On the 12.03.2016 the SR99 TBM Bertha reached its last maintenance stop. Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) will take up to one month to inspect the TBM and provide any maintenance that is needed. Some scheduled work is involved and will include performing hyperbaric interventions, inspecting the cutterhead and the main drive unit and the screw conveyor. There will be replacement of cutting tools as well as extending the conveyor belt and the high-voltage cable.
WSDOT plans to close the Alaskan Way Viaduct for approximately two weeks to allow the machine to pass beneath the structure. Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) has now mined a total of 475.49 m. Click here and us/69 for the tunnelbuilder archive. Visit http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/. 13/16.
14.03.2025 Slovakia
17.03.2025 Norway
17.03.2025 France
19.03.2025 Germany
19.03.2025 Norway
21.03.2025 Spain
24.03.2025 Romania
24.03.2025 Greece
24.03.2025 Austria
24.03.2025 Croatia
26.03.2025 Finland
27.03.2025 Spain
28.03.2025 France
31.03.2025 Sweden
01.04.2025 Germany
01.04.2025 Poland
04.04.2025 Austria
07.04.2025 France
07.04.2025 Spain
08.04.2025 Netherlands
11.04.2025 Switzerland
14.04.2025 Switzerland
25.04.2025 Norway
16.05.2025 Switzerland