.selmer.se and www.trafikkontoret.goteborg.se 46/01.


Sweden, Frillesí¥s - se/24


Notice of intention to construct 1.85 km-long Aasa tunnel. Contact Banverket, Gothenburg, fax +46 31 103251. Visit www.banverket.se 34/01. Banverket plan to complete remaining 11 km of 16 km-long tunnel accepted by government, but refinancing and environmental permissions may take another year. Restart expected mid-2003. Visit www.banverket.se 36/01. Prequalification for removal of 250,000 cu m of blast rock at í…sa tunnel on the Malmö-Gothenburg railway. Project planned to start in 2002. The í…sa tunnel will be a drill/blast 115 sq m single tube with a 20 sq m parallel service tunnel. Visit http://ted.eur-op.int document S 177-122085. Contact Banverket, Gothenburg, fax +46 31 104750 or visit www.banverket.se 41/01.Construction of the 1.8 km í…sa tunnel on the Lekarekulle-Frillesí¥s line has been awarded to Lemminkäinen. Visit www.banverket.se and www.lemminkainen.fi 24/02.


Sweden, Solna - se/23

Cable Duct

Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 28th August, 2001, for 2.45 km-long x 18 sq m cable tunnel with 27 sq m access tunnel for Solna Stad, fax +46 8 7342553. Visit www.svk.se 31/01.


Sweden, Enskede - se/22


Open invitation to tender, deadline 6th February, 2001, for engineering and design of 1.4 km road tunnel. Contact fax +46 8 5082 6928 or visit www.vv.se 02/01.Award of design contract for 1.4 km-long tunnel on Stockholm outer ring road to Sycon-Stockholm Konsult. Visit www.vv.se 30/01.


Sweden, Gothenburg - se/21


Tunnel contract value $15 million awarded by Vagverket to Skanska 28th June, 2000. More details from tore.sandstrom@vv.se or visit www.vv.se August 2000.Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.03.2009, for upgrading of Gnistangs tunnel, starting 20.04.2009 for completion 15.07.2009. Command and control system, instrumentation,telecomms, traffic monitoring and guidance equipment all required, together with necessary tunnel work for installation. Specs, docs, and further information from Marlene Hansson at Vagverket, tel +46 3163 5167, e-mail marlene.hansson@vv.se to whom tenders and requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040771-2009 07/09.


Contract to upgrade Gnistangs tunnel in Gothenburg awarded to Svevia AB of Hisings-Backa, tel +46 84041000, e-mail peter.ax@svevia.se, value EUR1.6 million. More details from Marlene Hansson at Vaegverket in Gothenburg, tel +46 31635167, e-mail marlene.hansson@vv.se. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=131712-2009 20/09.


Elektro Emanuel AB of Veddige secured the EUR394,855 contract, excluding VAT, for upgrading of electric power systems and associated control equipment in the bi-tube 715 m-long Gnistangs tunnel in Gothenburg. Contact Trafikverket, attn Emma Stenman, Borlange, tel +46 771921921, e-mail emma.stenman@trafikverket.se. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=51519-2015. Ref.n. TRV 2014/72582. 08/15.


Sweden, Aspo - se/20

Nuclear Waste Repository

Drillcon reports successful completion of 12 x 9 m-diameter test holes in 190 Mpa granite at repository 400 m below surface using 1.8 m-diameter Robbins SBM launched vertically from 5 m-diameter access tunnel. Using 170 bar pressure, or 7 t per cutter, and rotational speed of 8 rev/min, penetration rates of 1 m/h were achieved with high accuracy. Spent fuel in copper canisters will now be placed in the holes and the annuli packed with bentonite. The area will be closed off and studied for 10 years before a decision is made to proceed with the 4,000 holes that will be required for permanent storage of Sweden's nuclear waste stockpile. Visit www.drillcon.se April 2000.


Sweden, Helsingborg - se/19


Feasibility study by Scandiaconsult and Cowi has proposed a second, single-tube, rail-only Oresund link between Helsingborg, Sweden and Helsingor, Denmark. The job could be completed for less than $1 billion by using a combination of cut-and-cover and immersed tube at the coasts, linked by a 4 km-long, 8.4 m-diameter bored central section. Geology is chalk, limestone and sand. Decision expected 2002 for entry into service 2009. Contact at www.cowi.dk or www.scc.se March 2000.Open call for tenders, deadline 26th June, 2006 for geotechnical and geological consultancy for a station and railway tunnel in central Helsingborg. The tunnel is composed of a north section (3.3 km) and a south section (1,330 m) and would be connected to the HH tunnel across the Oresund strait to Helsingor in Denmark (read E-News Weekly 13/2006). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082203-2006, OJ S 78, or contact Helsingborg Stad, Helsingborg, fax +46 702242208. E-mail borge.knutsson@helsingborg.se 20/06.


Sweden, Halmstad - se/18

Gas Storage

  Vertical cylindrical cavern 50 m high x 35 m diameter with spherical domed roof and rounded base in 180 Mpa gneiss with some amphibolite with 115 m rock cover under construction by Skanska. Around I km of access tunnels at 28 sq m cross-section and 1:7 downgrade driven using Atlas Copco Robot Boomer 185 and Stabilator shotcrete jumbos. Surface connecting shaft raise bored at 1 m diameter. Contract value $21 million for completion late-2001. Cavern will be steel lined to store 10 million cu m of gas at 25 Mpa pressure. Visit www.skanska.com June 2000.
