Shotcrete Technologies Inc

As a knowledgeable and experienced shotcrete partner, Shotcrete Technologies Inc has been providing quality products and services to the world's tunnelling industry for a quarter of a century.

Shotcrete Technologies professionals are involved from start to finish of every project, working on every aspect of specification, mix design and material handling logistics to ensure the most efficient and cost-effective application of shotcrete.

The Shotcrete Technologies line of quality products includes the SHOT-TECH ROBOTIC ARM, the industry standard Shot-Set 250 liquid accelerator, the new ST-ALKALI FREE ACCELERATOR, the Shot-Tech Waterline (a geotextile waterproofing membrane for use with shotcrete), Shot-Tech Nozzles Assemblies, and Superplasticisers, retarders and other additives.

Applications include highway, railway, metro and hydro tunnels; mines; slope stabilization; building foundations; and concrete repair and restoration.

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Click on the images to enlarge

Shotcrete Technologies personnel are well-versed in modern techniques, including robotic spraying arms, silica fume, fibre reinforced shotcrete, polymer shotcrete, NATM, ground support systems, and material handling and transport.
The company has recently been involved in major tunnelling projects such as the Red Line Hollywood station in Los Angeles, US; San Roque irrigation tunnels in the Philippines; Tren Urbano metro in Puerto Rico; and Wine Caves in California, US. Shotcrete Technologies products are also in extensive use on mines in Australia, Peru and the US.

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A typical Shotcrete Technologies response concerned the 11.4 km-long Trasvases Manabi water transfer tunnel in Ecuador, which was driven in record time by Brazilian contractor Odebrecht. In order to maximize the advantage of early completion of the tunnel, it was necessary to speed up the erection of the spillway walls of the Conguillo Dam portion of the works. Shotcrete Technologies pulled together all of the necessary logistics, including application experts, mix designs, local supplies of sand, aggregate and plasticizer, and training of operatives.
Subsequently, some 180 cu m/day of 32 Mpa shotcrete was placed, using two pumps on two shifts. A total of over 6,000 cu m was placed in half the time it would have taken to install conventional concrete shuttered walls. As a result, project completion was advanced sufficiently to catch an extra rainy season, to the immense benefit of the local Ecuadorean economy.

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Click on the images to enlarge

Shotcrete Technologies Inc, 1431 Miner Street, PO Box 3274, Idaho Springs, CO 80452, USA, tel +1 303 567 4871, fax +1 303 567 4605, e-mail or visit


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